La jove Sofia ja té 18 anys i treballa incansablement dia rere dia fent barrets en una sombrereria d'una ciutat europea. El continent es troba immers en la guerra. Després de patir un atac a mans d'uns soldats, Sofia és víctima d'un malefici i decideix anar al castell ambulant a veure el mag Howl, per demanar-li que l'ajudi.

El rei Artús i els seus cavallers reben un encàrrec diví: partir a la recerca del Sant Grial, per a això hauran de lluitar contra enemics molt diversos: malignes cavallers rivals, bèsties sanguinàries (que només són visibles com a dibuix animat), grollers cavallers francesos fortificant un castell a Anglaterra, bruixes, endevins mefistofèlics, Scotland Yard, i fins i tot un conill assassí i carnívor (que mor destruït per una còmica relíquia portada de les Croades: la "Santa Granada de Mà d'Antioquia").

Aladdín és un enginyós jove que viu en una extrema pobresa, i que somia casar-se amb la bella filla del sultà, la princesa Jasmine. El destí intervé quan l'astut visir del Sultà, Jafar, recluta Aladdín perquè l'ajudi a recuperar un llum màgic de les profunditats de la Cova de les Meravelles. Aladdín troba un llum meravellós amb un geni a dins, i els seus desitjos comencen a fer-se realitat.

Tot de personatges fantàstics vinculats a la infantesa (el Pare Noel, l’home del sac, el conill de Pasqua...) s’uneixen per combatre un esperit maligne que vol dominar el món a través de les pors infantils.

Having suffered a tragedy, Ben becomes a caregiver to earn money. His first client, Trevor, is a hilarious 18-year-old with muscular dystrophy. One paralyzed emotionally, one paralyzed physically, Ben and Trevor hit the road on a trip into the western states. The folks they collect along the way will help them test their skills for surviving outside their calculated existence. Together, they come to understand the importance of hope and the necessity of true friendship.

A grieving father in a downward spiral stumbles across a box of his recently deceased son's demo tapes and lyrics. Shocked by the discovery of this unknown talent, he forms a band in the hope of finding some catharsis.

The kingdom is in a festive mood as everyone gathers for the royal wedding of Rapunzel and Flynn. However, when Pascal and Maximus, as flower chameleon and ring bearer, respectively, lose the gold bands, a frenzied search and recovery mission gets underway. As the desperate duo tries to find the rings before anyone discovers that they’re missing, they leave behind a trail of comical chaos that includes flying lanterns, a flock of doves, a wine barrel barricade and a very sticky finale. Will Maximus and Pascal save the day and make it to the church in time? And will they ever get Flynn’s nose right?

Best buddies Acerola and Laranjinha, about to turn 18, discover things about their missing fathers' pasts which will shatter their solid friendship, in the middle of a war between rival drug gangs from Rio's favelas.

Han passat 30 anys d’ençà de l’aparició dels Burnish, una raça d’éssers mutants capaços de controlar el foc i que van devastar mig món amb una gran tempesta de flames. Quan apareix un grup de mutants encara més agressius coneguts amb el nom de Mad Burnish, l’únic que s’interposa entre ells i la destrucció total del món són els Burning Rescue, una brigada de bombers d’elit.

The pop band Slavabody Disco Disco Boys, a fever among girls from all over Brazil, announces that it will play in Rio de Janeiro. Gabi, Manu and Ritinha will do everything they can to watch the show far from the city where they live.

La Dory és un peix amb una amnèsia gairebé total, que parla sola a la nit i no deixa dormir ningú. De cop, té alguns records que la impulsen viatjar per tota la costa de Califòrnia buscant la seva família.

Emily arrives in Miami with aspirations to become a professional dancer. She sparks with Sean, the leader of a dance crew whose neighborhood is threatened by Emily's father's development plans.

A tight-knit group of New York City street dancers, including Luke and Natalie, team up with NYU freshman Moose, and find themselves pitted against the world's best hip hop dancers in a high-stakes showdown that will change their lives forever.

Dos amics de Nova York a l'atur accepten una feina, en què es disfressen d'ocells gegants en un banc. Uns atracadors entren al banc utilitzant la mateixa disfressa, i els testimonis confondran els innocents amics amb els delinqüents, acabant a la presó.

En un món arrasat per un virus que transforma a les seves víctimes en no morts, l'Alice continua el seu viatge a la recerca de supervivents per conduir-los cap a un lloc segur. Segueix la seva batalla sense fi contra la Corporació Umbrella. Aquest cop l'Alice aconsegueix rebre l'ajuda inesperada d'un vell amic; un nou líder que promet un refugi segur contra els zombis que els guia cap a Los Angeles; però en arribar, la ciutat es troba poblada d'hordes de morts vivents, i l'Alice i els seus camarades estaran a un pas d'un parany mortal.

After going through a failed heist, 5 friends, apparently back to their normal lives, are involved in an opportunity to pull off another one.

It’s 2006, YouTube is in its infancy, and internet porn is still behind a paywall. Taking the stage name Brent Corrigan, a fresh-faced, wannabe adult video performer is molded into a star by Stephen, a closeted gay porn mogul who runs the skin flick empire Cobra Video from his seemingly ordinary suburban home.

An off-duty SAS soldier, Tom Buckingham, must thwart a terror attack on a train running through the Channel Tunnel. As the action escalates on the train, events transpire in the corridors of power that may make the difference as to whether Buckingham and the civilian passengers make it out of the tunnel alive.

Teenage Claire would rather hang out with her friends at the mall than to stay home with her brother Matt while Grandma babysits. Who wouldn't? Unfortunately, Grandma isn't about to let Claire out of the house. Worse, she insists that Claire and Matt listen to her reworking of the Brothers Grimm classic tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Fortunately, Grandma has a sense of humor, and adds some modern twists. Claire imagines herself as Red, and her brother, parents and grandma as....her brother, parents and grandma.

Three not-so-cool school friends decide to try a old voodoo ritual. Later, they die in a car accident, but live on as zombies. But being a zombie has advantages, too...