The true story of one man's mission to give inner city kids of Washington DC something he never had - a future. After being incarcerated for eighteen years, Eugene Brown established the Big Chair Chess Club to get kids off the streets and working towards lives they never believed they were capable of. This is his inspirational story.

Vtáčik, ktorého vychovali myši, začne pochybovať o tom, kam patrí, a vydá sa na odvážnu cestu za sebapoznaním.

While investigating a young nun's rape, a corrupt New York City police detective, with a serious drug and gambling addiction, tries to change his ways and find forgiveness.

A drifting ex-soldier turns underground fighter with the help of a just-released ex-con, pitting him against corrupt cops and hired killers now gunning for him and all those he cares about.

Kráľovná kvízov je zábavná a dojemná komédia s Awkwafinou, Sandrou Ohovou, Jasonom Schwartzmanom, Holland Taylorovou, Tonym Halom a Willom Ferrellom o dysfunkčnej rodine, ktorej záchranou môže byť súťažná relácia. V tomto pôvodnom filme musí uzavretá, ale veľmi inteligentná mladá žena Anne, ktorá je reláciou posadnutá, spojiť sily so svojou nekonvenčnou a ťažko zvládateľnou sestrou Jenny, aby spoločne splatili matkine dlhy z hazardných hier. Keď Anne unesú milovaného psa, spoločne sa vydajú na divokú cestu krajinou, aby získali peniaze jediným možným spôsobom: premenou Anne na skutočnú kvízovú šampiónku. Film režírovala Jessica Yuová a scenár napísala Jen D'Angelová.

Iris invites her friend Jack to stay at her family's island getaway after the death of his brother. At their remote cabin, Jack's drunken encounter with Hannah, Iris' sister, kicks off a revealing stretch of days.

Vice detective Bob Hightower finds his ex-wife murdered and daughter kidnapped by a cult. Frustrated by the botched official investigations, he quits the force and infiltrates the cult to hunt down the leader with the help of the cult’s only female victim escapee, Case Hardin.

Ruth and Harry decide to take a romantic backpacking trip through the Pacific Northwest, but amongst the beautiful scenery, Ruth makes an unexpected discovery that sets her off on a strange, frightening new path. The couple aren't alone in the woods, and they might not be the same when they come out...if they come out.

Faye sa pokúša nahradiť svojho nedávno zosnulého manžela Evana simulakrum androidom (SIM). Hoci SIM Evan vyzerá vo všetkých ohľadoch ako človek Evan, Faye k nemu necíti rovnakú lásku ako on k nej. SIM Evan sa snaží získať Faye späť, zatiaľ čo je na úteku pred vládnym agentom, ktorý loví SIM, ktorí sa stali "vnímavými" a mohli by byť potenciálnou hrozbou pre ľudstvo.

Lekár Peter Reynolds je rozvedený, má pubertálneho syna, ktorý ho však veľmi nerešpektuje. Jednotvárnosť dní je narušená svadbou jeho matky Helen. Tam sa stretáva so svojím bratom, dvojčaťom Kyleom, ktorého neznáša, pretože nesúhlasí s ľahkomyseľným spôsobom jeho života. Na svadbe obaja bratia zistia, že im matka celé roky klamala o tom, kto je ich skutočný otec. Ten vľúdny muž na fotografii na rímse je totiž obyčajný výmysel ich matky, ktorá sa tak snažila zakryť pravdu. Prizná sa, že úplne presne nevie, kto je ich biologický otec. Boli predsa sedemdesiate roky, a to sa diali šialené veci. A tak sa Peter a Kyle, ktorí poznajú len pár záchytných bodov, vydávajú na divokú cestu plnú nečakaných zistení a odhalení. Pri hľadaní tajomného muža sa o svojej matke dozvedia rozhodne oveľa viac, než by v skutočnosti chceli.

Alison Whitford thought she had it all. An accomplished career woman, she resisted getting married until she found “the One.” And Dominick was everything she had ever hoped for in a man. Still in the honeymoon phase of her marriage, Alison’s world is turned upside down when Dominick dies suddenly in a car accident. When it’s revealed that he was murdered and then even more secrets about Dominick’s life come to light. It soon becomes clear that Alison was not the only one mourning Dominick, and that his death was only the beginning of a larger plan. Perhaps her perfect husband wasn’t so perfect after all, and some of his secrets may be worth killing for…

Kate, a gifted archer, is on vacation with her family when they are ambushed by a team of mercenaries in a vicious home invasion. Kate’s husband and daughter are abducted during the violent onslaught, and she must rely on her archery skills to defeat their captors and save her family.

When young Mariah sees a darling little puppy named "Princess" at the pet store, she suddenly knows exactly what she wants for Christmas. But before her Christmas wish can come true, she must prove that she can dog-sit her uncle's dog, Jack, a scraggly rascal; in fact, the worst dog in the county!

Carl Nargle, Vermont’s #1 public television painter, is convinced he has it all: a signature perm, custom van, and fans hanging on his every stroke… until a younger, better artist steals everything (and everyone) Carl loves.

Annabel, the leader of a secret organization engaged in the recovery of priceless artwork, assembles a ragtag crew of art thieves to recover a Monet, Picasso, Degas, and Van Gogh stolen by Nazis during WWII and now in the possession of neo-Nazi billionaire oligarch Otto Huizen. As the planned heist approaches, loyalties are tested when the crew learns the real reason behind Annabel’s search for the long-lost paintings.

Red, a safe cracker who has just been released from prison, is trying to hold his family together as his past catches up with him in the form of Luc, a psychopathic contract killer who's seeking revenge for the death of his brother.

When 8 celebrities from around the globe are invited to compete in an online reality show, they soon realize that they are playing for their very lives, as those voted off suffer horrific consequences, broadcast live to the entire world.

A courier for a local crime lord must deliver a mysterious package while being chased by a horde of unusual gangsters.

A hardened cop tries to unravel the past to discover whether a violent teenager was responsible for the murder of his family. A confused fifteen-year-old runaway becomes enthralled with the young man.

When Holly’s dark secret is accidentally uncovered by her new emotionally unstable neighbor Tom, they are pulled into a violent confrontation with her father, who will do anything to keep the secret hidden.