Days after her friends disappear during a trip to a mysterious cave, a girl is approached by a grown man claiming to be one of her missing pals.

Frank i el seu aprenent Freddy acaben el torn en un magatzem de productes sanitaris. Xerrant, Frank explica al jove que els fets narrats a la pel·lícula la Nit dels Morts Vivents van ser reals, però han estat ocultats per les autoritats. Per convèncer el noi de queno menteix, el porta al soterrani, on li ensenya un barril que conté un dels zombies, i el gas que al seu moment li va tornar la vida. Accidentalment obren el barril, alliberant tant el mort vivent com el gas, que arriba a un cementiri proper. Sense saber-ho, un grup de joves que han anat a passar la nit al cementiri seran testimonis del despertar dels morts.

The Cromwell clan lives in the real world, except for their grandmother who lives in Halloweentown, a place where monsters go to escape reality. But now the son of the Cromwells' old enemy Kalabar has a plan to use the grandmother's book to turn Halloweentown into a grey dreary version of the real world while transforming the denizens of the real world into monsters.

Jesse finds himself struggling to get his job back as the Paradise police chief, and he is forced to rely on his cop intuition to sort through a maze of misleading clues and hidden meanings as he attempts to solve a shocking and horrifying mob-related double homicide.

Léonard Monestier owns a large fortune, alas his wife Cynthia made a bad investment in a worthless oil concession. Far from letting this get him down, Léonard decides to find a sucker to buy this concession from him. Right on cue appears Antoine Brévin, a befuddled billionaire who is very interested in Léonard's beautiful daughter Patricia and would do anything to win her hand...

The reinvigorated elderly group that left Earth comes back to visit their relatives. Will they all decide to go back to the planet where no one grows old, or will they be tempted to remain on Earth?

Pietro Paladini és un home de negocis casat i amb una filla. Després de salvar dues dones d'ofegar-se a la platja, descobreix en tornar a casa que la seva dona ha mort de forma inesperada. Ara Pietro haurà de cuidar la filla tot sol. Quan l’acompanya a l'escola decideix esperar-la tot el dia, sense fer res, fins que surti. Aviat això acaba per convertir-se en la seva rutina diària. Assegut en un banc del parc, descobreix el món des d'un punt de vista diferent, rebent les visites de persones que, atordides pel seu caos tranquil, li confien els seus problemes.

Quirky and rebellious April Burns lives with her boyfriend in a low-rent New York City apartment miles away from her emotionally distant family. But when she discovers that her mother has a fatal form of breast cancer, she invites the clan to her place for Thanksgiving. While her father struggles to drive her family into the city, April -- an inexperienced cook -- runs into kitchen trouble and must ask a neighbor for help.

Part live-action, part animated story about a boy who, after an awful amusement park accident, gets a brain transplant, which allows him to see cartoon characters in real life.

Return to the Class of Nuke 'Em High follows a young couple that are up against the school glee club. Unfortunately, the glee club has mutated into a gang called The Cretins. When the other students begin to undergo mutations, our couple must solve the mystery and save Tromaville High School

Després de l'assalt a un poble, on els homes són capturats i tractats com a esclaus, Chris Adams (Yul Brynner) agrupa sis pistolers per defensar la zona atacada, que s'ha convertit a la seu dels bandits que operen al marge de la llei.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Dr. Beck, who has changed his name, saves a young teenage girl drowning in Mexico, whom he falls in love with. As always, there are some complications in his way, but he has plans to possibly get past them and get the girl of his dreams.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Tony and Tia are other-worldly twins endowed with telekinesis. When their Uncle Bene drops them off in Los Angeles for an earthbound vacation, a display of their supernatural skill catches the eye of the nefarious Dr. Gannon and his partner in crime, Letha, who see rich possibilities in harnessing the children's gifts. They kidnap Tony, and Tia gives chase only to find Gannon is using her brother's powers against her.

Alex, Antoine and Manu meet Jean, a loner who ignores the pleasures of friendship. Little by little, they learn to know each other, to appreciate each other. Jean is moved by the complicity and affection that fuels the relationship with his new friends.

Mary Reilly és una fidel serventa, atenta sempre a les necessitats del seu patró, el doctor Henry Jekyll. Tot i que és una jove tranquil·la i innocent, amaga un caràcter fort, gràcies al qual ha pogut superar un passat marcat pel dolor i la violència. Jekyll, que està immers en un nou experiment, confia que Mary sigui discreta amb el seu ajudant Mr. Hyde. La jove, sempre dedicada en cos i ànima a Jekyll, se sent atreta pels encants de Hyde. Però Mary observa que a mesura que aquest es va enfortint, el doctor es debilita cada cop més.

When he hears talk radio host Fran Ambrose discussing the topic of matricide, Norman calls in under a false name to tell his story.

The tale of one man who fought against the tyranny of a ruler and led his people in battle in the ultimate sacrifice for his country.

A girl called Hannah goes back to her hometown (Gatlin) to find her mother but on the way she picks up a strange man who fore-shadows her life with a passage from the bible. When she gets there she wakes up Isaac from a coma he has been in for 19 years. Isaac is awake and wants to fulfil the final prophecy.