Based on the true story of IPS officer Manoj Kumar Sharma, 12th Fail sheds limelight on fearlessly embracing the idea of restarting the academic journey despite the setbacks and challenges and reclaiming one's destiny at a place where millions of students attempt the world's toughest competitive exam: UPSC.

The Jester returns in this sequel short film to continue to spread his Halloween cheer.

As Usagi and her friends enjoy Christmas vacation, an unusual and fierce snowstorm hits town... The evil Snow Queen Kaguya has returned to claim Earth as her own. Crucial to Queen Kaguya's plan is a magical crystal from outer space, approaching Earth disguised as a comet. Once she gets hold of the crystal, she will have the power to suck away all life energy and cover the Earth in ice. Will Sailor Moon find the crystal before Queen Kaguya? Will her powers be enough to save the Earth from permanent winter? All hope lies with the Legendary Ultimate Scout Power!

In Siberia, Hyōga saves a man that is being attacked. Injured, the man manages only to say something about Asgard. Some days later, Saori, Seiya, Shiryū and Shun are wondering about Hyōga and decide to go to Asgard to investigate. At Valhalla, the Lord of Asgard, Dolbar, says he has not heard of any Hyōga and neither has his right hand, Loki. However, at all times Seiya and the others can feel an evil cosmo emanating from Loki and the other Odin Saints called God Warriors. Shiryū, in particular, notices a familiar cosmo coming from Midgard, a mysterious, masked God Warrior. Dolbar makes it clear that he is trying to take control of both Asgard and the Sanctuary, imprisoning Athena in a strange dimension within the giant statue of Odin. Midgard reveals himself as Hyōga and tries to kill Shiryū to prove himself to Dolbar. Thus, it is the task of the Bronze Saints to defeat Dolbar, Loki and the rest of the God Warriors, to save Athena and Hyōga.

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.

På en anden jord lokker Jokeren, Supermand til at dræbe Lois Lane, hvilket fører til et frygteligt raseri i helten, og Supermand bestemmer sig for at tage kontrol over Jorden. Batman og hans allierede må forsøge at stoppe ham.

De vanvittige folk bag højt at flyve har gjort det igen! Leslie Nielsen spiller Police Squads egen betjent Frank Drebin - ham med den klippefaste kæbe og den lige så urokkelige hjerne - som falder over en hypnotiserende plan om at snigmyrde Dronning Elizabeth. Priscilla Presley, O.J. Simpson, en udstoppet bæver, to baseballhold og en aparte samling af diverse figurer slutter sig til de skøre løjer og sprænger grinemåleren i stumper og stykker.

As he tries to win back his ex-girlfriend, a lethargic Lower Bavarian police officer gets sidetracked by a panicky boss and an escaped psychopath.

Den tidligere mesterbokser Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) lever et stille liv og driver en lille restaurant, da han bliver tilbudt en showkamp mod den nuværende sværvægtsmester Mason 'The Line' Dixon. Selvom Rocky er gået på pension, er han forsat med at bokse på amatørniveau, og da han længes mod fortidens berømmelse og sejre, siger han ja til kampen. Han tager udfordringen meget seriøst og begynder et intensivt træningsprogram. En gammel mesterbokser kan da umuligt være nogen værdig modstander for nutidens mester - eller kan han? Den sjette film, hvor Stallone spiller den stædige bokser Rocky Balboa. Stallone har også selv skrevet og instrueret filmen, der fik hele fem stjerner i BT.

One peaceful day on Earth, two remnants of Frieza's army named Sorbet and Tagoma arrive searching for the Dragon Balls with the aim of reviving Frieza. They succeed, and Frieza subsequently seeks revenge on the Saiyans.

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

Roy and Gilbert's fishing trip takes a terrifying turn when the hitchhiker they pick up turns out to be a sociopath on the run from the law. He's killed before, and he lets the two know that as soon as they're no longer useful, he'll kill again. The two friends plot an escape, but the hitchhiker's peculiar physical affliction, an eye that never closes even when he sleeps, makes it impossible for them to tell when they can make a break for it.

A group of travelers are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned jail where a notorious nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned and was suspected of murdering prisoners.

Storbritanniens bedste hemmelige agent James Bond bliver sat til opklare, hvorfor store mængder diamanter bliver smuglet ud af Sydamerika, for blot at forsvinde fra markedet. Han påtager sig identiteten som diamantsmugleren Peter Franks og slår sig sammen den smukke kvindelige smugler Tiffany Case. Mens James Bond forsøger at infiltrere smuglerverdenen, må han tage sig i agt for sin gamle ærkefjende, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, der forsøger at få ham likvideret.

Agent Coulson informs Agent Sitwell that the World Security Council wishes Emil Blonsky to be released from prison to join the Avengers Initiative. As Nick Fury doesn't want to release Blonsky, the two agents decide to send a patsy to sabotage the meeting...

For to år siden lykkede det Jill at flygte fra en seriemorder, der havde kidnappet hende. Da hendes søster forsvinder, er hun overbevist om at det er den samme galning der står bag det, og Jill påvegynder en fortvivlet jagt, for at finde sin søster mens hun stadig er i live.

Jack har fået sin fede båd og sin Joan. Men Joan keder sig og betænker sig ikke da den stenrige sheik Omar inviterer hende til ørkenlandet. Jack bliver hjemme og surmuler, men da Joan kommer ud i noget snavs, kommer han selvfølgelig til undsætning

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

Efter at Rocky er vendt hjem fra sin seneste triumf, opdager han, at alle hans penge er tabt af hans skruppelløse finansrådgiver. For at gøre det hele værre tvinger en kampskade Rocky til at stoppe karrieren. Så Rocky, hans kone Adrian og sønnen Rocky jr. flytter til en billig lejlighed. Der må Rocky prøve at løsne op for den vrede hans søn går rundt med. En bitterhed der vokser, da Rocky begynder at træne en ung talentfuld bokser Tommy Gunn, som hurtigt bliver landskendt. Men Tommy vender sig mod sin læremester - og Rocky bliver snart klar over, at han er nødt til at kæmpe endnu en gang...

Politichefen Lassard beslutter at optrappe kampen mod kriminaliteten ved at oplære de lokale vagtværnsgrupper til at være Borgere På Patrulje… og gæt lige, hvem der skal være instruktører. De samme aspiranter, som troede, at det F de fik i karakterbogen stod for "Fantastisk". Da den rivaliserende vicekommissær Harris ser de uniformerede fjolser i spidsen for at bring Politiskolen i miskredit. Men vore uheldige helte klarer skærene – på deres egne klodsede måde – ved ar stige til vejrs i dobbeltdækkorfly og balloner, da det for alvor går løs. Velkommen om bord!