Kumar Agnihotri belongs to a wealthy family, consisting of his dad, Madan, and mom, Janki. He is in love with beautiful Mala Bajpai, and they hope to marry soon with the blessings of their respective parents. Kumar's other passion is boxing, which Janki loathes, and hopes that he will give this up soon. When the Agnihotris bring home a woman named Ganga, and introduce her to Kumar as Janki's childhood friend, Kumar finds out that Ganga is his biological mother, and his father, Ajay Kumar, was the National Champion in boxing, who was killed by three men for refusing to lose a fight. While Janki is afraid that she is going her son to Ganga, Kumar has decided to avenge his biological's father's death by any means, little realizing that he may face the same fate his father did years ago.

As a patriarchal family yearns for the birth of a son to continue their family line, their youngest son secretly joins an erotic dance theatre and falls for its transgender starlet.

An inside look at one of the most anticipated movie sequels ever with James Cameron and cast.

In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their origins. Seeing themselves in the center of terror, two cousins take refuge in an apartment, where they debate social and racial issues, and share the same yearning for the change of country.

En Masud Rana és un agent secret altament qualificat amb el nom en clau MR-9, de l'Agència de Contraespionatge de Bangladesh. S'uneix a un agent de la CIA per a derrocar una organització criminal internacional encapçalada per un despietat home de negocis.

Després de tota una trajectòria com a alcaldessa d'una ciutat a prop de París, Clémence (Isabelle Huppert) afronta el seu major repte: presentar-se a ministra. Valent i decidida, sempre s'ha bolcat amb els més desfavorits per salvar la ciutat de la pobresa i l'atur juntament amb l'ajuda de la seva fidel mà dreta Yazid (Reda Kateb), però ara, aquest nou càrrec li despertarà una ambició desconeguda. Serà capaç de mantenir el seu compromís amb els ciutadans i la seva integritat política o acabarà sucumbint al poder?

El capità Drummond (Aaron Eckhart) supervisa un jove comandament d'elit encarregat de recopilar informació altament classificada per a canviar el destí de la guerra. Però l'aclaparadora força de l'exèrcit enemic aniquila a la majoria dels seus soldats en una emboscada. Els enemics apareixen i desapareixen a gran velocitat provocant el desconcert de les tropes americanes. Els joves soldats no tindran una altra opció que portar la batalla a uns túnels subterranis en una missió d'alt risc.

Paul, Julia and Lilly are a happy family, until Julia dies unexpectedly. For the sake of his daughter, Paul wants to function and suppress his grief. Lilly keeps challenging him with her imagination and her very own view of Mum's death.

A man is painting a landscape. A woman is holding two cups. What can go wrong? A nightmare in pink.

Munro, a soldier turned lay preacher, comes to New Zealand to minister to the first British colonists, but he is converted by the powerful chief Maianui to serve a different purpose.

I wouldn't answer if I were you' Hello is the story of a young lady who falls prey to an evil killer.. alone in her apartment, eagerly awaiting the return of her boyfriend, the phone rings...

Akiyama is an intern, disgusted with the noise pollution caused by the bullet trains and the heart attacks that noise has been causing in older hospital patients, plots to disrupt and, in ten days, destroy a unit of the operation. He warns the Japan National Railway, that, if nothing is done to reduce the noise, he will derail a bullet train. Takigawa is the police detective sent to stop him.

Michiko lost her dad in a car accident when she was 10 years old. After the car accident, Michiko has lived with her mother Kyoko. Michiko, now in her 2nd year of high school, gets a cell phone from her mother as a birthday present. Michiko is so excited to have her very first cell phone. Soon afterwards, she is forced into joining social networking site "AvaQ" by classmate, and queen of the classroom, Taeko.

Spain boils with tension, the country is totally polarized and social networks burn daily... The NEW LEFT and LIBERAL SPAIN parties face each other in the next general elections.

Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's finds herself out of ways to please her consumerist tendencies… until she discovers The Internet! Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.

An ambitious young woman starts her first day on the job in a sales position and realizes it's not what she bargained for, when everyone starts questioning her ability to fit into her new role.

A young agent is tasked with investigating a tangled web of corruption and fraud in New York.

Un criminal notori ha de trencar una maledicció per tal de rescatar una noia segrestada que ha desaparegut misteriosament.

The film tells the story of a young man who dreams of securing high jobs by completing his doctorate, but is forced to spend his days in a pig farm.