In a village of the Po valley where the earth is hard and life miserly, the priest and the communist mayor are always fighting to be the head of the community. If in secret, they admired and liked each other, politics still divided them as it is dividing the country. And when the mayor wants his "People's House"; the priest wants his "Garden City" for the poor. Division exist between the richest and the poorest, the pious and the atheists and even between lovers. But if the people are hard as the country, they are good in the bottom of there heart.
French military man Adrien Dufourquet gets an eight-day furlough to visit his fiancée, Agnès. But when he arrives in Paris, he learns that her late father's partner, museum curator Professor Catalan, has just been kidnapped by a group of Amazon tribesmen who have also stolen a priceless statue from the museum. Adrien and Agnès pursue the kidnappers to Brazil, where they learn that the statue is the key to a hidden Amazon treasure.
In New York City, an insolent pickpocket, Skip McCoy, inadvertently sets off a chain of events when he targets ex-prostitute Candy and steals her wallet. Unaware that she has been making deliveries of highly classified information to the communists, Candy, who has been trailed by FBI agents for months in hopes of nabbing the spy ringleader, is sent by her ex-boyfriend, Joey, to find Skip and retrieve the valuable microfilm he now holds.
Einar, brutal son of Ragnar and future heir to his throne, tangles with Eric, a wily slave, for the hand of a beautiful English maiden.
When virtually all of the residents of Piedmont, New Mexico, are found dead after the return to Earth of a space satellite, the head of the US Air Force's Project Scoop declares an emergency. A group of eminent scientists led by Dr. Jeremy Stone scramble to a secure laboratory and try to first isolate the life form while determining why two people from Piedmont - an old alcoholic and a six-month-old baby - survived. The scientists methodically study the alien life form unaware that it has already mutated and presents a far greater danger in the lab, which is equipped with a nuclear self-destruct device designed to prevent the escape of dangerous biological agents.
Owen Thursday, general durant la Guerra civil (1861-1865) i recentment degradat, arriba a Fort Apatxe com a tinent coronel acompanyat de la seva bella filla Philadelphia per fer-se càrrec del comandament. Fort Apatxe, situat al mig del desert, és un lloc militar fronterer i els seus soldats estan bregats en les lluites contra els apatxes mescaleros.
Un thriller estrany que té lloc a la part de Londres que el turista no veu mai. El punt de vista correspon a un immigrant il·legal, Okwe, un nigerià que treballa com a xofer d’un minitaxi i com a recepcionista en un hotel menys que respectable...
Desembre del 1944. Cinc mesos després del Dia D, la majoria dels soldats nord-americans pensen que l'exèrcit alemany està acabat. Els alemanys no comparteixen aquesta opinió. En un intent de guanyar temps per omplir el cel amb els seus invencibles nous avions, llancen una ràpida, última i furiosa ofensiva: la batalla de les Ardenes.
Monsieur Bosquier, the owner of a private school, is far from pleased when his eldest son, Philippe, fails his end of year exams. He decides to send his wayward offspring to England to improve his English. In exchange, Philippe’s host, a wealthy whisky distiller, Mac Farrel, will send his daughter, Shirley, to live with the Bosquiers in France. However, Philippe has already decided to spend the summer holidays on a yacht with his friends, so he sends a fellow student, Michonnet, to England in his place. The deception is soon discovered but things go from bad to worse when Philippe and Shirley fall in love and fly to Scotland to get married...
Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...
El Coronel York combat els apatxes des del seu fort proper a la frontera amb Mèxic. El seu fill, que ha fracassat a West Pont, s'allista al seu regiment. Disposada a treure'l d'allà, també arriba al fort la dona de York. És el retrobament del matrimoni després de molts anys de separació. Enmig d'un conflicte familiar agre, la lluita contra els indis s'agreuja.
Follow the 10-year reunion of the Deadwood camp to celebrate South Dakota's statehood. Former rivalries are reignited, alliances are tested and old wounds are reopened, as all are left to navigate the inevitable changes that modernity and time have wrought.
Jake Cutter, un 'ranger' de Texas, arresta un jugador anomenat Paul Regret per portar-lo a la forca. Aviat, però, es trobarà fent equip amb ell en una altra difícil missió: acabar amb una banda de bandolers que es dediquen a proporcionar armes i licors als comanxes. L'última pel·lícula del llegendari cineasta hongarès Michael Curtiz ("Casablanca") va ser aquest western que va dirigir amb la seva habitual energia, només un any abans de la seva mort i malgrat tenir ja 75 anys. Atenció a Lee Marvin en un breu però intens paper de dolent que li va servir clarament com a inspiració per al de Liberty Valance, que va interpretar l'any següent.
Bob Jones és un executiu d'èxit a què la vida posarà a prova. Casat amb Gail, la felicitat li arriba amb la notícia del proper naixement del primer fill. Però l'alegria es tornarà en tristesa quan, després d'unes proves mèdiques, li comuniquen que pateix una malaltia greu i que potser no podrà arribar a conèixer el seu fill.
Un advocat implacable i de mal caràcter pateix un atracament i li disparen. A partir d'aquell moment, amnèsic, haurà de reconstruir la vida i els records amb l'ajuda de la família.
A Michigan farmer and a prospector form a partnership in the California gold country. Their adventures include buying and sharing a wife, hijacking a stage, kidnapping six prostitutes, and turning their mining camp into a boom town. Along the way there is plenty of drinking, gambling, and singing. They even find time to do some creative gold mining.
Popular comèdia dels anys vuitanta que té com a eix central una frenètica carrera de cotxes. Diversos personatges es reuneixen per competir en una important carrera automobilística transcontinental anomenada Cannonball. El motiu de la carrera és travessar de costa a costa els Estats Units, i no hi ha cap mena de regles ni normes. Els concursants faran tot el possible per guanyar la competició, i utilitzaran tota mena de trucs per acabar amb els seus contrincants.
Marine Sgt. Brandon Beckett, son of the U.S. Marine Corps' deadliest sniper, Thomas Beckett, must turn to his father's former protégé (Billy Zane) to track down and kill a mysterious sniper before he kills his next target.
During the reign of King Zhou, an official enters his bedchamber, and is devoured by the monstrous tails of Daji, his concubine. Outside their city, several warriors within a metal wagon discuss their strategies to free the Invisible People and their Chief, when Jiang Ziya appears to them. He tells them that when King Zhou was younger, he let himself become possessed by the Black Dragon for his quest for power.
Vincent and Nefeli just moved in together. They're best friends and swore to never fall in love again. That is until Vincent meets Julie.