May, 1980. Man-seob is a taxi driver in Seoul who lives from hand to mouth, raising his young daughter alone. One day, he hears that there is a foreigner who will pay big money for a drive down to Gwangju city. Not knowing that he’s a German journalist with a hidden agenda, Man-seob takes the job.

Després de 25 anys treballant en una cadena, el veterà presentador Howard Beale ha d'abandonar el càrrec pel baix nivell d'audiència. El seu cap i millor amic, Max Schumacher, li dóna dues setmanes per acomiadar-se dels espectadors. Beale, vidu i alcohòlic, queda trastocat i decideix anunciar durant una emissió que se suïcidarà al seu últim programa davant les càmeres. El fet sense precedents provoca una gran expectació i els mateixos companys intentaran convertir la destrucció d'aquest home en un negoci rendible.

En un barri perifèric de Tòquio, la policia troba el cadàver d'una dona de 53 anys anomenada Matsuko Kawajiri. El seu nebot Sho, un noi de vida desordenada que vol dedicar-se a la música, rep l'encàrrec del seu pare de recollir els objectes personals de Matsuko a l'apartament on vivia. L'apartament està ple de bosses d'escombraries i està encara més descuidat que el seu, però poc a poc Sho va descobrint a través de records i testimonis com va ser de dissortada la vida de la seva tia... i qui podria tenir motius per assassinar-la.

Ana, an eight-year-old girl living in Madrid with her grandmother and two sisters, mourns the death of her mother.

Peace reigns between Terrorists and Policemen, in a secluded and strange Hotel. Useless for the first time, they fight against boredom while the world around them slowly crumbles.

A young IPS officer’s new posting in rural India has him confronting caste disparities and uncomfortable truths in the face of a gruesome crime. When three girls go missing in the fictional village of Lalgaon, two of them are found dead and there is no trace of the third one. Where is she and who is responsible for this heinous act?

Durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, una agent secreta ha de seduir i després assassinar un funcionari que treballa per al govern titella japonès a Xangai. La seva missió s’enterboleix quan es s’enamora de l'home que té l’encàrrec de matar.

A bored young man meets with his former girlfriend, now a cabaret dancer and single mother, and soon finds himself falling back in love with her.

An award-winning audience favorite in China since it debuted, Waiting Alone tells the first-person-narrative of Wen (Xia Yu), a shop owner and aspiring author who feels that he's met his dream girl (Li Bingbing). The only problem is, he seems stuck in the friend-zone. Aided by his best friends and the one girl he completely trusts (Gong Beibi), he tries different ways to woo her...

Un viatge de cap de setmana al camp suposadament idíl·lic es converteix en un malson interminable d'embussos, revolució, canibalisme i assassinats mentre la societat burgesa francesa comença a col·lapsar-se sota el pes de les seves pròpies preocupacions de consum.

Tang Yijie, the Construction Committee Director, falls off from rooftop and dies in a demolition riot. Yang Jiadong, a young police officer starts his investigation and finds that Tang's death is tied up with another case several years ago. Soon he is framed and suspended from duty, but he never gives up.

La fama del saxofonista de jazz Charlie Bird Parker creix ràpidament a partir de la seva arribada a Nova York el 1940. Però Parker comença a abusar de l'alcohol i les drogues, i la seva vida es converteix en un infern.

Un home misteriós regala a quatre desconeguts a la vora del suïcidi una setmana de temps per a descobrir com seria el món sense ells i tornar-se a enamorar de la vida.

Una adolescent francesa sense inhibicions i el seu atractiu pare descobriran el costat fosc de la passió en aquesta adaptació del 1958 de la novel·la de Francoise Sagan. Jean Seberg és Cecile, la nena mimada de 17 anys de Raymond (David Niven), un ric parisenc vidu. Tots dos passen les vacances en una luxosa mansió de la Riviera Francesa. Però la seva existència superficial i hedonista trontolla quan Raymond decideix casar-se amb la padrina purina de Cecile, Anne (Deborah kerr), que no aprova l'aventura d'estiu de la noia amb Philippe (Geoffrey Horne). Per preservar intacte el seu món sense problemes, Cecile planeja desfer-se d'Anne. Però de sobte els seus plans prenen un caire inesperat.

Why? (Czech: Proč?) is a 1987 Czechoslovak drama film directed by Karel Smyczek. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival. The film deals with the hooliganism in Czechoslovakia, particularly with the fans of football club Sparta from Prague, whose supporters were the pioneers of the football fan riots in Czechoslovakia, starting with hooligan actions already in the 1960s, like breaking the trains in which they travelled when they went on Sparta's away games. The film deals with one of such episodes

Garry Kasparov is possibly the greatest chess player who has ever lived. In 1997, he played a match against the greatest chess computer: IBM's Deep Blue. He lost. This film depicts the drama that happened away from the chess board from Kasparov's perspective. It explores the psychological aspects of the game and the paranoia surrounding IBM's ultimate chess machine.

An elderly gentleman sets out for what he thinks will be a normal day at an amusement park and is soon embroiled in a waking nightmare.

Rookie Sergeant Lee is injured in a shoot-out and is assigned to the dubious-sounding Miscellaneous Affairs Department (MAD). There, he is paired up with Inspector Wong, a jaded and alcoholic veteran who explains that MAD’s role is to answer supernatural calls. Wong explains MAD’s rule number one - there are no ghosts. For every seemingly inexplicable phenomenon, there is a corresponding scientific and rational explanation.

Hua, a woman in her late twenties, goes against her family to become a teacher in Paris. She falls in love with men who physically abuse her. Will she ever find her true love?

Elli is an android and lives with a man she calls her father. Together they drift through the summer. During the day they swim in the pool and at night he takes her to bed. She shares his memories and anything else he programs her to recall. Memories that mean everything to him but nothing to her. Yet, one night she sets off into the woods following a fading echo… The story of a machine and the ghosts we all carry within us.