De største fremadstormende talenter på den danske comedy-scene dyster om at vinde titlen som årets ZULU-komiker! Konceptet er enkelt: Simon Talbot, Torben Chris, Nikolaj Stokholm og flere af dem, du kender, hooker op med de nye talenter og bestemmer, hvad de skal være sjove om.

Japanese rock band Ziggy comes to London and gets attacked upon arrival at the hotel after a recording session. The musicians barely escape the attack; however, soon they learn that their producer has been murdered, and they are the suspects! Chased by police and some mysterious organization, they find shelter at a local rockers' place and even give a performance there; but it is not too long before their pursuers appear again.

In Siberia, Hyōga saves a man that is being attacked. Injured, the man manages only to say something about Asgard. Some days later, Saori, Seiya, Shiryū and Shun are wondering about Hyōga and decide to go to Asgard to investigate. At Valhalla, the Lord of Asgard, Dolbar, says he has not heard of any Hyōga and neither has his right hand, Loki. However, at all times Seiya and the others can feel an evil cosmo emanating from Loki and the other Odin Saints called God Warriors. Shiryū, in particular, notices a familiar cosmo coming from Midgard, a mysterious, masked God Warrior. Dolbar makes it clear that he is trying to take control of both Asgard and the Sanctuary, imprisoning Athena in a strange dimension within the giant statue of Odin. Midgard reveals himself as Hyōga and tries to kill Shiryū to prove himself to Dolbar. Thus, it is the task of the Bronze Saints to defeat Dolbar, Loki and the rest of the God Warriors, to save Athena and Hyōga.

To mark the release two weeks ago of the eighth and final movie in the series, Robbie Coltrane narrates a countdown of the movie franchise's best moments. From Harry's first meeting with Ron and Hermione aboard the Hogwarts Express through to magical mysteries.

On the night before his retirement, police lieutenant Franco Amore is called to investigate the death of a long-time partner of his in a diamond heist in which he was involved.

For nogle somre siden i en galakse langt, langt borte, får Phineas og Ferb pludselig fat i Dødsstjernens planer, noget som fører dem direkte ind en storslået galaktisk kamp mellem det gode og det onde! Kan de modstå den mørke side? Vil det lykkes stormtrooperen Candace at fange en rebel? Kan Agent P stoppe Sith-inatoren? Phineas og Ferb: Star Wars er et intergalaktisk eventyr. DVD-udgaven indeholder desuden yderligere otte episoder.

A mysterious female spy is recruited to infiltrate the Japanese underworld and gather evidence for a clandestine secretive branch of the Tokyo Police Department.

Neo, Morpheus og Trinity kæmper for at redde Zion, den sidste by på Jorden, fra Maskinerne. Men Neo er fanget et sted mellem den virkelige verden og Maskinernes verden – og han har brug for hjælp.

Gangsteren Danny Ocean forbereder sin bande på endnu et kup. Denne gang er målet et højtprofileret kasino i Las Vegas ejet af Willie Banks. Ocean og hans kumpaner er ikke bare ude efter diamanter. De vil have hævn. Banks har nemlig snydt Reuben Tishkoff, som har været et trofast medlem af gangsterbanden fra første kup.

A short film based on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fictional universe, combining the “Picnic to the curb” of the Strugatsky brothers, “Stalker” by Andrei Tarkovsky and the “Exclusion Zone” location around the Chernobyl NPP. According to the scenario, an agent of the peacekeeping forces, nicknamed "The Photographer", arrives in the Zone to prevent a global scale catastrophe, which could be caused by an experiment that went out of control at a scientific lab.

En dødelig kvindelig snigmorder kommer ud af skjul for at beskytte datteren, som hun opgav for år tilbage, mens hun var på flugt fra farlige mænd.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

Da Japans statssekretær kommer på besøg i Marseille, bliver han kidnappet af Yakuzaen, den japanske mafia. Da det franske politis Operation Ninja forfejles, bliver det Daniels opgave sammen med den uheldsramte politimand, Emilien, at genoptage jagten på mafiaen og føre den japanske embedsmand i sikkerhed. Gennem Marseilles gader suser biljagterne i svimlende hastigheder!

Når handlingerne i den tilbagetrukne forfatter Elly Conways fiktive spionageromaner begynder at afspejle en virkelig spionorganisations hemmelige handlinger, bliver stille aftener derhjemme fortid. Ledsaget af sin kat Alfie og Aiden, en katteallergisk spion, ræser Elly verden over for at være et skridt foran morderne, da grænsen mellem Conways fiktive verden og hendes rigtige verden begynder at udviskes.

Sadie Walker starter forfra i sin hjemby Chesterfield, New York, efter en række store livsforstyrrelser, der inkluderer at forlade sin advokatpraksis efter at have tabt sin største sag og ikke længere været forlovet.

En pensioneret lejemorder kommer atter i vælten, da hans ven afslører en farlig sammensværgelse i inderkredsen af den sydafrikanske regering.

The story of a disturbed individual named Yuuki who captures two Japanese girls.

An ordinary high school student– with an incontinent grandmother and extremely horny dad, are visited by an extremely pretty avatar to preform a “mind transfer” on Grandma. But before too long, Dad’s sniffing round to get it on with the great-shaped avatar.

Da hans bedstemor bliver syg, forsøger den tåbelige Recep at opfylde hendes ønsker ved at få et job og forsøge at finde en passende kone.