Carpenter Pepe El Toro lives peacefully with his daughter Chachita in an impoverished Mexico City neighborhood. He pursues a romance with the pretty Celia, but tragedy comes knocking on his door when he is falsely accused of having perpetrated a felony.
A Soviet Ukrainian made violent farcical yet quite faithful adaptation of the famous Robert Louis Stevenson's book that combines animated sequences with live action parts. This film covers the second half of the book.
An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green.
La veritable il·lusió d'en Holland és compondre una simfonia memorable. Però descobreix que la seva autèntica vocació és compartir amb els seus alumnes el seu amor per la música. Centenars d'estudiants es contagiaran d'aquesta passió que omplirà les seves vides i Holland comprendrà que el seu llegat és més gran del que mai s'hauria imaginat.
In eighth century China, the Emperor is grieving over the death of his wife. The Yang family wants to provide the Emperor with a consort so that they may consolidate their influence over the court. General An Lushan finds a distant relative working in their kitchen whom they groom to present to the Emperor. The Emperor falls in love with her and she becomes the Princess Yang Kwei-fei. The Yangs are then appointed important ministers, though An Lushan is not given the court position he covets. The ministers misuse their power so much that there is a popular revolt against the Yangs, fueled by An Lushan.
The successful novelist Judith Ralitzer is interrogated in the police station about the disappearance of her ghost-writer. A serial-killer escapes from a prison in Paris. A missing school teacher leaves his wife and children. In the road, the annoying and stressed hairdresser Hughette is left in a gas station by her fiancé Paul while driving to the poor farm of her family in the country. A mysterious man offers a ride to her and she invites him to assume the identity of Paul during 24 hours to not disappoint her mother. Who might be the unknown man and what is real and what is fiction?
Jennifer and Vince, virtual strangers, find themselves strapped for cash and decide to stage a fake engagement and wedding just for the gifts
George Banks és un home madur, però d'esperit jove, que no acaba d'acceptar que la seva filla de 22 anys, per a ell encara una nena, es casarà. Encara que tots creuen que el nuvi és un noi fantàstic, això el converteix en el seu enemic per por de perdre la seva petita per sempre. Això per no parlar del cost del casament...
Quan la Bridget Cardigan, que sempre ha dut una vida acomodada, s'assabenta que el seu marit ha perdut la feina i que estan arruïnats, se'n va a treballar al Banc de la Reserva Federal, on coneix la Nina Brewster, una mare soltera amb dos fills, la feina de la qual consisteix a destruir milions i milions de bitllets vells. La Bridget convenç la Nina per robar aquells diners, però necessiten la col·laboració d'una tercera dona per executar el seu pla.
Quan Lady Ginebra contreu matrimoni amb el rei Artús, ho fa moguda per dues raons: el respecte i l'admiració que sent per ell i la necessitat de protegir el seu regne, Leonesse. Però el destí fa que s'encreui el seu camí amb el del cavaller Lancelot, nouvingut a Camelot. Sorgeix immediatament l'amor entre ells, col·locant Ginebra en la situació d'escollir entre el rei o Lancelot.
Honest and straightforward small-town Shirlee Kenyon chucks her boyfriend and heads for Chicago. Accidentally having to host a radio problem phone-in show, it is clear she is a natural and is hired on the spot. But the station insists she call herself Doctor, and as her popularity grows a local reporter starts digging for the truth. Problem is, the more he is around her the more he fancies her.
Michael McCann, un home que la seva dona va abandonar després de confessar-li que el seu fill no era seu, viu sol i amargat en una petita ciutat. No obstant, la seva miserable vida canvia quan adopta una nena la mare de la qual acaba de morir. Michael i la nena viuen feliços fins al dia que apareix el veritable pare, un polític egoista que vol recuperar la seva filla només per millorar la seva imatge pública.
When Elizabeth returns to her mother's home after her marriage breaks up, she recreates her imaginary childhood friend, Fred, to escape from the trauma of losing her husband and her job. In between the chaos and mayhem that Fred creates, Elizabeth attempts to win back her husband and return to normality.
Amb motiu de les noces del seu fill adoptiu Alejandro amb la Missy, l'Ellie Griffin torna a la seva antiga llar deu anys després que el seu marit Don l'enganyés amb la seva millor amiga Beu, amb la qual viu des de llavors. Però, quan l'Alejandro els anuncia que la seva mare biològica assistirà a les noces i que, a causa de les seves estrictes creences religioses, no ha de saber que l'Ellie i en Don estan divorciats, aquests es veuran obligats a aparentar que són un matrimoni feliç i la Beu haurà de sortir d'escena.
Deadbeat dad kidnaps his kids from the bus to an abusive foster home and they go on a run. The cops are after them, they bicker constantly and his idea of a way out is grim, yet this dangerous ride might just turn them into a family.
During the revolution, a high-stakes gambler arrives in Cuba seeking to win big in poker games. Along the way, he meets and falls in love with the wife of a Communist revolutionary.
A daring physicist travels into the past to stop a mysterious woman from stealing his invention. But once there, he uncovers a surprising truth about the machine, the woman, and his own fractured reality.
Dos agents d'homicidis del cos de policia de Los Angeles investiguen un múltiple assassinat en un club de rapers. Un d'ells és Joe Gavilan (Harrison Ford), un veterà detectiu amb problemes de diners i tres exesposes. L'altre és KC. Calden (Josh Hartnett), un jove policia amb poca vocació que vol ser actor. Les primeres investigacions del cas apunten un cap d'un segell de rap, que es rumoreja va arreglar la mort dels rapers artistes que es van negar a signar un contracte amb ell.
The tale of a workaholic dad-turned-dog who finds that being man's best friend shows him the most important job - being a great dad.
When his nephew tries to wrest control of his estate from him, the Duke of Dingwall removes the boy from his will and leaves everything to his dog.