Luke blir dømt til to års hardt straffearbeid. I leiren får fangene brutal behandling av sadistiske voktere, men Lukes ureddhet og styrke gjør ham raskt til lenkegjengens leder og opprører.

"Patton" tells the tale of General George S. Patton, famous tank commander of World War II. The film begins with Patton's career in North Africa and progresses through the invasion of Germany and the fall of the Third Reich. Side plots also speak of Patton's numerous faults such his temper and habit towards insubordination.

A drop-out from upper-class America picks up work along the way on oil-rigs when his life isn't spent in a squalid succession of bars, motels, and other points of interest.

On a stormy night, young Jim, who transports a luxury car from Chicago to California to deliver it to its owner, feeling tired and sleepy, picks up a mysterious hitchhiker, who has appeared out of nowhere, thinking that a good conversation will help him not to fall asleep. He will have enough time to deeply regret such an unmeditated decision.

A surreal adaptation of Sir Thomas Malory's "Le Morte d'Arthur", chronicling Arthur Pendragon's conception, his rise to the throne, the search by his Knights of the Round Table for the Holy Grail, and ultimately his death.

In 1909, two explorers fight to survive after they're left behind while on a Danish expedition in ice-covered Greenland.

In order to protect the reputation of the American space program, a team of NASA administrators turn the first Mars mission into a phony Mars landing. Under threat of harm to their families the astronauts play their part in the deception on a staged set in a deserted military base. But once the real ship returns to Earth and burns up on re-entry, the astronauts become liabilities. Now, with the help of a crusading reporter, they must battle a sinister conspiracy that will stop at nothing to keep the truth hidden.

When straight arrow FBI agent Roy Clayton heads up the investigation into a dangerous international conspiracy, all clues seem to lead back to former U.S. Special Operations officer Samir Horn.

Teenager Les Anderson thinks his life can't get any worse after he flunks his driver's exam, but he's wrong. Even though he didn't receive his license, Les refuses to break his date with the cool Mercedes Lane, and he decides to lift his family's prize luxury car for the occasion. Unfortunately, Mercedes sneaks some booze along and passes out drunk, and a confused Les makes the bad decision of enlisting his rebellious friend, Dean, to help.

Disgraced and cast out of his tribe for lusting after Lana, the mate of the tribe's head muscle man, Atouk stumbles along gathering other misfits and learning a bit about the world outside of his cave. Eventually he and friends Lar and Tala learn the secrets of fire, cooked meat, and how to defend themselves from the brutal, yet very stupid dinosaurs.

Best friends Alice and Darlene take a trip to Thailand after graduating high school. In Thailand, they meet a captivating Australian man, who calls himself Nick Parks. Darlene is particularly smitten with Nick and convinces Alice to take Nick up on his offer to treat the two of them to what amounts to a day trip to Hong Kong. In the airport, the girls are seized by the police and shocked to discover that one of their bags contains heroin.

Stige 49 fokuserer på livet til brannmannen Jack Morrison (Joaquin Phoenix) når den henger i balansen. I sin iver for å redde en fanget borger, blir Jack kastet inn i en dyp del av et lager som nå er forvandlet til en kittel med knitrende flammer, ugjennomtrengelig svart røyk og kollaps. Isolert fra all hjelp, kjemper Jack for å overleve, mens utenfor hans mentor og brannsjef, Mike Kennedy (John Travolta), sliter med å få sin beste venn ut i live. Mens de to mennene gjør et siste desperat trekk, gjennomgår Jack livet fra begynnelsen til dette forferdelige siste øyeblikket.

William has failed to kill himself so many times that he outsources his suicide to aging assassin Leslie. But with the contract signed and death assured within a week (or his money back), William suddenly discovers reasons to live... However Leslie is under pressure from his boss to make sure the contract is completed.

Simon Templar er mannen med mange ansikt, alle oppkalt etter katolske helgener. Helgenen er en internasjonal tyv, med arbeidsgivere over hele verden - og på konstant flukt fra sin egen tragiske fortid. Hos Interpol går Templar under navnet Helgenen, en tyv de kjenner fra hans oppdrag, men som de aldri har sett spor av. Dette er historien om ett av hans siste oppdrag får en selvutnevnt pensjonist-tilværelse.

The Soviets have developed a revolutionary new jet fighter, called 'Firefox'. Worried that the jet will be used as a first-strike weapon—as there are rumours that it is undetectable by radar—the British send ex-Vietnam War pilot, Mitchell Gant on a covert mission into the Soviet Union to steal the Firefox.

Maverick cop Orin Boyd always brings down the domestic terrorists he tracks, but he ruffles feathers with his unorthodox techniques -- and soon finds himself reassigned to the toughest district in Detroit. When he discovers a group of detectives secretly operating a drug ring, Boyd joins forces with an unlikely ally -- gangster Latrell Walker -- to bring down the rotten cops.

When former getaway driver Charlie Bronson jeopardises his Witness Protection Plan identity in order to help his girlfriend get to Los Angeles, the feds and Charlie's former gang chase them on the road.

Freddy er ute av stand til å overmanne Drømmemesteren som beseiret ham i Terror på Elm Street 4, så han hjemsøker de uskyldige drømmene til hennes ufødte barn og angriper vennene hennes med ren grusomhet. Vil barnet kunne reddes fra å bli Freddys nye våpen, eller vil galningen igjen blåse nytt liv i sin ondskapsfulle arv?

Two years after surviving alone on the hostile island of Val Verde, Jack Mimoun has become an adventure star. The book recounting his experience is a bestseller and his television show breaks audience records. He is then approached by the mysterious Aurélie Diaz who will bring Jack Mimoun back to Val Verde to train him in search of the legendary sword of the pirate La Buse. Accompanied by Bruno Quézac, the ambitious but reckless manager of Jack, and Jean-Marc Bastos, a mercenary as disturbed as he is unpredictable, our adventurers will embark on an incredible treasure hunt through the jungle of the island of thousand dangers.

A hiking trip into the wild turns into a desperate bid for survival for five friends on the run from a mysterious shooter.