The Webslinger faces the ultimate challenge when his arch-nemesis discovers his identity and kidnaps his one true love, Mary Jane Watson.




Count Dracula adjourns to Earth, accompanied by Frankenstein's Monster, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and the Gillman. The uglies are in search of a powerful amulet that will grant them power to rule the world. Our heroes - the Monster Squad are the only ones daring to stand in their way.




デンデが地球の神となり、その後も新ナメック星ではいつもとかわらず平和な日々が続いていた。しかし、ある時巨大な要塞が新ナメック星を覆った。 新ナメック星からの危機を知らされたデンデは孫悟空たちに救援を要請。悟空たちは大型の宇宙船で新ナメック星へと向かうが、そこに現れたのは、かつて悟空が倒したはずのフリーザの兄・クウラだった。 宇宙に一つのコンピューターチップがあった。それは長い歳月をかけてどんどん増殖していった。死んだと思われていたクウラは、脳だけで宇宙を漂っていたが、運良くそのコンピューターチップに辿り着き、巨大移動型要塞「ビッグゲテスター」を築き上げた。その後、新ナメック星を侵略するために覆い尽くしていたのである。 そして、悟空とクウラの因縁の対決が再び始まる。

Part live-action, part animated story about a boy who, after an awful amusement park accident, gets a brain transplant, which allows him to see cartoon characters in real life.


A young boy tells three stories of horror to distract a witch who plans to eat him.

A Bombay police officer seeks revenge when his brother is killed by a powerful underworld figure. Things get complicated when a matinee movie idol begins to tag along the policeman so he can research a movie role.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

Diane Kramer is led by one obsession: to find the driver of the mocha color Mercedes which hit her son and devastated her life. With a few belongings, some money and a gun, she goes to Evian, where she's learned the driver lives.

A rash of bizarre murders in New York City seems to point to a group of grotesquely deformed vagrants living in the sewers. A courageous policeman, a photojournalist and his girlfriend, and a nutty bum, who seems to know a lot about the creatures, band together to try and determine what the creatures are and how to stop them.

人を殺して、その肉を売っていた殺人鬼一家。彼らの凶行がうやむやになってから12年がたった。 2人の高校生がダラスに遊びに行くため車を走らせ、自動車電話でラジオ局のDJストレッチ(キャロライン・ウィリアムズ)に話しかける。2人が追い抜いたバンが攻撃してきた。バンの屋根に立った怪人レザーフェイス(ビル・ジョンソン)が、電動のこぎりで2人を切りさいた。翌日、2人の死体をテキサス・レンジャーのレフティ・エンライト(デニス・ホッパー)が見に来た。彼は甥が11年前に行方不明になって以来、執念深く行方を追っていたのだ。

On Christmas Eve in the Spanish quarter of L.A. police try to arrest a couple running a shady floor show. Hiding in a church, the young woman finds an abandoned baby and uses it as cover to escape capture.

Hillary Kramer, a successful Perfume magnate, awakes one morning to find that her accountant has robbed her blind and left for South America. Going through all of her remaining assets she finds a boxer, purchased as a tax write-off. She decides to take Kid Natural, Eddie Scanlon, who is much more at home giving driving lessons, into the ring and use him as her key to riches. Eddie thinks this will only get him killed and resists.

The story of a high school girl named Mimpi who wants to become a cheerleader. She and her friends then struggled to show their existence in the midst of a school situation that likes to fight.