

戦国時代にあって、お茶の道を追究し続けた千利休。そんな美と知の体現者・利休と、絶大な権力を持ちながらも粗野で利休とは対極にある秀吉の確執を描く。映画に登場する生花はすべて、自身も華道・草月流の家元である勅使河原監督の手による。利休を演じた三國連太郎と秀吉を演じた山崎努の対照的な演技のぶつかり合いもみどころ。また、同時期に公開された「千利休 本覺坊遺文」との“利休対決”も話題となった。

Under the pretense of having a picnic, a geologist takes his teenage daughter and 6-year-old son into the Australian outback and attempts to shoot them. When he fails, he turns the gun on himself, and the two city-bred children must contend with harsh wilderness alone. They are saved by a chance encounter with an Aboriginal boy who shows them how to survive, and in the process underscores the disharmony between nature and modern life.

After World War II, their town was a pile of rubble. Gennosuke, the second generation boss of the Kamizu Group was upholding yakuza chivalry by keeping black-market and illegal items out of their open-air market. Taking advantage of the mess, Iwasa and his gang take hold of goods from the US military, black-market and controlled items in order to become the most powerful group in Enko area.



関東一円を支配する巨大暴力団・山王会の関内会長は、傘下の池元組が麻薬を扱う村瀬組と兄弟杯を交わして親密になっていることを快く思っていなかった。そこで関内の右腕・加藤はこの2つの組を仲違いさせようと企て、池元に対して「村瀬を締めろ(軽い制裁を与えろ)」と無理な命令をする。兄弟分の村瀬に手を出せない池元は、配下の大友組に村瀬組を締めることを命令する。池元の二枚舌、山王会の思惑に翻弄されながらも、大友組は村瀬組を締めることに成功し、村瀬組は解散する。 池元の行動に不愉快を覚えつつ、大友は村瀬のシマを事実上継承し、大使館の闇カジノで成功を収める。一方、村瀬が隠れて麻薬を売っていることが発覚し、池元に唆された大友は村瀬を殺害する。ところが、このことを口実に池元は大友に破門を言い渡し、大友は怒りを露わにする。大友は復帰のため、関内の元を訪れ許しを請うが、逆に関内は池元の殺害を唆す。そこで大友は悪びれず闇カジノを訪れていた池元を殺害する。闇カジノを狙っていた関内は、今度は池元組若頭の小沢に、組を継ぎたければ親の仇を討てと煽り、大友組と池元組の抗争を仕掛ける。本家の手助けも得た小沢は、次々と大友組の組員を殺害し、彼らを追い詰めていく。

日ごろから不満が鬱積していた高校生のガンマニアの少年が、数学教師に問題が解けないことを罵倒されたことによりその不満が爆発! 銃砲店から猟銃を強奪し、校内に女子生徒を人質に立てこもってしまう。

Bill is worried that he is 'different' to his sister and parents. They mix with other 'upper class' people while Bill is more down to earth. Even his girlfriend seems a bit odd. All is revealed when Bill returns home to find a party in full swing. Not for the weak of stomach.

Lloyd is a serious young middle-class guy on the make who wants to marry the boss’ daughter. The problem is getting in to see the boss so that he can ask for her hand in marriage as the office is guarded by a bunch of comic, clumsy flunkies who throw everyone out who tries to get in.


Detective Scott Turner has three days left in the local police department before he moves to a bigger city to get some 'real' cases—not just misdemeanors. When Amos Reed is murdered, Scott sets himself on the case, but the closest thing to a witness to the murder is Reed's dog, Hooch, which Scott has to take care of—to avoid Hooch being 'put to sleep'.

A religious brother and sister endure alone together in the post-apocalyptic Outback, until the sudden arrival of a stranger who helps them build a crude plane to fly out of the desert.

About the young life and loves of artist Salvador Dalí, filmmaker Luis Buñuel and writer Federico García Lorca.

Bonnie and cousin Sylvia, two very young children, are left at home in Willoughby Hall while their parents travel overseas. Only the servants and the prowling wolves are their companions. News arrives that Lord and Lady Willoughby are missing and an evil looking governess suddenly arrives at the hall...

An investigator seeking the cause of an airline disaster discovers the involvement of an organisation of time travellers from a future Earth irreparably polluted who seek to rejuvenate the human race from those about to die in the past. Based on a novel by John Varley.

Hermann considers suicide until he finds a strange talking hole in the wall that has the power to fulfill his wildest dreams, or become his worst nightmare.

Three hot girls, four guys, and one mega-swanky yacht collide for a serious night of drugs and sexual deviancy. One debaucherous act goes too far though, turning this teen joy ride into a weekend of bloody bedlam.