40-year-old Elling, sensitive, would-be poet, is sent to live in a state institution when his mother, who has sheltered him his entire life, dies. There he meets Kjell Bjarne, a gentle giant and female-obsessed virgin, also in his 40s.

La famosa estrella del rock americà Nick Rivers arriba a l'Alemanya Oriental dels nostres dies, per presentar-se a un festival cultural important. Però aquest fet forma part d'un pla per distreure l'atenció del món exterior sobre allò que està passant realment. L'alt comandament d'Alemanya Oriental, encapçalat pel general Streck, es proposa reunir novament les dues Alemanyes sota un sol govern, el d'Alemanya Oriental.

A farm boy reluctantly becomes a member of the undead when a girl he meets turns out to be part of a band of vampires who roam the highways in stolen cars.

A somewhat daffy book editor on a rail trip from Los Angeles to Chicago thinks that he sees a murdered man thrown from the train. When he can find no one who will believe him, he starts doing some investigating of his own. But all that accomplishes is to get the killer after him.

With his nephews and niece, everyone's favorite rich uncle, Scrooge McDuck, treks from his mansion home in Duckburg in search of the long-lost loot of the thief Collie Baba. But finding the goods isn't quite what it's "quacked" up to be! Their thrilling adventure leads to comical chaos, magical mayhem, and a lesson about what is far more valuable than money, gold and jewels.

Two men in 1930s Mississippi become friends after being sentenced to life in prison together for a crime they did not commit.

Samantha Caine, suburban homemaker, is the ideal mom to her 8 year old daughter Caitlin. She lives in Honesdale, PA, is a school teacher and makes the best Rice Krispie treats in town. But when she receives a bump on her head, she begins to remember small parts of her previous life as a lethal, top-secret agent.

L'Angélique i en Jean-René, dues persones molt tímides, es coneixen i s'enamoren en una teràpia de grup per a gent acomplexada i amb problemes de comunicació. La seva relació es complicarà a causa de les seves dificultats per a relacionar-se.

A movie within a movie, created to spoof the martial arts genre. Writer/director Steve Oedekerk uses contemporary characters and splices them into a 1970s kung-fu film, weaving the new and old together. As the main character, The Chosen One, Oedekerk sets off to avenge the deaths of his parents at the hands of kung-fu legend Master Pain. Along the way he encounters some strange characters.

En un món futur s'ha descobert que hi ha vides alternes en universos alterns, un fet que els agents del Departament Multiverse defensen, excepte l'investigador Yulaw. Yulaw ha travessat 123 universos perseguint i destruint les seves vides alternes. A mesura que les mata, absorbeix la força d'aquestes vides alternes, guanyant habilitats sobrehumanes. La magnitud de tal fenomen pot desequilibrar el delicat equilibri de tots els universos, sobretot quan a Yulaw ja només li queda eliminar a l'última de les seves vides alternes. Aquest personatge, Gabriel Yulaw, és agent de policia honest i bon marit, i la seva vida es veu alterada quan l'altre Yulaw entra al seu univers. Per salvar-se a si mateix, l'única alternativa que li queda és la de matar al seu jo malvat de l'altre univers.

Restless and ready for an adventure, four suburban bikers leave the safety of their subdivision and head out on the open road. But complications ensue when they cross paths with an intimidating band of New Mexico bikers known as the Del Fuegos.

A US intelligence officer, stationed in Germany, is caught in a political dilemma when the Russians kidnap a young Army private, the son of prominent American businessman. In exchange for the soldier's return, the Russians attempt to barter a trade for an elderly German couple who they want for treason.

Jack Caine is a Houston vice cop who's forgotten the rule book. His self-appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier Victor Manning. Whilst involved in an undercover operation to entrap Victor Manning, his partner gets killed, and a sinister newcomer enters the scene...

When a comet passes close to the earth, machines all over the world come alive and go on homicidal rampages. A group of people at a desolate truck stop are held hostage by a gang of homicidal 18-wheelers. The frightened people set out to defeat the killer machines ... or be killed by them.

In Manhattan, the British limousine driver Alfie is surrounded by beautiful women, having one night stands with all of them and without any sort of commitment. His best friends are his colleague Marlon and his girl-friend Lonette. Alfie has a brief affair with Lonette, and the consequences force Alfie to reflect on his lifestyle.

Remake d'una coneguda pel·lícula del 1949 que adapta una novel·la de Robert Penn Warren que va obtenir el premi Pulitzer el 1946. Ambientada a Louisiana, narra la vida d'un polític idealista que arriba al poder, però la carrera del qual es veurà afectada per la corrupció.

The adventures of married couple Henry and Nancy Clark, vexed by misfortune while in New York City for Henry's job interview.

Eddie Yang (Jackie Chan), un simpàtic detectiu de Hong-Kong, pateix un accident gairebé mortal mentre investiga un cas que involucra un misteriós medalló amb poders de talismà. Eddie descobreix que amb el talismà adquireix els poders d'un guerrer immortal, que li confereixen una velocitat, una força i una habilitat increïbles. Amb l'ajuda de la guapa agent anglesa de la Interpol Nicole James (Claire Forlani), Eddie intentarà descobrir el secret del talismà i aturar una operació secreta de tracta d'esclaus organitzada pel diabòlic Snakehead, que pretén utilitzar els poders per als seus plans terribles.

Thief Kevin Caffery attempts to rob from the home of rich businessman Max Fairbanks. But Fairbanks catches him and steals his cherished ring that his girlfriend gave him. Caffery is then bent on revenge and getting his ring back with the help of his partners.

Brick Bardo is a traveller from outer space who is forced to land on Earth. Though regular sized on his home planet, he is doll-sized here on Earth, as are the enemy forces who have landed as well. While Brick enlists the help of an impoverished girl and her son, the bad guys enlist the help of a local gang. When word leaks out as to his location, and all hell breaks loose. Brick is besieged by an onslaught of curious kids, angry gang members, and his own doll-sized enemies, and he must protect the family who has helped him and get off the planet alive.