The mother of a feudal lord's only heir is kidnapped away from her husband by the lord. The husband and his samurai father must decide whether to accept the unjust decision, or risk death to get her back.

The Catholic Jean-Louis runs into an old friend, the Marxist Vidal, in Clermont-Ferrand around Christmas. Vidal introduces Jean-Louis to the modestly libertine, recently divorced Maud and the three engage in conversation on religion, atheism, love, morality and Blaise Pascal's life and writings on philosophy, faith and mathematics. Jean-Louis ends up spending a night at Maud's. Jean-Louis' Catholic views on marriage, fidelity and obligation make his situation a dilemma, as he has already, at the very beginning of the film, proclaimed his love for a young woman whom, however, he has never yet spoken to.

Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

The four old friends meet on the grave of the fifth of them, Perozzi, who died at the end of the first episode. Time has passed but they are still up for adventures and cruel jokes, and while they recall the one they created together with the late friend, new ones are on their way, starting right there at the cemetery.

Príbeh novicky Viridian, ktorá pred zložením rehoľného sľubu navštívi svojho strýka s nevinným prianím rozlúčiť sa so svojím poručníkom, netušiac, že všetko sa vyvinie úplne inak, je v podaní klasika španielskej kinematografie Luise Bunuel krutú satirou na náboženské pokrytectvo. V roku 1961 bola Viridian ocenená Zlatou palmou v Cannes, v mnohých krajinách sa však premietali iba katolíckou cirkvou Cenzurované verzie a doma v ortodoxnom Španielsku bolo jeho premietanie zakázané úplne. Bunuel niesol svoju kliatbu veľmi ťažko a svoj ďalší film Anjel skazy nakrútil v Mexiku. Satirický-surrealistická obraznosť Viridian, jedného z hlavných diel Luisa Bunuel, však dodnes zaraďuje toto filmové dielo ku špičkám svetovej kinematografie.

A man's failed suicide attempt enables him to see ghosts, who later keep following him everywhere. It is now up to him to fulfill their wishes to make them go away.

Giovanna a Antonio prežívajú veľkú lásku, no napriek všetkým ich snahám musí Antonio narukovať na ruský front. Na konci vojny sa nevráti, no Giovanna je presvedčená, že žije a stále je niekde v Sovietskom zväze. Vydá sa ho preto hľadať a napokon ho i nájde, no Antonio už žije nový život...

A weekend at a marquis’ country château lays bare some ugly truths about a group of haut bourgeois acquaintances.

Two thirtysomethings, unemployed former alcoholic Joe and community health worker Sarah, start a romantic relationship in the one of the toughest Glasgow neighbourhoods.

Voľné pokračovanie filmu Oteckova sláva, nakrútené podľa knihy významného prozaika a dramatika Marcela Pagnola. Opäť sa vraciame do voňavej, slnečnej Provence, kde medzi jej vŕškami prežíva svoje čarovné detstvo jedenásťročný chlapec. Spoznáva svoju prvú detskú lásku, ľudské priateľstvo i zlobu ale predovšetkým sa navždy zamilováva do tohto jedinečnho kraja...

A hapless talent manager named Danny Rose, by helping a client, gets dragged into a love triangle involving the mob. His story is told in flashback, an anecdote shared amongst a group of comedians over lunch at New York's Carnegie Deli. Rose's one-man talent agency represents countless incompetent entertainers, including a one-legged tap dancer, and one slightly talented one: washed-up lounge singer Lou Canova, whose career is on the rebound.

Playboy songwriter Brad Allen's succession of romances annoys his neighbor, interior designer Jan Morrow, who shares a telephone party line with him and hears all his breezy routines. After Jan unsuccessfully lodges a complaint against him, Brad sets about to seduce her in the guise of a sincere and upstanding Texas rancher. When mutual friend Jonathan discovers that his best friend is moving in on the girl he desires, however, sparks fly.

A married woman and a drifter fall in love, then plot to murder her husband.

Joseph "Doc" Frail is a doctor with a past he's trying to outrun. While in Montana, he comes across a mining camp with a hanging tree and rescues a man named Rune from the noose. With Rune as his servant, Frail decides to settle down, and he takes over as town doctor. He meets Elizabeth, who is suffering from shock, and the two soon fall in love. But when Elizabeth is attacked, Frail's attempt to help her lands them both in trouble.

Phoenix cop Ben Shockley is well on his way to becoming a derelict when he is assigned to transport a witness from Las Vegas. The witness turns out to be a belligerent prostitute with mob ties—and incriminating information regarding a high-ranking figure.

Život v galskej dedine prebieha krásne a pokojne, ale všetko sa zmení, keď sa do osady vráti Falbala, dcéra náčelníka. Obelix sa do nej zaľúbi, ale ona už má priateľa - Tragikomixa. Milenecký pár však unesú Rimania, a tak sa Asterix s Obelixom s verným psíkom Idefixom musia vybrať na cestu, aby ich zachránili. Na svojej púti prejdú africkou púšťou, kde sa stretnú s otrokármi a dostanú sa tiež do Ríma, kde musia bojovať s levmi i gladiátormi.

John a Max sú zas o pár rokov starší, ale odpočívať rozhodne nemienia. Síce ich snahy vykonať tomu druhému nejaké huncútstvo poľavili od tých čias, čo sa John rozhodol na staré kolená oženiť s Ariel, ale to neznamená, že je pokoj. Chytí konečne toho slávneho sumca? Nájde si i Max partnerku pre život? A čo prichystal dedo Gustafson?

Bumbling professor Ned Brainard accidentally invents flying rubber, or "Flubber", an incredible material that gains energy every time it strikes a hard surface. It allows for the invention of shoes that can allow jumps of amazing heights and enables a modified Model-T to fly. Unfortunately, no one is interested in the material except for Alonzo Hawk, a corrupt businessman who wants to steal the material for himself.

The ambiguous suicide of a local beauty, weathergirl, cheese model, and Marilyn Monroe look-a-like finds an eager sleuth in David Rousseau, best-selling crime novelist. When Rousseau visits a remote Alps village for the reading of his friend's will he unwittingly, but irresistibly, gets caught in the tangled web of murder and small town politics in this off-beat mystery.