Drowned World Tour 2001 was recorded at The Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan on August 26, 2001 and was originally broadcast live on HBO as Madonna Live! Drowned World Tour 2001. Drowned World Tour was the fifth concert tour by Madonna in support of her seventh and eighth studio albums Ray of Light and Music, respectively.

A troubled girl finds faith, hope, and healing through a relationship with a wounded horse.

A hard-working mother inches towards disaster as she divorces her husband and starts a successful restaurant business to support her spoiled daughter.

A man and a woman meet by accident on a Sunday evening at their childrens' boarding school. Slowly, they reveal themselves to each other, finding that each is a widow.

A woman's attempted murder of her uncaring husband results in everyday quarrels in the lives of Adam and Amanda, a pair of happily married lawyers who end up on opposite sides of the case in court.

Luo Hongwu returns to Kaili, the hometown from which he fled many years ago. He begins the search for the woman he loved and whom he has never been able to forget.

Years after his mysterious disappearance, Julio Arenas, a famous Spanish actor, is back in the news thanks to a television program.

When a young boy's family is killed by the mob, their tough neighbor Gloria becomes his reluctant guardian. In possession of a book that the gangsters want, the pair go on the run in New York.

An unemployed ex-office worker searching for work floats a fragile line of sanity as she struggles to find friendship and companionship. Her tenuous grasp on reality further fluctuates when a man whom she met in a restaurant and started an affair with is called to go to India for an assignment. The final straw occurs when she is evicted and moves into a sleazy hotel. She then starts seeking casual sex in unorthodox locations just to have human contact.

Two young horse traders guide a Mormon wagon train to the San Juan Valley and encounter rugged terrain, the cutthroat Clegg gang, hospitable Navajo, and moral challenges on the journey.

En tornar del rodatge d'una pel·lícula, una jove actriu atropella un gos pastor alemany de pelatge blanc. Immediatament el porta a un veterinari perquè li guareixi les ferides i col·loca anuncis per localitzar el seu amo. Com que ningú ho reclama, es queda amb ell, però un dia ataca sense motiu una dona negra. Aleshores la jove descobreix, horroritzada, que el gos està ensinistrat per atacar persones de color.

This film tells the tale of the Harper Affair, in which young Jimmy Harper finds his life of promise turn into a life of debauchery and murder thanks to the new drug menace marijuana. Along the way he receives help from his girlfriend Mary and Jesus himself, but always finds himself in the arms of the Reefer Man and the rest of the denizens of the Reefer Den.

A relatively boring Los Angeles couple discover a bizarre, if not murderous way to get funding for opening a restaurant.

Ivanhoe, a worthy and noble knight, the champion of justice returns to England after the holy wars, and finds England under the reign of Prince John and his henchmen and finds himself being involved in the power-struggle for the throne of England.

Federal agent Alexandra Barnes believes that Catherine Petersen is a serial killer who marries rich men and then murders them for their money. But since Catherine is seemingly a master of disguise and has multiple identities, Alexandra can't prove anything with conventional detective work. With no other option, she goes undercover, pursuing the same man as Catherine, and hoping that Catherine will slip up and reveal her true identity.

Duke Anderson és un lladre que acaba de fer una pena de deu anys de presó. Es reuneix amb la seva antiga xicota Ingrid al seu apartament per preparar el robatori d'un edifici sencer. El que ignora és que, encara que no és objecte de vigilància policial, tots els moviments estan sent gravats.

Fletch is a fish out of water in small-town Louisiana, where he's checking out a tumbledown mansion he's inherited. When a woman he flirts with turns up dead, he becomes a suspect and must find the killer and clear his name.

Sàtira sobre el món del cinema i els seus secrets, a través de la història d'un productor cinematogràfic entestat a transformar el seu últim fracàs en un èxit rotund.

El murri comerciant francès Baldabiou sosté entre els seus dits un teixit amb fil de seda japonès. Quan l'epidèmia de pebrina —la malaltia del cuc de seda que va atacar als ous en els criadors europeus a mitjans del anys 1860— es va estendre a ultramar, fins i tot els ous de països tan llunyans com Àfrica i l'Índia es van veure infectats, i tot el comerç europeu de la seda semblava condemnat a desaparèixer.

Remake del film de Truffaut “L'homme qui aimait les femmes” (1977). David Fowler és un brillant escultor que assaboreix les mels de l'èxit. La seva debilitat per les dones és tan gran que mai no sap dir no, i la seva feina se'n ressent. Per aquesta raó, va a buscar ajuda a la consulta d'una psiquiatre, una dona guapa i elegant anomenada Marianna, a qui confia tots els secrets i experiències del seu passat. Però quan creu estar curat de la seva addicció a les dones, apareix al seu camí la fogosa i bellíssima esposa d'un magnat de Texas que vol enganyar el seu marit gelós.