Sis, vuit o dotze anys després de la Guerra de Secessió, un diligència avança a tota velocitat pel hivernal paisatge de Wyoming. Els passatgers, el caça-recompenses John Ruth i la seva fugitiva Daisy Domergue, intenten arribar ràpidament al poble de Xarxa Rock, on Ruth, conegut en aquests lares com "el Botxí", lliurarà a Domergue a la justícia . Per camí, es troben dos desconeguts: el major Marquis Warren, una antiga soldat negre de la Unió convertit en caça-recompenses de mala reputació, i Chris Mannix, un renegat del sud que afirma ser el nou xèrif del poble. Com un torb està a punt d'aconseguir-los, Ruth, Domergue, Warren i Mannix es refugien en la Merceria de Minnie, una parada per diligències d'un port de muntanya. Quan arriben al local de Minnie, en lloc de rebre'ls seva propietària, es topen amb quatre cares desconegudes

Spike Lee pays tribute to Michael Jackson's Bad on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the epochal album, offering behind-the-scenes footage of Jackson recording the album and interviews with confidants, musicians, choreographers, and such music-world superstars as Kanye West, Sheryl Crow, Cee Lo Green and Mariah Carey.

Something terrible is happening in class 3A at Calmecatl Junior High. No one can leave the classroom until the guilty party is found. This is the device that gives us a glimpse of the ethics, games, esthetics and eroticism of these girl-women. It is not easy to say what the subject is, there are so many: the discovery of sexuality, discrimination, chance, drugs, maternity, traditions, betrayals, power, love. A mural of a complex reality from the point of view of twenty-something women in the skin of 14 to 15 year old girls.

A murder forces Juan "El Coyote" and Trinidad "La Bronca" to escape from a life of easy money and prostitution and become a real couple.

12-year-old David is accidentally knocked out in the forest near his home, but when he awakens eight years have passed. His family is overjoyed to have him back, but is just as perplexed as he is that he hasn't aged. When a NASA scientist discovers a UFO nearby, David gets the chance to unravel the mystery and recover the life he lost.

La vigília del 4 de juliol, unes gegantines naus espacials apareixen al cel. L'estupor inicial es converteix en terror en veure com aquestes ataquen el planeta llançant raigs destructius a les ciutats més grans de tot el món. Ara l'única esperança per a la salvació de la terra és la voluntat d'alguns supervivents, que s'uneixen planejant l'últim atac massiu contra els alienígenes, abans que sigui massa tard per a la humanitat.

Rose, a desperate mother takes her adopted daughter, Sharon, to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a violent car crash, Sharon disappears and Rose begins a desperate search to get her back. She descends into the center of the twisted reality of a town's terrible secret. Pursued by grotesquely deformed creatures and townspeople stuck in permanent purgatory, Rose begins to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic disaster that burned the town 30 years earlier.

By his dying father's last wish Joe is sent to the Wild West to become a real guy. The dreamy young man despises guns and fights likes poems and prefers bicycles to horses. Now his three teachers footpads all of them shall teach him otherwise. This doesn't work until Joe has to defend himself against gunman Morton who's jealous of Joe's love to rancher Ohlsen's beautiful daughter.

After being evicted from their Manhattan apartment, a couple buy what looks like the home of their dreams—only to find themselves saddled with a bank-account-draining nightmare. Struggling to keep their relationship together as their rambling mansion falls to pieces around them, the two watch in hilarious horror as everything—including the kitchen sink—disappears into the Money Pit.

While delivering a parking ticket to a small village in the Florida everglades, Officer Dave Speed finds himself in the middle of a radiation experiment conducted by the American government and NASA, where a detonated nuclear missile gives him a multitude of superpowers.

Sis membres de la tripulació de l'Estació Espacial Internacional que estan a punt d'aconseguir un dels descobriments més importants a la història humana: la primera evidència de vida extraterrestre a Mart. A mesura que l'equip comença a investigar i els seus mètodes tenen conseqüències inesperades, la forma vivent demostrarà que és més intel·ligent del que qualsevol esperava.

Un ex-convicte vol venjar la mort del seu germà, qui va morir anys abans en un robatori. Un veterà policia, tot seguint els seus passos, intenta descobrir qui va ser el culpable de l'assassinat.

Damon and Steffen are paired up bounty hunters falsely accused of murder in a lawless town ruled by racketeering lawmen

While on his travel across the Southwestern United States, with his Jeep CJ Renegade and his chestnut colt named Joe Brown, Luke meets Matt, son of a friend of his, Moose, who is in jail. Moose asks Luke to take care of Matt, and to help him to take possession of a piece of land. So starts their travel, full of adventures...

High school senior Marlon Bowne is smitten with overachieving classmate Jessica Kailo. But, if he wants to have a shot with her, he'll have to find a way to get into Ramsey College, Jessica's top choice of schools. It won't be easy, since the college is highly selective and Marlon's grades are hardly impressive. That means the lovelorn teen will have to find a way to score high on the SATs and win over the college admissions committee.

Victims of oppressive town boss Honey are offered help by an unusual alliance of gunmen and circus performers

En Valentin D. és un dissenyador de molt d'èxit, especialment entre la classe alta parisenca, que es fa passar per orfe perquè s'avergonyeix de la seva família de classe treballadora del nord de França. Només la seva parella, la pretensiosa Constance Brandt, coneix el seu secret. En plena inauguració de la retrospectiva del dissenyador al Palau de Tòquio de París, es presenten per sorpresa els seus parents del nord: el seu germà, en Gustave, la seva cunyada, la Louloute, i sobretot la seva mare, la Suzanne, que es pensa que l'han portat a una festa per celebrar el seu 80è aniversari. Serà un retrobament familiar inoblidable, amb un xoc de cultures i de dialectes que sacsejarà la vida d'en Valentin.

A memory-wiped and defective cyborg sex slave is tossed onto the streets and taken in by a homeless woman while his corporate creators hunt him down.

El Ben Aronoff és un constructor d'èxit que ha de marxar de Nova Jersey per problemes amb la màfia. Disposat a iniciar una nova vida, s'instal·la amb la família a Miami, on queda tan fascinat per les embarcacions amb motor forabord que decideix crear una empresa de fabricació i venda d'aquests vaixells. El negoci va bé, esperonat per les victòries del Ben en el món de les carreres de motonàutica, però els mafiosos de qui es va voler distanciar tornen per reclamar-li deutes pendents.

When a team of techno-savvy thieves break into a high-security vault, they don't discover priceless works of art... they find a crypt unopened for 100 years.