San Francisco Bay, January 18, 1960. Frank Lee Morris is transferred to Alcatraz, a maximum security prison located on a rocky island. Although no one has ever managed to escape from there, Frank and other inmates begin to carefully prepare an escape plan.

En Grey Trace és un mecànic que intenta adaptar-se a un món massa futurista per a ell, molt al contrari que la seva dona Asha, addicta a la feina i apassionada de les noves tecnologies. Una nit tots dos pateixen un accident de cotxe i, lluny de ser ajudats, són abordats per una perillosa colla de pinxos.

A disk jockey goes to Vietnam to work for the Armed Forces Radio Service. While he becomes popular among the troops, his superiors disapprove of his humour.

Després de molts anys d'absència, els tres fills grans de Katie Elder tornen al poble natal per assistir al funeral de la seva mare. Aviat esbrinaran que el seu pare va morir assassinat després de perdre el ranxo en una partida de cartes. A partir d'aquell moment, no descansaran fins a trobar l'assassí i recuperar-ne les propietats.

Bret Maverick és un jugador, estafador elegant i aventurer romàntic que va temptant la sort pel salvatge Oest jugant en campionats de pòquer. El persegueix Zane Cooper, un representant de la llei impertorbable i imprevisible, i l'enlluerna la bellesa d'Annabelle Bransford, una dona que amaga sota el seu atractiu l'astúcia i el determini de qui fa plans pel seu compte.

Wyatt Earp i els seus germans s'internen per l'Oest salvatge i l'experiència converteix el que era un xicot innocent i aventurer en un dels pistolers més temuts. Les armes de Wyatt estan dedicades a mantenir la pau, però a partir del combat d'O.K. Corral, l'home que havia destacat com a xèrif, passa a convertir-se en un venjador.

En una zona fronterera amb Mèxic, Tunstall contracta ajudants per a la seva granja a joves, fugits o rodamóns, a qui ensenya i educa. Entre ells n'hi ha un amb una gran punteria. Tunstall compta al poble amb competidors cobejosos que posen traves als seus negocis i maten per l'esquena sense cap temor a les conseqüències.

Una misteriosa dona jove cavalca per un poble sense llei amb el cor ple de venjança. Es tracta d'Ellen, una pistolera que no dubta a participar en un perillós torneig en què els principals pistolers de l'oest es posen a prova encara que s'hi juguin la vida. L'organitzador de la competició és Herod, l'home que domina el poble i, precisament, la persona de qui ella vol venjar-se.

El pas dels anys fa que Mitch se senti cada cop més deprimit. Els seus dos millors amics també tenen problemes: Phil viu turmentat per la seva dominant dona, i Ed, acabat de casar amb una bella model, dubta que la seva dona li pugui ser fidel. Donada la situació, els tres amics decideixen deixar-ho tot i començar una nova vida a Nou Mèxic.

Baby Bink couldn't ask for more: he has adoring (if somewhat sickly-sweet) parents, lives in a huge mansion, and he's just about to appear in the social pages of the paper. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as nice as Baby Bink's parents—especially the three enterprising kidnappers who pretend to be photographers from the newspaper. Successfully kidnapping Baby Bink, they have a harder time keeping hold of the rascal, who not only keeps one step ahead of them, but seems to be more than a little bit smarter than the three bumbling criminals.

Allen Bauer és un novaiorquès que es va salvar de morir ofegat quan era un nen gràcies a una jove sirena. 20 anys després torna al mateix lloc i de nou cau al mar per ser rescatat una altra vegada per la mateixa sirena. Confús sobre els fets, Allen torna a Nova York, però la sirena decideix buscar-lo. Tots dos aconsegueix trobar-se i s'enamoren, encara que ell desconeix el secret.

Adapta la novel·la escrita per David Lagercrantz on la jove hacker Lisbeth Salander i el periodista Mikael Blomkvist es veuran atrapats en una xarxa d'espies, ciberdelinqüents i funcionaris del govern corruptes.

Albert Einstein helps a young man who's in love with Einstein's niece to catch her attention by pretending temporarily to be a great physicist.

With varying degrees of success, recently divorced friends Dave, Vic and Donny are trying to move on with their lives. Vic feels vilified by his ex-wife's parents, while Donny has a shaky bond with his teen daughter, Emma. Dave, meanwhile, has an enviable problem -- he has more dates than he can handle. As they confront their post-marital challenges, the men take solace in one another's plights.

At the University of Chicago, a research team that includes brilliant student machinist Eddie Kasalivich experiences a breakthrough: a stable form of fusion that may lead to a waste-free energy source. However, a private company wants to exploit the technology, so Kasalivich and physicist Dr. Lily Sinclair are framed for murder, and the fusion device is stolen. On the run from the FBI, they must recover the technology and exonerate themselves.

When mild-mannered Martin Harvey finds out that he has inherited a vintage yacht, he decides to take his family on a Caribbean vacation to retrieve the vessel. Upon arriving on a small island and realizing that the ship is in rough shape, Martin and his family end up with more than they bargained for as the roguish Captain Ron signs on to sail the boat to Miami. It doesn't take long before Ron's anything-goes antics get the Harveys into plenty of trouble.

Jess Tyler lives a quiet life next to an abandoned mining factory by himself in the desert. His life is turned upside down when a sexually provocative young woman comes to visit him and tells him she's his daughter. Jess finds it hard to adapt to his newfound parenting role, as a mutual attraction grows between them.

When his father - who owned a circus - dies, Oscar inherits 5 million dollars - and 3 orangutans. However there's a condition connected to the money: if he gives away the apes or just one gets sick or dies during the next 3 years, the zoologic society will get all the money. So he not only has to deal with 3 apes and an annoyed girlfriend, but also with a greedy zoologic society's president.

Six college students take a wrong turn and find themselves lost in a strangely deserted rural town... only to discover that this deceptively quiet place hides a murderous cult of children.

Though Eddie's fired right at Christmastime, his boss sends him and his family on a South Pacific vacation, hoping Eddie won't sue him after being bitten by a lab monkey. When the Tuttle family winds up trapped on a tropical island, however, Eddie manages to provide for everyone and prove himself a real man.