In post-war Italy, the family of typical housewife Delia is in turmoil over the impending engagement of beloved firstborn Marcella. The arrival of a mysterious letter, however, will ignite Delia's courage to face her abusive husband and imagine a better future.

Two Soviet partisans leave their starving band to get supplies from a nearby farm. The Germans have reached the farm first, so the pair must go on a journey deep into occupied territory, a voyage that will also take them deep into their souls.

In August 1950, waiting for UN troops to arrive, the South Korean army assembled to protect Nakdong River. Only 71 student-soldiers are left behind to guard the city of Pohang. Now they are on a mission to defend the country from North Korean troops.


A walk through the immense private library of Italian writer and thinker Umberto Eco (1932-2016).

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.


Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

「新しき世界」のファン・ジョンミンとイ・ジョンジェが7年ぶりに共演したノワールアクション。凄腕の暗殺者インナムは引退前の最後の仕事として、日本のヤクザ・コレエダを殺害する。コレエダの義兄弟だった冷酷な殺し屋レイは復讐のためインナムを追い、関わった者たちを次々と手にかけていく。一方、インナムの元恋人は彼と別れた後にひそかに娘を産みタイで暮らしていたが、娘が誘拐され元恋人も殺されてしまう。初めて娘の存在を知ったインナムは、彼女を救うためタイへ急行。そしてレイもまた、インナムを追ってタイへとやって来る。2人の戦いは、タイの犯罪組織や警察も巻き込んだ壮大な抗争へと発展していく。「チェイサー」「哀しき獣」などの脚本家ホン・ウォンチャンが監督・脚本を手がけ、「パラサイト 半地下の家族」のホン・ギョンピョが撮影監督を担当。


Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?


Christmas brings the ultimate gift to Aldovia: a royal baby. But first, Queen Amber must help her family and kingdom by finding a missing peace treaty.

A group of World War II American soldiers encounter a supernatural enemy as they occupy a French castle previously under Nazi control.

A woman struggles to keep her stepdaughter from harms way after she hires an assassin to kill her husband, but the hitman turns and blackmails her for the crime.

クリスは優勝を勝ち取るため、ペッパーといういたずら好きな妖精とうっかり契約してしまい、クリスマスの 12 日間を盛り上げる魔法をかけてもらうと町中が大混乱に。 クリスと妻のキャロル、そして 3 人の子供たちは、家族のクリスマスを台無しにするかもしれないリスクを冒しながらも、ペッパーの魔法を解き、悪魔のような魔法使いたちと戦い、みんなのためのクリスマスを守るため、時間との戦いに挑まなければならなくなるのだった。

In the depths of an ancient forest, something has been growing. Something older than humanity itself, and perhaps greater too. When a park ranger discovers a man and his son living wild, she stumbles onto a secret that is about to change the world.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.

When a tough-as-nails reporter is lead to a mysterious cult and the evil Pinhead, any moment could be her last.