When Gelsomina, a naïve young woman, is purchased from her impoverished mother by brutish circus strongman Zampanò to be his wife and partner, she loyally endures her husband's coldness and abuse as they travel the Italian countryside performing together. Soon Zampanò must deal with his jealousy and conflicted feelings about Gelsomina when she finds a kindred spirit in Il Matto, the carefree circus fool, and contemplates leaving Zampanò.

El 2002, un equip de reporters d'investigació del Boston Globe va destapar els escàndols de pederàstia comesos durant dècades per capellans de Massachussets. La publicació d'aquests fets va sacsejar l'Església Catòlica com a institució.

A mother lives quietly with her son. One day, a girl is brutally killed, and the boy is charged with the murder. Now, it's his mother's mission to prove him innocent.

The story of an impossible love between a woman named Fred and a transgender woman named Laurence who reveals her inner desire to become her true self.

A gay teenage hustler and another teen obsessed with alien abductions cross paths, together discovering a horrible, liberating truth.

Released after being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 13 years, a woman begins executing her elaborate plan of retribution.

Un nàufrag arriba a una illa tropical deserta on troba aigua, fruita fresca i gran diversitat d'animals. Amb els troncs d'un bosc de bambú proper decideix construir un rai per escapar de l'illa. Un cop enllestit amb molt d'esforç, tots els seus intents per tornar a la civilització es veuen frustrats per una tortuga vermella gegant que li enfonsa reiteradament l'embarcació.

Susan Morrow és una galerista establerta a Los Angeles que comparteix una vida plena de luxes, encara que buida, amb Hutton Morrow, el seu segon marit. Un dia, Susan rep una novel·la escrita pel seu exmarit Edward Sheffiel, del qual fa anys que no té notícies. En una nota li demana que llegeixi la novel·la inèdita i que s'hi posi en contacte, ja que es quedarà uns dies a la ciutat. És de nit. Susan, sola al llit, comença a llegir, i és la història d'un matrimoni amb una filla que conduint per Texas una nit, són perseguits per un altre vehicle...

Two troubled men face their terrible destinies and events of their past as they join together on a mission to find the Holy Grail and thus to save themselves.

Narra la història real d'unes monges poloneses embarassades després de ser violades per les tropes russes un cop acabada la II Guerra Mundial. Agost de 1945. Un monestir prop de Varsòvia (Polònia) alberga un fosc secret.

In Justine’s family everyone is a vet and a vegetarian. At 16, she’s a gifted teen ready to take on her first year in vet school, where her older sister also studies. There, she gets no time to settle: hazing starts right away. Justine is forced to eat raw meat for the first time in her life. Unexpected consequences emerge as her true self begins to form.

La trobada amb un activista i la seva dona embarassada radicalitza la ideologia d'un pastor evangèlic , un antic capellà de l'exèrcit encara marcat per la mort del seu fill a l'Iraq, que dirigeix una petita església al nord de l'estat de Nova York.

Famed but tormented artist Vincent van Gogh spends his final years in Arles, France, painting masterworks of the natural world that surrounds him.

La Camille és una noia solitària que treballa de dona de fer feines a les nits i dibuixa en el seu temps lliure. Viu de lloguer a les golfes d'un bloc de pisos de París. En Philibert és un excèntric jove de família aristocràtica que viu en un ampli pis del mateix edifici amb el seu amic Frank, un cuiner maleducat i faldiller, però que n'està molt de la seva àvia, la Paulette.

After losing her job, making out with her soon-to-be former boss, and finding out that her daughter plans to spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend, Claudia Larson faces spending the holiday with her unhinged family.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

A $10-million diamond rip-off, a stolen identity, a new life married to a diplomat. Laure Ash has risked big, won big. But then a tabloid shutterbug snaps her picture in Paris, and suddenly, enemies from Laure's secret past know who and where she is. And they all want their share of the diamond heist. Or her life. Or both.

A professional jockey struggles to fit in with her new husband's upper-crust family in this horsy-set drama.

In the third installment of the Scary Movie franchise, news anchorwoman Cindy Campbell has to investigate mysterious crop circles and killing video tapes, and help the President stop an alien invasion in the process.