A stuntman and a saxophonist stand in for two billionaires threatened by killers.

A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.

During a summer stay on the mainland, Tinker Bell is accidentally discovered while investigating a little girl's fairy house. As the other fairies, led by the brash Vidia, launch a daring rescue in the middle of a fierce storm, Tink develops a special bond with the lonely, little girl.

Broly torna clamant venjança. Després de ser derrotat per Goku en una dura batalla al planeta Neo Vegeta, Broly aconsegueix escapar en una càpsula espacial i arriba a la Terra. Allà queda congelat en un llac durant 7 anys. Mentrestant, Videl, Goten, i Trunks reuneixen les boles de drac. Arriben a un estrany poble amenaçat per la presència d'un monstre. Els sanglots de Goten desperten a Broly i comença una batalla.

As Halloweentown prepares to celebrate its 1,000th anniversary, Marnie Piper and her brother Dylan return to Witch University, where trouble is in session from the Sinister Sisters and from someone who's plotting to use Marnie's powers for evil.

Flint ja ha aconseguit el que perseguia des de sempre: ser un reconegut investigador admirat per tots. Després de crear la seva màquina que creava menjar a partir d'aigua ('Pluja de mandonguilles 1'), el director de la prestigiosa companyia The Live Corp Company i gran investigador, Chester V, ha contractat a Flint perquè formi part del seu equip, format pels millors investigadors de l'món. El protagonista és ple d'alegria, però molt a desgrat descobrirà que l'invent que va crear està donant resultats inesperats i altament perillosos. A partir de les restes de menjar que queien de el cel s'han creat bèsties mutants de tota mena (cocodrils, aranyes, chimpacés ...) que posen en perill la seguretat dels humans. Flint comptarà amb l'ajuda de tots els seus amics per posar fi a aquest malson.

SANJAY'S SUPER TEAM follows the daydream of a young Indian boy, bored with his father's religious meditation, who imagines "a kind of ancient, Hindu version of The Avengers," with the gods appearing like superheros.

After retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah, Flynn Carsen receives a map in the mail with the secret location of King Solomon's Mines. When the scroll is stolen, Judson explains the power of the Key of Solomon's book and assigns Flynn to retrieve the map. The map is useless without the legend piece to decipher it, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco. Flynn heads to Casablanca to the ruins where he is chased by a group of mercenaries leaded by General Samir. They too want to find the location of King Solomon's mines. Flynn teams-up with Professor Emily Davenport working in the dig and they escape from General Samir and his men. While traveling to Gedi, they save the local Jomo from death and the trio faces a dangerous journey through the wild Africa.

Peter Devereaux, àlies "The November Man", és un veterà i perillós ex-agent de la CIA, que gaudeix d'unes vacances i porta una vida tranquil·la a Suïssa. Però, de cop i volta, se'l reclama per a una última missió: protegir la bella Alice Fournier, una testimoni clau per a l'Agència.

Rainbow press reporter Ludo is sentenced to 8 months, but is released on probation. But he has to work 300 hours for a local daycare center and meets Anna who has unfinished business with him.

Holly is tired of moving every time her mom Jean breaks up with yet another second-rate guy. To distract her mother from her latest bad choice, Holly conceives the perfect plan for the perfect man, an imaginary secret admirer who will romance Jean and boost her self-esteem.

Després d'una sèrie de malentesos, Alvin, Simon i Theodore creuen que Dave se’n va a Nova York a declarar-se a la seva nova xicota, i oblidar-se d'ells. Tenen tres dies per intentar trencar el compromís i salvar-se així de la pèrdua de Dave.

Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

A passenger train has been hijacked by an electronics expert and turned into an untraceable command center for a weapons satellite. He has planned to blow up Washington DC and only one man can stop him, former Navy SEAL Casey Ryback.

Two years have passed. There is a normal life, but handsome Ludo meets his old love, and Anna is very jealous...

L'Arthur viatja, al costat de la Princesa Seleni i el seu germà Betameche, a la recerca de la ciutat prohibida de Necròpolis, llar del malvat bruixot Maltazard. "Ajuda!" Aquest crit d'alarma inscrit en un gra d'arròs i deixat per una aranya missatgera posa a Arthur en alerta: "Els Minimoys estan en perill. No hi ha ni un segon a perdre!". Just en aquest moment el pare d'Arthur decideix partir abans del previst, i espera impacient al volant del seu cotxe. Arthur té el temps just per prevenir el seu avi Archibald perquè vagi a la crida d'auxili en el seu lloc ... però imaginar Seleni en perill és difícil de suportar. Amb la complicitat del seu gos Alfred, Arthur enganya la vigilància dels seus pares i torna en plena nit a la casa dels seus avis. No obstant això, un núvol s'aproxima perillosament a la lluna a la mitjanit, l'hora en què els seus raigs han d'assolir el telescopi d'Archibald i obrir la porta cap al món dels Minimoys.

Tercer lliurament de la saga Alvin i els esquirols. Els esquirols s'embarquen en un creuer de luxe i acaben en una illa deserta, però aviat esbrinaran que no està tan deserta com sembla.

Jake Kimble, the sole survivor of the Chicago massacre, is killed while in solitary confinement. His doctor begins investigating the claims he made about a long-haired woman in white, as a mysterious Japanese woman arrives at his old apartment building to help them get rid of the curse.

La Caputxeta Vermella té una nova missió. L’agència per a la qual treballa, Hem d’Estar Alegres, la necessita per resoldre amb el Llop, els Tres Porquets i l’Àvia la misteriosa desaparició de Hansel i Gretel, segrestats per una malvada bruixa.