19-årige Isaiah Wright lever for basketball og videospil. Et år ude af gymnasiet har han intet job, ingen planer og ingen idé om, hvordan man skal være en mand. I modstrid med sin enlige mor Cynthia stilles Isaiah et ultimatum - om at gå op eller flytte ud. Isaiah mærker tiltrækningen fra sine venner og skub fra sin mor, og bliver ansat af Moore Fitness, uvidende om, hvordan ejeren personligt vil påvirke hans liv. Med sin mors bønner og uventet vejledning fra sin nye mentor, er Esajas tvunget til at håndtere sin fortid, ofre sin egoisme og opdage, hvordan Gud kan have et større formål med hans liv.
Neto is a middle class teenager living a normal life. After his father finds a marijuana cigarette on his pocket, he is sent to a mental institution, where he gets to know a completely absurd and inhumane reality in which people are devoured by a corrupt and cruel system.
Soon after the break of the pandemic and realizing that his clock is ticking, Kristofer gets the urge to embark on a journey to try to find out what really happened when his Japanese girlfriend mysteriously vanished without a trace from London fifty years earlier.
Lyle og Erik Menendez, der afsoner en livstidsdom for mordet på deres forældre, taler ud i denne dokumentar om den chokerende forbrydelse og efterfølgende retssag.
Den snedige Bad Guys-bande begiver sig ud på et storstilet Halloween-kup for at stjæle en uvurderlig amulet fra et mystisk palæ. Hvad kan gå galt?
To venner der voksede op sammen i Joseon-dynastiet, hvoraf den ene er hersker og den anden tjener, genforenes efter krigen som fjender på hver sin side.
A puzzling investigation leads a no-nonsense cop down a dark path involving the vicious rivalry between twin sisters and the volatile man they both love.
Soccer is an alien world for Walter Vismara, an unfamiliar terrain he's always avoided. But when his job hangs in the balance, he's thrust into the role of goalkeeper by his soccer-obsessed boss. Forced into a relentless routine of practice sessions and taunts, Walter finds himself trapped in a nightmare. His troubles escalate when he discovers his beloved in the arms of his archenemy, adding a personal dimension to his challenges. Determined to prove his worth, Walter devises a plan: to play the fool outwardly while secretly honing his skills. As he navigates this comedic yet challenging journey on the soccer field, will Walter emerge victorious and finally earn the respect he deserves?
New Normal is a captured record of 4 days in Seoul, 2022, which is a time of chaos that all the mankind never have been experienced before in entire human history. It depicts the unexpected risks and identity of fears that are hidden in everyday life and common space.
Shattered by the unexpected news of their irreversible break-up, an aspiring orchestra conductor is puzzled by his girlfriend's mysterious and seemingly inexplicable case of disappearance.
A burned-out professional sniper finds himself trapped in an all-glass penthouse by a lethal competitor and must find a way to survive and escape with little to no cover between him and the killer.
One morning, Louise, 45, is suddenly unable to step out of her car. Sweats, anxieties, palpitations... she is having an inexplicable panic attack. She is tetanized and simply cannot set foot outside.
A young detective seeks the help of a discharged police officer, giving him the chance to reclaim his old life in exchange for solving a bank raid case.
The great theater director Federico Landi Porrini is looking for his Romeo and Juliet for the opera that should definitively consecrate his prestige and end his career. Vittoria stands out among the candidates, but she is excluded because of a shadow on her past. Determined to get a role in the play anyway, and with the complicity of her makeup artist friend, the young actress decides to try again under a false identity to prove all her talent. That's how she turns into Eight November, offers herself for the role of Romeo and gets the part. It does not seem so complicated for her to play someone else, both on stage and behind the scenes, even when her boyfriend is chosen to play the role of Mercutio. However, dressing as a man will allow her to discover a lot about herself, but more importantly about the people around her.
En genforening forud for et bryllup forvandles til et psykologisk mareridt for en gruppe tidligere studiekammerater, da en uindbudt gæst ankommer med en mystisk kuffert.
Sam er en fransk journalist, der udnytter sin muslimske baggrund til at infiltrere en jihadistcelle. Gruppen får til opgave at sprede kaos i Paris, og Sam involverer sig i gruppens aktiviteter for at indsamle stof til sin artikel. Men tingene udvikler sig uventet, og Sam kommer hurtigt ud på dybt vand. og så er den, hvad en thriller også skal være: Elementært nervepirrende.
The story of Mary is reinvented, no longer a spectator but a courageous architect of her own existence.
I en episk actionfilm inspireret af sande begivenheder bliver Boudicas mand, den adelige kong Prasutagus, dræbt, og hendes børn bliver brutalt taget fra hende af hensynsløse romerske erobrere. Frataget sit land og tvunget til at underkaste sig, tænder Boudica, fortæret af sorg og brændende af et ønske om retfærdighed, en ildsjæl i hende og lover at genvinde sit hjemland fra romernes kløer. Boudica leder sin hær i et desperat angreb mod de romerske styrker, hvor hendes folks skæbne og hendes egen skæbne hænger i en balance.
A masked maniac terrorizes the same small community where a murderer known as the Phantom Killer struck decades earlier.