Ring in the holiday season the Cartoon Network way via nine original tales that run the gamut from naughty to nice. The stories feature popular animated characters such as Ed, Edd 'n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Cow & Chicken, I A.M. Weasel, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls and Johnny Bravo. This holly-jolly animated collection sure beats a piece of coal in your stocking!
Cabiria és una prostituta que exerceix com a tal en un dels barris més pobres de Roma. No obstant, somia trobar l'amor veritable, un home que l'aparti del carrer i a qui pugui lliurar-se en cos i ànima. La seva bondat i la seva ingenuïtat la converteixen en víctima propícia de successius vividors que se n'aprofiten, li roben i la colpegen. Malgrat els seus fracassos, recobra l'esperança una vegada i una altra. Tot sembla canviar quan obre el seu cor a un tímid comptable que li proposa matrimoni.
During the Napoleonic wars, a Spanish officer and an opposing officer find a book written by the former's grandfather.
GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?
Un poeta veu que s’acosta l'hora de la seva mort i decideix fer balanç de la seva vida i de la seva obra. Entre somnis d’immortalitat i ànsies de renaixement, anirà desfilant una sèrie de personatges surrealistes que donaran lloc a una precisa anàlisi de la inspiració, les fòbies i les obsessions de l’artista. Part final de la trilogia òrfica de Jean Cocteau: La sang d’un poeta (1932), Orfeu (1950) i El testament d’Orfeu (1960).
He is a civil servant in the bland state office. His whole life changes when his reports get mixed up in the hospital and he gets news that he's going to die very soon.
Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.
In Memphis, Tennessee, over the course of a single night, the Arcade Hotel, run by an eccentric night clerk and a clueless bellboy, is visited by a young Japanese couple traveling in search of the roots of rock; an Italian woman in mourning who stumbles upon a fleeing charlatan girl; and a comical trio of accidental thieves looking for a place to hide.
A recalcitrant thief vies with a duplicitous Mongol ruler for the hand of a beautiful princess.
An unemployed Brit vents his rage on unsuspecting strangers as he embarks on a nocturnal London odyssey.
In this prequel to the original, a bloody power struggle among the Triads coincides with the 1997 handover of Hong Kong, setting up the events of the first film.
Dos amics i la cosina d'un d'ells, que acaba d'arribar als Estats Units des de Budapest, viuen a Florida diverses aventures. Popular pel·lícula del cinema independent dels anys vuitanta. Es va rodar en 18 dies amb un equip de només onze persones: tres actors i vuit tècnics.
Manny és un músic de jazz que viu plàcidament a Nova York amb la seva dona Rose i els seus dos fills petits. En una asseguradora, una empleada el confon amb un lladre que hi havia robat uns dies abans i ho denuncia a la policia. Comença llavors per a ell un angoixant malson: és detingut i acusat d'una sèrie de furts perpetrats al barri. El més terrible és que tots els testimonis i les proves cal·ligràfiques corroboren la seva culpabilitat. Després de sortir sota fiança, intentarà demostrar la seva innocència. Mentrestant, la seva dona pateix una aguda crisi nerviosa i és internada en un psiquiàtric.
An aeronautical engineer at Ariane Espace, Jim has devoted himself for years to a secret project: building his own rocket and accomplishing the first manned space flight as an amateur. But to realize his dream, he must learn to share it.
The Olsen gang in Jutland. Ones again Egon Olsen has a plan when he gets out of Vridslose State Prison. He has found out that the Germans left a large sum of money (in American dollars and gold bars) in one of their commando bunkers, when they were defeated in 1945; the only problem it's in Jutland. Egon, Benny and Kjeld "appropriate" a car and drives to Jutland along with Kjelds wife and child Yvonne and Borge. They look forward to fooling the the people in Jutland, but of course, things don't go quite as planed. It ends with Benny, Kjeld, Borge and Yvonne sitting in the train back to Copenhagen, were they are overtaken by Egon in his car on the road next to the track. This is the last time the Olsen gang goes to Jutland.
A man of humble beginnings and honest intentions rises to power by nefarious means. Along for the wild ride are an earnest reporter, a heretofore classy society girl, and a too-clever-for-her-own-good political flack.
L'assistència a una conferència a París brinda al doctor Richard Walken ia la seva dona l'oportunitat de reviure la lluna de mel. Però, només instal·lar-se a l'habitació de l'hotel, la seva dona desapareix misteriosament. Completament sol, en un país desconegut que ignora l'idioma, Walken la buscarà desesperadament. L'única pista que té és un número de telèfon apuntat en una caixa de llumins, però, a partir d'aquí, la trama s'anirà complicant fins a convertir-se en un autèntic malson.
Seducció, traïció, assassinat, qui està estafant qui? Roy Dillon, fill bastard d'una prostituta i estafador de poca muntanya, veu com la seva vida es complica quan després de molts anys reapareix la seva mare, Lilly, una dona, possessiva i autoritària que intenta evadir la justícia. Roy es veurà enmig de l'amor que sent per Myra, la seva atractiva i calculadora xicota, i el domini que Lilly exerceix sobre ell. Hi sorgeix una competència ferotge per guanyar l'atenció de Roy. Myra, com a treta per allunyar-lo de la influència materna, proposa formar un equip per donar cops cada vegada més rendibles i arriscats.
Fanny and Jean have everything of an ideal couple: fulfilled in their professional life, they live in a magnificent apartment in the beautiful districts of Paris and seem to be in love as on the first day. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately capsized. They see each other again very quickly and get closer and closer.
It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.