Yagami Light is an ace student with great prospects, who's bored out of his mind. One day he finds the "Death Note": a notebook from the realm of the Death Gods, with the power to kill people in any way he desires. With the Death Note in hand, Light decides to create his perfect world, without crime or criminals. However, when criminals start dropping dead one by one, the authorities send the legendary detective L to track down the killer, and a battle of wits, deception and logic ensues... This was aired on Japanese TV shortly after the death note anime was completed, this special basically re-cuts the first 26 episodes of the series into a two hour movie with some new scenes and dialogue added and the story is seen from Ryuk's viewpoint.

Deixant clar que Neon Genesis Evangelion és una icona indiscutible de l'animació japonesa, no podem sinó alegrar-nos de què el gran Hideaki Anno, el seu creador, hagi decidit ‘reconstruir’ un projecte que es va iniciar en 1995 com a sèrie de televisió, i que ha seguit fent parlar durant més d'una dècada. Aquest juggernaut de la ciència-ficció animada, d'inacabables ramificacions filosòfiques, espirituals i humanes, torna a la pantalla gran sota la forma d'una espectacular tetralogia de la qual Evangelion 1.0 és el seu primer capítol. Tòquio-3 torna a estar sota l'amenaça dels Àngels, i Shinji i Rei tornaran a enfundar-se el vestit d'Eva.

El film està inspirat en la vida real del controvertit entrenador de bàsquet Ken Carter, que en el segon any a l'Institut Richmond de Califòrnia, i amb un equip imbatut amb 13 victòries, va decidir que els seus jugadors no jugarien els propers dos partits i en el seu lloc estudiarien per als exàmens trimestrals pel baix nivell acadèmic que tenien.

Durant la visita a la germana petita de la Vilma, la Madelyn, que estudia a l'acadèmia de màgia d'en Whirlen Merlin, en Shaggy, l'Scooby-Doo i tota la colla s'hauran d'enfrontar a molt més que un conill que surt d'un barret. Un ambiciós magnat dels gelats vol comprar el castell on hi ha l'acadèmia, on es passegen un esperit que fa posar els pèls de punta a tots, i el griu, un ésser mitològic meitat drac meitat lleó, que sembla molt real. En Shaggy, l'Scooby, la Daphne, en Fred i la Vilma aprendran els trucs per descobrir tots els secrets i salvar l'acadèmia.

Inspired by the life of Captain Vikram Batra (PVC), the film celebrates his bravery, valiant spirit and honors his invaluable sacrifice during the Kargil War of 1999, at the age of 24.

Un virus capaç d'esborrar totes les dades dels ordinadors només de passar-hi pel costat, i de controlar i manipular tota mena d'aparells elèctrics, ha enviat l'Scooby-Doo, en Shaggy i companyia a dins d'un videojoc on ells mateixos en són els personatges. Al ciberespai, a més d'enfrontar-se a un munt de rivals virtuals, també s'hi trobaran els seus enemics de sempre! La nostra civilització depèn tant de la tecnologia, que el Virus Fantasma és una amenaça per al món sencer! Per aturar-lo hauran de superar 10 nivells cada cop més esgarrifosos! I és que això de resoldre misteris al ciberespai és més terrorífic que mai!

A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?

In 1666, a colonial town is gripped by a hysterical witch-hunt that has deadly consequences for centuries to come, and it's up to teenagers in 1994 to finally put an end to their town's curse, before it's too late.

Elina goes to a fairy school to learn dancing and fairy magic. The spring of the fairy land is soon threatened by evil Laverna who intends to prevent fairies from performing the annual vital rainbow dance. Elina must stop quarreling with her fellow students and unite them to save the first bud of the spring.

L'inefable i maldestre tinent de policia Frank Drebbin ha tornat per salvar la ciutat, aquesta vegada per enfrontar-se als malvats de la indústria energètica. Un important científic, el doctor Mainheimer, és a punt de publicar un informe sobre el subministrament energètic del futur que pinta malament per als propietaris de les indústries del petroli, el carbó i la nuclear. Així que les indústries segresten Mainheimer i el reemplacen per un doble més favorable als seus interessos. Jane, la secretària del doctor, és el vell amor de Drebbin i la seva flama passional tornarà a revifar-se.

A young Saudi doctor campaigns for a seat on the municipal council, finding confidence as she combats prejudice.

Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.

Gamera escapes from his rocket enclosure and makes his way back to Earth as a giant opal from New Guinea is brought back to Japan. The opal is discovered to have been an egg that births a new monster called Barugon. The creature attacks the city of Osaka by emitting a destructive rainbow ray from his back, along with a freezing spray capable of incapacitating Gamera.

After a teacher dies, his best friend — a former cop — takes a job at the school where he worked to confront the gang he thinks was responsible.

Two fishing scout pilots make a horrifying discovery when they encounter a second Godzilla alongside a new monster named Anguirus. Without the weapon that killed the original, authorities attempt to lure Godzilla away from the mainland. But Anguirus soon arrives and the two monsters make their way towards Osaka as Japan braces for tragedy.

Michael is a young boy living in a typical 1950s suburbanite home... except for his bizarre and horrific nightmares, and continued unease around his parents. Young Michael begins to suspect his parents are cooking more than just hamburgers on the grill outside, but has trouble explaining his fears to his new-found friend Sheila, or the school's social worker.

The film is divided into two episodes, The Hair of Disgrace and The Magician, both focusing on the theme of the occult and beliefs.

A woman struggles to escape the clutches of her overbearing, co-dependent mother, while gradually falling for a sexy, sophisticated attorney.

La nau Enterprise es dirigeix al planeta Nimbus III per negociar l'alliberament d'uns ambaixadors segrestats. Allí descobriran que el cap de la banda és un parent de Spock obsessionat per trobar el planeta que és considerat la font de la vida.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.