Quan Hamlet, el príncep hereu de Dinamarca, torna a la seva pàtria, rep la notícia que el seu pare ha mort i que la seva mare, la reina Gertrudis, es casarà amb el seu oncle Claudi. L'espectre del seu pare revela que el responsable de la seva mort és Claudi. A partir de llavors, Hamlet només pensarà a venjar la mort del seu progenitor.

Adaptació de diversos relats de l'escriptor nord-americà Raymond Carver (1939-1988). Retrat de la vida quotidiana d'un grup molt heterogeni de persones que viuen a Los Angeles i intenten afrontar com poden les dificultats de la seva vida laboral i personal, gent que es creua indiferent ignorant els drames aliens. Tot i això, enmig de tanta quotidianitat, batega la presència del terror.

Homer Bannon, un vell ramader de l'Oest, no vol saber res de la nova indústria petroliera que de mica en mica ha anat canviant el rostre de la regió i ha suposat una enorme riquesa per a tothom, i manté serioses discussions amb el seu fill Hud. El jove és un irresponsable que necessita molts diners per poder mantenir el seu luxós tren de vida, diners que no produeixen la cria de bestiar. Entre pare i fill s'hi interposa el nét del primer, nebot del segon, que sent un gran afecte pel seu avi i una gran admiració pel seu oncle. Enmig d'aquest xoc d'interessos, comença a passar alguna cosa al bestiar.

On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their presence there dates back a thousand years or more to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. From then on, Whangara chiefs, always the first-born, always male, have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand tribe, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.

La famosa estrella del rock americà Nick Rivers arriba a l'Alemanya Oriental dels nostres dies, per presentar-se a un festival cultural important. Però aquest fet forma part d'un pla per distreure l'atenció del món exterior sobre allò que està passant realment. L'alt comandament d'Alemanya Oriental, encapçalat pel general Streck, es proposa reunir novament les dues Alemanyes sota un sol govern, el d'Alemanya Oriental.

The story of Wilson Bond, a pimp who after saving Chan, the leader of the Heaven and Earth society, a revolutionary group, is made a member. After a botched first assignment for the group, he is made a servant to the Prince, the very person the Heaven and Earth society want to overthrow. What follows is plenty of mayhem and laughter.

Women in a failing silk factory, fight to find a way to keep their jobs.

Deceased drifter Mike arrives in Heaven and quickly falls for newborn soul Annie, soon to start her assignment on Earth. When Annie leaves, Mike follows.

Louie Jeffries is happily married to Corinne. On their first anniversary, Louie is killed crossing the road. Louie is reincarnated as Alex Finch, and twenty years later, fate brings Alex and Louie's daughter, Miranda, together. It's not until Alex is invited to Louie's home that he begins to remember his former life, wife and best friend. Of course, there's also the problem that he's attracted to Louie's/his own daughter.

A woman must fly back to her hometown when her Alzheimer's-stricken mother wanders into a blizzard. The return home forces her to confront her past.

Tracta sobre l'encantador però problemàtic Ben Burns, que torna a casa seva amb la família una fatídica vigília de Nadal. La cautelosa mare de Ben, Holly Burns, rep el retorn del seu estimat fill, però aviat s'assabenta que encara està en perill. Durant 24 hores que poden canviar la vida per sempre, Holly ha de fer tot el que estigui al seu abast per evitar la caiguda de la família.

Two unpopular teenagers, Gary and Wyatt, fail at all attempts to be accepted by their peers. Their desperation to be liked leads them to "create" a woman via their computer. Their living and breathing creation is a gorgeous woman, Lisa, whose purpose is to boost their confidence level by putting them into situations which require Gary and Wyatt to act like men.

A college freshman returns to Los Angeles for Christmas at his ex-girlfriend's request, but discovers that his former best friend has an out-of-control drug habit.

D'Artagnan travels to Paris hoping to become a musketeer, one of the French king's elite bodyguards, only to discover that the corps has been disbanded by conniving Cardinal Richelieu, who secretly hopes to usurp the throne. Fortunately, Athos, Porthos and Aramis have refused to lay down their weapons and continue to protect their king. D'Artagnan joins with the rogues to expose Richelieu's plot against the crown.

After leaving Washington D.C. hospital, plastic surgeon Ben Stone heads for California, where a lucrative practice in Beverly Hills awaits. After a car accident, he's sentenced to perform as the community's general practitioner.

Celeste Talbert (Sally Field), la insegura protagonista d'un culebrot, ensopega amb múltiples dificultats durant el rodatge de la sèrie. A més, ha de lluitar amb la competència per mantenir el seu lloc; d'altra banda, el productor de la sèrie ha aconseguit que torni Jeffrey (Kevin Kline), un actor amb qui Celeste s'emporta molt malament.

Mel, un buscat assassí a sou, planeja un segrest ràpid amb quatre socis, Cisco, Crunch, Wince i Gump, i així aconseguir diners fàcils. Tot i això, la cosa es complica i el tir els surt per la culata, i el que semblava un segrest fàcil es complica enormement, ja que la noia segrestada, Keiko, és la filla d'un important home de negocis, no és altra que la fillola de Paris el cap de Mel. Quan un dels seus socis el traeix, Mel es converteix en el principal objectiu de París. Mentrestant, i com si tot això no fos suficient, l'amant de Mel, Chantel, s'escapa amb els seus diners al mateix temps que els pares de la seva promesa Pam, reticents al casament, arriben de visita. Els problemes laborals i casolans de Mel xoquen entre si quan aquest es troba alhora esquivant els sicaris de París i intentant causar una bona impressió als seus futurs sogres, comprovant com la luxosa vida que s'havia anat construint se l'ensorra com un castell de cartes.

Matt Sullivan's last big relationship ended in disaster and ever since his heart's been aching and his commitment's been lacking. Then came Lent, that time of year when everybody gives something up. That's when Matt decides to go where no man's gone before and make a vow: No sex. Whatsoever. For 40 straight days. At first he has everything under control. That is until the woman of his dreams, Erica, walks into his life.

Two women confront their boyfriend, a two-timing actor who professed eternal love to each.

Canaan, a mysterious gunfighter left nearly blind from Civil War combat, roams through Mexico with a baby he has sworn to protect. On his way to a town where a family will supposedly adopt the baby, Canaan passes through a border town where U.S. Cavalry officers assigned to deliver a shipment of silver are under attack from bandits. With some reluctance, Canaan steps in to help the soldiers.