Kirill, Kate and Nikita are 18 years old. Everyone marks this event in their own way. Every day ends differently. But the attitude to adulthood is the same for everyone. This film is a study of how young people relate to age and go beyond the limits of what is permitted.

On the eve of his wedding, on holiday on the Lake Annecy shore, a career diplomat visits an old acquaintance, perhaps a former girlfriend. Through her he meets an intense teenager, Laura, and then lusts after her sister, Claire. Whilst Laura attempts to flirt with him, his fantasy becomes focused on wanting to caress Claire's knee.

When an unlikely ally enters the Bloom family's world in the form of an injured baby magpie they name Penguin, the bird’s arrival makes a profound difference in the struggling family’s life.

I Sydfrankrig er den unge enke Louise alene med sine to børn. Hun kæmper for at redde familiens frugtplantage, men det er trange tider, og en aften kommer Louise endda til at ramme en mand med sin bil. Pierre kommer heldigvis ikke til skade. Til gengæld viser han sig at være anderledes end de fleste andre mennesker. Og hans ligefremme væsen og evne til at lade sig begejstre kommer til at ændre Louises liv.

French comic Gad Elmaleh regales a Montreal crowd with tales of awkward mix-ups and baffling customs he's encountered since moving to the U.S.

Because of his wavering health, Monsieur Henri can no longer live alone in his Paris appartment. Particularly grumpy, he ends up nonetheless accepting his son Paul's suggestion that he let one of his rooms out to a young female student. Far from falling for her charms, Henri uses her to orchestrate utter family chaos...

Lola is a striking teenaged girl who is on the cusp of adulthood and longs to rush into the adult world of independence, freedom and sexual exploits, but is tenaciously held back by her mother.

Christmas 1999, in a peaceful little village in the Ardennes. The life of a young boy named Antoine will soon be devastated by three tragic events : the death of a dog, the vanishing of a child, and a big ravaging storm.

Alice er en 38-årig erfaren og ambitiøs kvinde som arbejder på modemagasinet Rebelle. Efter en rejse glemmer hun et usb-stik på flyet. Det bliver fundet af den 19-årige arkitektstuderende Balthazar Apfel. Da Alice skal have sin usb-nøgle, tilbyder Balthazar hende et lift på sin knallert. Det ser hendes arbejdskolleger. Dagen efter har hendes chef en idé omkring en ny reportage om hvordan det er at møde nogen som er 20 år yngre. Alice tager opgaven i håb om at det kan føre til avancement på redaktionen – men den strengt professionelle indfaldsvinkel bliver ikke helt nem at håndtere.

Two young Spanish men, with a university education, are tired of unemployment and decide to move to Germany. But soon they will find out that finding a better living is not as easy as they expected.

Gloria er i 50'erne, nyligt fraskilt og med to voksne børn. Efter sin skilsmisse er der vendt op og ned på hendes liv, og Gloria er havnet pladask i en midtlivskrise. Hendes børn har travlt med deres eget liv, og hun er i tvivl om, hvorvidt hun har spildt sit liv på sit tidligere ægteskab. Er der oplevelser og øjeblikke hun ikke har udlevet, og er det nu er for sent at ændre på sit liv og livsførelse? Det sætter hun sig lettere desperat for at udfordre. Hun bruger dagtimerne på sit 8-16 job, men dispenserer for dette, når hun i de blå timer slår sig løs i nattelivet i L.A. En aften opstår der en uventet romance mellem Gloria og den tidligere soldat Arnold, og det bliver starten på en affære, der giver håb om at ægte kærlighed stadig er opnåeligt, også selvom man er midt i livet.

En freelance skribent, der leder efter romantik, sælger en historie til Cosmopolitan-magasinet om at finde kærlighed på arbejdspladsen og bliver undercover hos et finansieringsselskab.

Justine, struggles with commitment, listens to old David Bowie covers, and uses her employer’s private MRI machines to make “X-Ray Art” After a trail of boyfriends, Justine thinks she has found The One, a hunky shoe salesman, but her temporary happiness is thrown when her neurotic 60-year-old Jewish father (Michel Blanc) suffers a delayed midlife crisis and announces that his young second wife is expecting a baby. Justine and her half-sister Dom, who is trying to adopt, are rather annoyed at the news. Coupled with resentment about her father’s absence when she was growing up, causes her to spiral into self-doubt. Overflowing with French charm, Justine gets by with the help of her family, friends, and newly discovered muse.

Julien Monnier has a serious problem. Though he's a brilliant couples counselor, he can't keep a woman in his life for more than two weeks. Indeed, ever since his childhood, Julien jinxes every woman who falls in love with him. But it's not just any small jinx. It's the kind that sends you to the hospital several times a week, that destroys your professional life or that turns your friends into enemies. Julien is strictly speaking a true black cat for women. Joanna Sorini will soon learn this at her expense the day she meets him. A career that's just taking off, a love life that finally seems to be taking a good turn, all that may just change.

Max, Paul and Simon have been friends for 35 years. They take great pleasure in their one vacation a year together without their partners and meet-up regularly to spend evenings drinking or playing cards. Each has a successful career and they all appear to have perfect lives until the night Simon announces to his friends that he has just strangled his wife, Estelle after a blazing row. Max and Paul are horrified by Simon's confession, but worse is to come when Simon asks them to lie and provide him with an alibi for the time Estelle was killed. Both men are torn between lying or turning over their best friend to the police.

A comedy that follows the break-up of a French rock group.

Tre dansehold – et latinamerikansk, et europæisk og et canadisk – forbereder sig til kamp ved den internationale Beat the World-konkurrence i Detroit. Undervejs kæmper de med spillegæld, eks-kærester og deres eget ego. I det sidste opgør om at blive verdensmestre opdager de, at deres livslange håb, drømme og endda liv er på spil.

Three men are abandonned by their wives for a few days in the summer holidays. They are alone with five kids to feed and a house to maintain. And they will learn what they did wrong with their wives.

Otte grumme eventyr om Halloween, Mors dag, St. Patricks-dag og andre højtider danner tilsammen denne gyserantologi.

A pair of losers working at department store plan to rob the place after it closes. When a bunch of kids show up begging for a story, the men launch into an improvised version of Aladdin.