Berlín, abril del 1945. Una nació està a punt d'enfonsar-se. Als carrers de la capital alemanya s'hi lliura una batalla acarnissada. Les tropes soviètiques avancen ràpidament i ja tenen la ciutat pràcticament assetjada. Hitler s'ha atrinxerat al seu búnquer amb el seu cercle de confiança. Entre aquestes persones hi ha Traudl Junge, la secretària personal del Führer. Tot i que Berlín ja no pot resistir més, Hitler es nega a abandonar la ciutat, i tampoc vol negociar la capitulació amb les potències aliades. Ha perdut la noció de la realitat i continua pensant que pot guanyar la guerra. Quan per fi s'adona que no li queda cap sortida, prepara el seu últim comiat al costat de la seva dona, Eva Braun.
When a doctor decides to carry out an AIDS prevention program inside Latin America’s largest prison: the Casa de Detenção de São Paulo - Carandiru, he meets the future victims of one of the darkest days in Brazilian History when the State of São Paulo’s Military Police, with the excuse for law enforcement, shot to death 111 people. Based on real facts and on the book written by Dráuzio Varella.
A very handsome man finds the love of his life, but he suffers an accident and needs to have his face rebuilt by surgery after it is severely disfigured.
One of the greatest neuroscience breakthroughs is having discovered that babies are far more than a genetic load. The development of all human beings lies on the combination of genetics, the quality of the relationships and the environment they are set on. The Beginning of Life invites everyone to reflect: are we taking good care of this unique moment, which defines both the present and future of humankind?
In Scotland 1874, Jack is born on the coldest day ever. Because of the extreme cold, his heart stops beating. The responsible midwife in Edinburgh finds a way to save him by replacing his heart with a clock. So he lives and remains under the midwife's protective care. But he must not get angry or excited because that endangers his life by causing his clock to stop working. Worse than that, when he grows up, he has to face the fact he cannot fall in love because that too could stop his delicate heart.
A group of male friends become obsessed with five mysterious sisters who are sheltered by their strict, religious parents.
Young Nigel Slater has big culinary aspirations, even though all his mother knows how to make is toast. When his mother dies, relations grow strained between Nigel and his father, especially when he remarries a woman who wins his heart with a lemon meringue pie. Nigel enters culinary school, starts working in a pub, and finds himself competing with his stepmother - both in the kitchen and for his father's attention.
Three young women vacationing in Paris find themselves whisked away to Monte Carlo after one of the girls is mistaken for a British heiress.
Una misteriosa epidèmia de ceguesa es propaga a tot un país. Les primeres víctimes són recloses en un hospital sense rebre explicacions. Entre elles hi ha una dona que conserva la vista, però el manté en secret per poder acompanyar el marit, que s'ha quedat cec. Dins de l'hospital s'imposa la llei del més fort, cosa que donarà lloc a tota mena d'atrocitats. Mentrestant, el caos i el terror dominen els carrers. Adaptació de la novel·la "Assaig sobre la ceguesa", del Premi Nobel portuguès José Saramago.
"The Baron" wanted to commit the perfect heist involving 3 tons of money and no violence. For this he would need the right people willing to get 1 million dollars to take part in this job. Based on true events, in 2005, 168,000,000 Brazilian Real (almost 80,000,000 US dollars) were stolen from a Brazilian Central Bank (Federal Reserve), making it the biggest peace-time robbery in history. It was perhaps the most audacious bank heist ever.
Thomas was once renowned as a young tennis prodigy, but never had the career he hoped for. At 37, despite his declining physical fitness and shattered knee he decides to compete in the intense qualifying rounds of the French Open at Roland-Garros for one last attempt at glory. Although his wife Eve and mother Judith advise him to give up, Thomas obsessively pushes forward. He will have to fight his own demons and will ultimately face a determined young player who reminds him of his younger self.
Seguint la pista d'una valuosa peça d'art robada, l'agent d'assegurances Gin Baker convenç la seva companyia perquè li permetin fer un cop en col·laboració amb un prestigiós i veterà lladre, Robert "Mac" MacDouglas. Però Mac la sotmetrà a una sèrie de durs entrenaments i proves abans de confiar-hi.
Una parella d'adolescents –Richard (Ryan Gosling), el més popular de classe, i el tímid Justin (Michael Pitt)–, tots dos de bona família i amb una ment freda i sinistra, intenten aconseguir el crim perfecte. Per demostrar-ho assassinen una dona amb l'única finalitat de demostrar que són prou intel·ligents per sortir impunes de qualsevol situació. La detectiva Cassie Mayweather (Sandra Bullock, també la productora executiva del film) i el seu company Sam (Ben Chaplin) seran els encarregats d'investigar el cas.
A secret admirer's crush on a high school athlete takes a fatal turn.
Nova versió en clau de comèdia del conte de la Blancaneu narrat des del punt de vista de la malvada madrastra. Set valerosos i rebels nans ajudaran a Blancaneu a reclamar els seus drets al tron que li pertany per naixement, i a conquistar al Príncep amb el qual pretén casar-se la temible Reina.
A look at the relationship between Marie Antoinette and one of her readers during the final days of the French Revolution.
Heather Mason and her father have been on the run, always one step ahead of dangerous forces that she doesn't fully understand, Now on the eve of her 18th birthday, plagued by horrific nightmares and the disappearance of her father, Heather discovers she's not who she thinks she is. The revelation leads her deeper into a demonic world that threatens to trap her forever.
Al món de Los Angeles, la fama i el glamur són l'objectiu principal. Sobretot per a una colla d'adolescents que van protagonitzar una excitant i sorprenent onada de crims als turons de Hollywood. Aquest grup de cinc amics vigilava els famosos a través d'Internet i entrava a robar a casa seva. Així van aconseguir més de 3 milions de dòlars en objectes de luxe de víctimes com Paris Hilton, Orlando Bloom o Megan Fox. Aquesta banda va ser coneguda als mitjans com a Bling Ring.
Daniel O'Neil is a promising writer who has to work hard when Dora, his rich girlfriend, breaks up with him. Expelled from the hotel where he lives in Copacabana, Daniel moves into the small apartment of Meg, his best friend. He puts them both in danger when he gets a ride with a drug dealer who ends up being chased by the police and asks Daniel to keep two packages of cocaine.
A teenage girl, distraught from her vain attempt to connect with her estranged mother, resorts to cutting herself. When she develops an online relationship with an older woman, she learns to accept her sexuality and the endless solitude of sprawling suburbia.