At a Bandung high school, charming and rebellious Dilan vies for the affections of shy new student Milea.

En Kevin McAllister és un nen de vuit anys membre d'una família nombrosa, que accidentalment es queda abandonat a casa seva quan tota la família marxa a passar les vacances a França. En Kevin aprèn a valer-se per ell mateix i fins i tot a protegir-se d'Harry i en Marv, dos brivalls que es proposen assaltar totes les cases tancades del veïnat. Quan la seva mare Kate el troba a faltar, realitza un pintoresc viatge de tornada contra rellotge a Chicago per recuperar al seu fill.

A special CGI film made-for DVD summarizing the story of the Resident Evil 4 game, excluding a couple of scenes for narrative consistency. Leon S. Kennedy, now a federal agent, is hired to rescue the president's daughter from a sinister cult.

A David's classmate, Jochem, is harassed by three bullies, but nobody does anything at school, not even David, who feels guilty for not pointing out the culprits.

Ning Tsai-Shen, un recaptador d'impostos, arriba a un petit poble per a fer la seva feina. Finalment es troba de nit en el temple de Lan Ro.

It is written among the limitless constellations of the celestial heavens, and in the depths of the emerald seas, and upon every grain of sand in the vast deserts, that the world which we see is an outward and visible dream, of an inward and invisible reality ... Once upon a time there was a golden city. In the center of the golden city, atop the tallest minaret, were three golden balls. The ancients had prophesied that if the three golden balls were ever taken away, harmony would yield to discord, and the city would fall to destruction and death. But... the mystics had also foretold that the city might be saved by the simplest soul with the smallest and simplest of things. In the city there dwelt a lowly shoemaker, who was known as Tack the Cobbler. Also in the city... existed a Thief, who shall be... nameless.

The Jungle Beat animals think it’s the best thing ever when an alien arrives in the jungle bringing with him the power of speech. They also surprisingly think it’s the best thing ever when they find out that he’s been sent to conquer them.

En plenes festes nadalenques, el petit Kevin i la seva família són a punt d'agafar un avió per gaudir d'unes petites vacances, però Kevin s'equivoca i embarca en un avió que el porta a Nova York, on torna a trobar-se sol i desprotegit.

Poignant stories of homelessness on the West Coast of the US frame this cinematic portrait of a surging humanitarian crisis.

Temmuz is an openly gay sculptor living at a flat with his dog in Istanbul. He lives a bohemian lifestyle and has a happy go lucky, carefree, eccentric (such as believing in good luck charms) character, frequently distracting him from his work as a children's book illustrator, and eventually leading him to be abandoned by his boyfriend via e-mail. He is given solace and affection by her wealthy mother, who is fully supportive of him, and best friend and co-worker, Beste. In the meantime, he keeps seeing a young man in his dreams, who repeatedly calls him for help and rescue. One day he runs into this guy while getting on the bus, who is accompanied by his mother, and helps them get into their home as the young man was born without limbs. From then on, two lives would collide into each other, starting a brotherhood full of discoveries and mutual help.

En un poble d'Oregon, el professor i escriptor local Harry Stevenson (Morgan Freeman) percep els problemes que causa l'amor entre els veïns: entre els joves i els vells, entre els parents i entre els amants; fins i tot entre els animals. Harry contempla esglaiat com l'amor distorsiona la percepció de l'altre, com lliga i devasta, com inspira, com exigeix ​​sense raó i, en definitiva, com modela la vida de tothom, inclosa la seva.

Miracle at St. Anna chronicles the story of four American soldiers who are members of the all-black 92nd "Buffalo Soldier" Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during World War II.

Jessica Darling – a smart, witty, opinionated girl heading into 7th grade – was never too concerned about where she'd fit in the middle school hierarchy. But before her first day of school, her older sister — the super popular Bethany, now in college—decides to help out by giving her the “It List”—a cheat sheet on how to navigate the middle school maze and rise to the top of the popularity chain. The instructions appear simple enough to follow, but, like life, nothing is as easy as it seems.

Inspired by the true story of University of Virginia basketball star Lamont Carr, the film centers on a group of young Jewish basketball players who search for a coach to help them out of a slump. The main character Alex Schlotsky is inspired by the true story of Alex Barbag and Chad Korpeck.

The Bandit goes on another cross-country run, transporting an elephant from Florida to Texas. And, once again, Sheriff Buford T. Justice is on his tail.

Quatre espies d'alta tecnologia industrial roben un microxip ultrasecret i confiadament ho amaguen en un cotxe de joguina de control remot. Per causa d'una confusió d'equipatges a l'aeroport, l'anciana senyora Hess recull la joguina i la regala al veí de vuit anys Alex. Els espies desitjaran recuperar el valuós xip sigui com sigui, però Alex està preparat per donar-los una càlida benvinguda.

Finn Baxter i la seva família es muden de Califòrnia a Maine a casa seva. Finn està terroritzat i creu que la casa està embruixada. Mentre que instal·la trampes per agafar el "fantasma", els seus pares es queden encallats a la ciutat i Finn es queda només a casa amb la seva germana. El que no esperaven és que casa seva es converteix en l'objectiu de tres lladres a la recerca d'un botí especial.

Paul Reubens stars as Pee-wee Herman in his second full-length film about a farmer who joins the circus after a storm drops a big tent in his front yard. Pee-wee, along with an outlandish cast of animals and circus performers, puts on the best show ever.