Down on their luck, a couple rent out their ship to a mysterious man looking for treasure he'd hidden during the war. Complications ensue when it turns out he's not the only one looking for it.

Short film featuring the extended version of the song “All Too Well” by Taylor Swift. A troubled couple's romance blossoms before it eventually falls apart.

Una poderosa raça alienígena contracta els Guardians perquè protegeixin les seves valuoses bateries d'energia, però, quan Rocket les roba, els alienígenes envien les seves tropes de combat a venjar-se'n. Mentre intenten escapar amb vida, intenten resoldre el misteri dels veritables orígens de Peter Quill.

Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.

This visual album from Beyoncé reimagines the lessons of "The Lion King" (2019) for today’s young kings and queens in search of their own crowns.

Moscowin Kavery (English: Moscow's Kaveri ) is a 2010 Tamil romantic drama film written and directed by cinematographer Ravi Varman, making his directorial debut, besides handling the cinematography. The film, which has lyrics written by Vairamuthu and music scored by Thaman, stars Rahul Ravindran and Samantha in the lead roles with Harshvardhan, Santhanam and Seeman essaying supporting roles. Releasing on 27 August 2010, after nearly three years of production, the film was ultimately panned by critics.

Nobita helps Doraemon to create a space movie. After Dekisugi fails to help them, the duo rope in Shizuka, who prefers to make a film about dolls.

Reunited witch twins Camryn and Alex adjust to their new life as supernatural beings while at the same time trying to maintain a normal existence in this sequel to the magical Disney Channel original movie Twitches. But they soon find themselves going head to head with the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy their world. Luckily, their birth mother, the powerful Miranda, is on hand to help out.

Best pals Ryan and Justin are stalled in their respective careers -- a fact that is painfully driven home when they go to a college reunion. Dressed as police in the mistaken belief that they were to attend a costume party, Ryan and Justin find that the uniforms earn them much respect and attention. Although Justin is uncomfortable with the idea, Ryan decides to continue with the charade, putting them both in increasingly dangerous situations. When these newly-minted “heroes” get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line.

Després de la mort del magnat del petroli Sir Robert King en un atemptat terrorista al quarter general de l'MI6, la seva filla Elektra hereta una enorme fortuna en jaciments petrolífers al mar Caspi. L'agent 007, que se sent culpable per la mort de King, rep la missió de protegir la noia i, al mateix temps, de netejar el nom de l'MI6. El seu principal enemic és Renard, l'assassí del magnat, un psicòpata, exmembre del KGB amb un passat sinistre: fa anys va segrestar l'Elektra, i ara viu obsessionat amb ella. En aquesta entrega de la saga, Bond es veurà immers en una intricada trama d'interessos geopolítics, assassinats i traïcions, on els secrets que guarda la seva protegida podrien ser fins i tot més perillosos que els enemics que els amenacen.

Unbridled comic Chris D'Elia reconsiders his approach to major life events like marriage, not having kids and buying pants for your friends.

En Frank Martin és un especialista en lliuraments d’alt risc. En aquesta ocasió es veu obligat, sota amenaces, a traslladar dues voluminoses bosses a una jove ucraïnesa, que es diu Valentina, des de Marsella fins a Odessa.

The feature-length documentary about the making of the cult film favorite, "Donnie Darko."

The struggle of Houser's legal feud against American lawyer Jack Thompson, over the morality of the "Grand Theft Auto" video game series.

Seqüela de "Els barrufets", adaptació del còmic homònim realitzat el 2011 per Tall Gosnell. En aquesta seqüela, el cruel i malvat Gargamel torna amb més força que mai per poder robar als Barrufets la més pura essència de la seva màgia i per a això, fabrica dos petits Barrufets falsos anomenats Naughties. Però Gargamel, no trigarà a adonar-se que no servirà de res perquè la màgia que ell anhela, només la hi pot proporcionar un Barrufet veritable, per això decideix segrestar a la Barrufeta i traslladar-la a París, on s'ha guanyat l'admiració de milers de persones com el millor mag del món. Ara tot queda en mans del Gran barrufet i els seus camarades, els qui hauran de tornar al món dels humans per salvar a la Barrufeta.

Snow White asks the seven dwarfs for help, because if they don't manage to find out the name of a little boy (Rumpelstiltskin) within two days, her newborn child will be taken away from her. The journey takes the dwarves to a depressive, rhyming Pinocchio and the omniscient wizard Helge, among others, and all the way to the world of humans.

The Yorkshire rock band Vaquelin's music video to their debut single "Voice Cracks & Blackjacks".