Després de travessar mig desert, Trinitat, un paio molt destre amb el revòlver, descobreix que el seu germà gran, un altre granuja com ell, és ara el xèrif d'un petit poble. Com que no té res urgent a fer, decideix quedar-se a menjar i descansar per algun temps.

Kid i Ben, amics però rivals, participen en una cursa de cotxes el premi dels quals és un fantàstic "dune-buggy", un minibòlid vermell amb capota groga. Després d'innombrables peripècies, Kid i Ben arriben junts a la meta, per la qual cosa el minibòlid els pertany a tots dos. Kid proposa que s'ho juguin a "cerveses i salsitxes"

Jack Beauregard, an ageing gunman of the Old West, only wants to retire in peace and move to Europe. But a young gunfighter, known as "Nobody", who idolizes Beauregard, wants him to go out in a blaze of glory. So he arranges for Jack to face the 150-man gang known as The Wild Bunch and earn his place in history.

A stuntman and a saxophonist stand in for two billionaires threatened by killers.

An attempted robbery turns to be an unexpected recruitment when two unemployed men mistakenly break into a police office instead of a store.

Durant la guerra Civil (1861-1865), Howard Kemp (James Stewart) perd la seva granja mentre lluita al front. Per tal de reunir els diners suficients per recuperar-la, treballa com a caçarrecompenses al territori de Colorado. El seu primer objectiu serà Ben Vandergroat (Robert Ryan), acusat d'assassinar un sherif. Després d'acorralar-lo a les Muntanyes Rocoses, s'hi uneixen dos homes que busquen compartir la sucosa recompensa: un vell cercador d'or i un desertor de l'exèrcit de la Unió.

Alan gets a map to some war treasure which the Japanese army left behind on a small Pacific island at the end of World War II. But some gangsters try to steal the map from him and so he hides on Charlie's boat which just leaves the harbor. He manipulates the ship's compass so that Charlie is not aware that he is sailing to the treasure island. But when they step on the island, they discover that it is not as abandoned as they believed: there are some natives - and a Japanese soldier still defending the treasure

Czechoslovakia, 1942. Three brave Czech patriots risk everything to rid their country of its brutal Nazi leader, SS-General Reinhard Heydrich.

Salut i Plata són dos pilots d'avió que operen sobre la selva amazònica i que són capaços de fer gairebé qualsevol cosa pel preu adequat. Un home de negocis els paga aquest preu perquè es desfacin d'un avió a la selva i així poder cobrar l'assegurança. Però els seus problemes comencen quan l'avió s'estavella de debò i ells topen amb una colònia de perillosos miners que extreuen maragdes de contraban.

A lonely, chain-smoking office lady in Tokyo falls for her teacher when she decides to take English lessons. When her teacher disappears, she sets out on a journey to find him.

Un caçador de recompenses (Randolph Scott) deté un jove (James Best) acusat d'assassinat. Durant el viatge a la ciutat on ha de ser jutjat, se'ls uneix una parella de pistolers (Pernell Roberts i James Coburn) i una bella dona (Karen Steele). Pel camí seran perseguits no només pels indis, sinó també pel germà del detingut (Van Cleef), que intenta alliberar-lo.

Jered Maddox, l'inflexible xèrif de Bannock (Nou Mèxic), anteposa el compliment de la llei a qualsevol altra consideració. En una ocasió en què ha d'escortar una caravana, alguns homes borratxos maten un avi. Aturar-los no serà una tasca fàcil, ja que treballen per a Vincent Bronson, el cacic del lloc.

A former convict discovers that his son has been adopted by a couple living on the mountains and tries to establish a contact with him

In 1978, $20 million was stolen from a Detroit bank. One of the robbers was caught, one was found dead, and the third disappeared. The money was never found. Seven years later, the robber who was caught was released from jail. He immediately went to Miami, only to be found dead the next day. Now FBI agents Doug Bennet and Steve Forest have been called in to investigate the case while posing as Miami police officers. Somewhere in Miami the third robber is hiding with his $20 million, and he has a seven-year head start on the authorities.

Two brothers who hate themselves are going to spend Christmas with their mother. She tries to get them together.

Bull Webster is a taxi driver with some work problems on his hands: the Spider Corporation, a giant financial holding company, has decided to buy out his taxi co-operative in order to make it go bankrupt and purchase its land at a low cost.

Victims of oppressive town boss Honey are offered help by an unusual alliance of gunmen and circus performers

Deu persones són convidades a anar a una mansió pel Sr. Owen, al que cap d'ells no coneix. Quan tots han arribat, es tanquen els accessos a la casa i una veu gravada acusa a cadascun d'un crim que la llei no va descobrir i pel qual ara pagaran.

Rivaling Pirates and Spanish gold are the ingredients for this story. Blackie the pirate is the one who first hears from this shipment of gold when he encounters "Don" Pedro. He thinks of a plan to find this ship and its gold. His counter player is the vice roy of the Spanish kolony. When they visit one of the pirate settlements, they find three other pirate captains over there. One of them sells goods and prisoners from his latest capture. Don Pedro recognizes the wife of the vice roy, and Blackie buys her. However, one of the pirate captains, Skull, knows also who she is, and tries to make a deal. Blackie refuses, and Skull makes a deal with the other two pirate captains to plot against Blackie.

La Maggie Walsh i el seu xicot, en Pete Danner, viatgen a Anglaterra de vacances. Hi tenen un accident i reben l'ajuda d'un estrany cavaller, que els convida a la seva mansió per a prendre el te. Hi descobreixen sorpresos no només que la seva arribada era esperada, sinó que també altres persones han estat convidades. Començaran a passar coses horribles...