The story of Elizabeth Thomas, a 15-year-old high school student who was groomed and abducted by teacher Tad Cummins.

In Los Angeles, an ex-con takes the underground fighting world by storm in his quest to fulfill a promise to a dead friend.

En Gru i la seva família acullen un nou membre: en Gru Jr., que s’entesta a turmentar el seu pare. Quart lliurament de 'Gru, el meu dolent preferit'.

L'exèrcit britànic recluta un petit grup de soldats d'elit per atacar els nazis darrere de les línies enemigues durant la Segona Guerra Mundial.

Val McKee and Earl Bassett are in a fight for their lives when they discover that their desolate town has been infested with gigantic, man-eating creatures that live below the ground.

Quan una sèrie de cruels assassinats colpegen Seül, la policia coreana no té més remei que demanar ajuda a la doctora francesa de renom mundial Alice Launey (Olga Kurylenko), qui ha desenvolupat una tècnica revolucionària per a identificar cadàvers. Amb el nombre de crims augmentant i una misteriosa xarxa de tràfic d'òrgans descoberta, les coses es posaran cada vegada més perilloses al país del matí serè.

Stranded in the open sea after a fatal accident, a young woman and her two friends are rescued by a fishing vessel's captain, unaware that the ship harbors a chilling secret.

Late one night a woman drives by a stranded motorist who is later revealed to have been murdered. After a series of terrifying events the woman believes she is the killer's next victim.

A father and teen daughter attend a pop concert, where they realize they're at the center of a dark and sinister event.

Best friends Alice and Darlene take a trip to Thailand after graduating high school. In Thailand, they meet a captivating Australian man, who calls himself Nick Parks. Darlene is particularly smitten with Nick and convinces Alice to take Nick up on his offer to treat the two of them to what amounts to a day trip to Hong Kong. In the airport, the girls are seized by the police and shocked to discover that one of their bags contains heroin.

Centers on a murder that takes place at a high school reunion, unfolding during a snowstorm that leaves guests trapped in an isolated mansion.

Aquesta pel·lícula segueix a personatges d’orígens molt diferents que s'ajunten quan l’avió en el qual viatgen s'estavella en l’oceà Pacífic. Quan l'avió es deté perillosament prop de la vora d'un barranc amb els passatgers i la tripulació atrapats en una bossa d'aire, es produeix una lluita de malson per la supervivència en la qual el subministrament d'aire s'esgota i els perills s'acosten per tots costats.

An African American male is imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement after being found guilty of murdering his wife, as he's haunted by internal demons and his dead wife, and pushed to the breaking point by an abusive female guard.

Per salvar París d'un bany de sang internacional, una científica en dol es veu obligada a enfrontar-se al seu passat tràgic quan un tauró gegant apareix al Sena.

Cinderella finds freedom from her wicked stepmother with the help of her fairy godmother. Only this time, they unleash a plan of bloody vengeance.

After lesbian couple Meg and Kayla split following a traumatic homophobic incident, their three friends are intent on mending the rift during the wedding of Lizzie at a paradise resort. But a pre-wedding boat excursion turns to disaster and the wedding breakfast is likely to be the five girls!

A group of friends enjoying a weekend steal a couple of jetskis racing them out to sea, ending up in a horrific head-on collision. They struggle to find a way home with a badly injured friend while from the waters below predators lurk.

An ad-agency boss (Alan Alda) leads a white-water-rafting trip into danger.

Shortly after a young couple reopen a hotel, a string of cult-like murders begin to unfold around them. Meanwhile, their daughter Chloe finds what appears to be a harmless doll named Tommy and instantly develops a strange attachment to him. The truth behind the murders is quickly revealed and a race to save Chloe from the potential threat of satanic forces begins.