Michel Gondry assembles alternate version of his The Science of Sleep from cut scenes and B-roll footage.

Històries independents a través de les quals Jim Jarmusch presenta el panorama nocturn de cinc grans ciutats (Los Angeles, Nova York, París, Roma i Hèlsinki), amb un taxi, i el que en ell hi passa des del vespre fins a la matinada d'un mateix dia.

Massachusetts, anys 80. Dicky Eklund, un boxejador conflictiu però amb talent, intenta redimir-se entrenant el seu germà petit. En els seus bons temps havia estat l'orgull de la ciutat de Lowell, a Massachusetts, per haver tombat una vegada el campió del món Sugar Ray Leonard; però després van venir els temps difícils en què es va enfonsar en una perillosa barreja de drogues i delinqüència. Mentrestant, el seu germà Micky Ward s'ha convertit en una promesa de la boxa, i les regnes de la seva carrera les porta la mare. Tot i això, malgrat el seu potent ganxo d'esquerres, sempre acaba derrotat. Després d'un combat que mai no es va haver de celebrar, Micky decideix seguir el consell de la seva nòvia Charlene i allunyar-se de la seva família.

Tres homes molt diferents es coneixen en compartir cel·la en una presó de Louisiana. Zack és un DJ; Jack, un xulo de pa sucat amb oli i Roberto, un turista italià.

Jeanne looks back on her love for Jean. The melancholic young man wouldn't accept the world as it was, always wishing to depart. She doesn't know that he's dead.

Dos amics i la cosina d'un d'ells, que acaba d'arribar als Estats Units des de Budapest, viuen a Florida diverses aventures. Popular pel·lícula del cinema independent dels anys vuitanta. Es va rodar en 18 dies amb un equip de només onze persones: tres actors i vuit tècnics.

Handed over to foster care by his mother—who's unwilling to give up permanent custody—the now-adolescent François understands that nothing in life is permanent, and his increasingly erratic actions reflect this knowledge.

Dr. Alexander Brown arrives in Las Vegas, awarded for his recent medical invention. An ex-G.I. tells Brown he was a test subject during the 1950's, exposed to atomic bomb radiation in the Nevada desert-- will Brown help the man uncover the truth? In 1950's Nevada, Brown is a young psychiatrist and a guest of the U.S. Army, where soldiers were routinely exposed to excessive radiation. The young Brown and a colleague interview soldiers, who show their ignorance and insouciance in the face of this danger. The movie intercuts scenes between the young Alexander Brown and older Alexander Brown, some thirty years after the nuclear tests. Will the decorated psychiatrist finally speak out on the atrocity he witnessed?

"Bull" McCabe's family has farmed a field for generations, sacrificing much in the name of the land. When the widow who owns the field decides to sell it in a public auction, McCabe knows that he must own it. While no local dare bid against him, a wealthy American decides he requires the field to build a highway. "Bull" and his son decide they must try to convince the American to let go of his ambition and return home, but the consequences of their plot prove sinister.

After losing his job and realizing that he is alone in the world, a businessman opts to voluntarily end his life. Lacking courage, he hires a contract killer to do the job. Then, while awaiting his demise, he meets a woman and promptly falls in love.

A violent, guitar-playing, electrically charged boxer faces off against an electronic wizard half-merged with a metallic Buddha.

A family battles against the odds to stay together when small lies grow into an extravagant cover-up. In order to avoid hardship and responsibilities that would otherwise be impossible to endure, the family chooses to ignore the truth, not to see, hear or talk about it. But does playing “Three Monkeys” invalidate the truth of its existence?

The relationship of a couple who meet by chance in New York City is put to the test when they encounter a life or death circumstance.

A boy kidnapped by two mismatched hitmen puts them at each other's throats while being driven to their employers, possibly to be killed. Cohen, an older professional becomes increasingly irritated with his partner Tate, a brutish killer, when their prisoner uses unnatural guile and resourcefulness to play them off against each other.

Several billion tons of earth are moved annually by humans - with shovels, excavators or dynamite. Nikolaus Geyrhalter observes people in mines, quarries, large construction sites in a constant struggle to appropriate the planet.

Un home misteriós, desconfiat i solitari que viu al marge de la llei i porta sempre un violí sota el braç, arriba a Espanya amb la intenció d'acabar una feina. Pel seu camí es creuaran els personatges més peculiars.

In downtown Manhattan, a twenty-something boy whose Father is not around and whose Mother is institutionalized, is a big Charlie Parker fan. He almost subconsciously searches for more meaning in his life and meets a few characters along the way.

Remake d'una coneguda pel·lícula del 1949 que adapta una novel·la de Robert Penn Warren que va obtenir el premi Pulitzer el 1946. Ambientada a Louisiana, narra la vida d'un polític idealista que arriba al poder, però la carrera del qual es veurà afectada per la corrupció.

A memory-wiped and defective cyborg sex slave is tossed onto the streets and taken in by a homeless woman while his corporate creators hunt him down.

Professional thief Ernie takes Mike on as an apprentice, but while Mike clearly has "larceny in his heart", it will take him a long time to get as good as Ernie.