Tessa finds herself struggling with her complicated relationship with Hardin; she faces a dilemma that could change their lives forever.

Espanya, mitjans dels 80. Un grup d'amics capitanejats per Xavi Font acaba d'arribar a Eivissa perseguint el seu somni de dedicar-se a la moda. Allí els descobreix el productor José Luis Gil, un magnat de la indústria musical que busca nous talents per a llançar un grup. Sense tenir ni idea de cantar, el grup inicia una carrera que els porta de viure com hippies a Eivissa, a omplir estadis a Llatinoamèrica i, de pas, revolucionar les discoteques de mig món.

Everyone's favorite yellow canary unexpectedly becomes next in line for the crown when the queen of an island paradise disappears. His Little Highness’ entourage includes motorbike daredevil Granny and sly Sylvester, whose allegiance is tested when he uncovers a sinister plot to eliminate Tweety for good.

El capità Joe Glass, un home ferm però just i amb un codi moral molt exigent, s'encarregarà de liderar una missió important. Juntament amb un grup de Navy Seals, i des d'un submarí dels Estats Units, haurà de rescatar el president de Rússia que ha estat fet presoner després d'un cop militar. Glass i el seu equip hauran d'evitar tant sí com no que la situació desemboqui en una Tercera Guerra Mundial.

La cursa ha començat. Dom Toretto i el seu equip tornaran aquesta vegada amb més ganes de guerra que mai. No faltaran els excessos de velocitat i l'adrenalina a dojo per a un film del qual s'espera que sigui el lliurament amb més acció d'aquesta saga de carrer per excel·lència.

La mort del Dr Gero a mans dels androides 17 i 18 activa els androides 13, 14 i 15. Aquests tracten de matar a Goku, que els combat amb l'ajuda de Trunks, Cor Petit, Vegeta, Krilin i Gohan.

Un any després dels fets de la primera pel·lícula, els Genets s'embarquen en una altra aventura plena de misteris, trucs i enganys, on la veritat no sortirà a la llum fins al final. En aquesta ocasió, un jove ambiciós els manipularà per aconseguir un xip capaç d'accedir a tots els sistemes informàtics del món, i els Genets viuran una lluita de final incert per demostrar la seva innocència i treure els culpables a la llum.

In 1979 Ohio, several youngsters are making a zombie movie with a Super-8 camera. In the midst of filming, the friends witness a horrifying train derailment and are lucky to escape with their lives. They soon discover that the catastrophe was no accident, as a series of unexplained events and disappearances soon follows. Deputy Jackson Lamb, the father of one of the kids, searches for the terrifying truth behind the crash.

The neurotic Fikret and tavern singer Solmaz, whose 21 year long relationships end on the same day, meet through a funny coincidence. When Solmaz's daughter Zeynep decides to marry her lover from Adana, the ever-fearful Fikret ends up having to play the role of his life. Intended at first to be kept in the family, the wedding becomes a much bigger event upon the insistence of the groom's relatives. Can our heroes come to terms with the traditional Adana family who carry guns and own a kebab restaurant chain, and see the wedding through without mishaps?

Perquè segueixin arribant visitants i diners Isla Nublar crea dinosaures modificats genèticament. La nova creació té unes dimensions colossals, és intel·ligent i vol sortir del tancat on l’han criat...

As the Overfiend slumbers, the mad emperor Caesar rises to power, enslaving a new race of demon beasts. Into this cruel existence is born the Lord of Chaos, the Overfiend's nemesis. As the blood-thirsty beasts capture the tyrant's daughter in a brutal coup, the Overfiend must awaken to an apocalyptic battle of the Gods.

In an alternate timeline the original Godzilla is never defeated and repeatedly reemerges to feed on Japan's energy sources. A new inter-dimensional weapon called the Dimension Tide is created with the intent of eliminating Godzilla. However, the new weapon might also serve as a gateway to something far more sinister.

One night per year, the government sanctions a 12-hour period in which citizens can commit any crime they wish -- including murder -- without fear of punishment or imprisonment. Leo, a sergeant who lost his son, plans a vigilante mission of revenge during the mayhem. However, instead of a death-dealing avenger, he becomes the unexpected protector of four innocent strangers who desperately need his help if they are to survive the night.

After the birth of Renesmee, the Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.

Two years after defeating a satanic cult led by his babysitter Bee, Cole's trying to forget his past and focus on surviving high school. But when old enemies unexpectedly return, Cole will once again have to outsmart the forces of evil.

France, 1809. Captain Neuville is called to the front, leaving his future bride heartbroken. Her sister decides to write letters on his behalf to cheer her up.

En Lenny s'ha traslladat amb la seva família a la petita ciutat on ell i els seus amics es van criar. En aquesta ocasió, els adults seran els qui rebin tota una lliçó dels seus propis fills.

Two decades after surviving a massacre on October 31, 1978, former baby sitter Laurie Strode finds herself hunted by persistent knife-wielder Michael Myers. Laurie now lives in Northern California under an assumed name, where she works as the headmistress of a private school. But it's not far enough to escape Myers, who soon discovers her whereabouts. As Halloween descends upon Laurie's peaceful community, a feeling of dread weighs upon her -- with good reason.

Toro (Spanish for "Bull") is a young con man and the right hand of Romano, a powerful mob boss in Torremolinos, Málaga (Andalusia, south to Spain). After Toro decides to leave Romano to get a life free of crime, his last sting fails, resulting one of his brothers dead and he sent to jail. Five years later, Romano realizes that López, Toro's older brother, is robbing him money from his tourism business and he orders to kidnap Diana, López's little daughter, until this one get back the money. Without options, López visits Toro, now a touristic driver with the third grade prison close to get the parole, who only wants to be free to marry his girlfriend Estrella. When Toro accepts to help López and both meet Romano looking for a solution, Toro ends attacking Romano's men and fleeing with Diana, trying to escape from Romano's revenge. But Romano starts a ruthless searching for they three, meanwhile Toro counts the hours to back the prison according to the third grade...

Sixteen year old Jude discovers each and every one of his fears is true.