During the Napoleonic wars, a Spanish officer and an opposing officer find a book written by the former's grandfather.
19-year-old Tomek whiles away his lonely life by spying on his opposite neighbour Magda through binoculars. She's an artist in her mid-thirties, and appears to have everything - not least a constant stream of men at her beck and call. But when the two finally meet, they discover that they have a lot more in common than appeared at first sight...
A father and daughter, Michał and Anka, have a unique intimacy, which the college-aged Anka is beginning to feel conflicted about. When she finds an unopened letter from her deceased mother, it seems to justify her attraction to Michał, who may not in fact be her father.
1940. Paulette, una nena parisenca de cinc anys, es queda òrfena després d’un atac de l’aviació alemanya. Escapant del caos, troba refugi en el si d’una humil família de grangers i es fa amiga del petit de la casa, Michel. Els nens forgen una sòlida relació de solidaritat i suport, junts aconsegueixen processar la brutal realitat de la guerra gràcies a la creació del seu propi món inventat.
In a small, poor village leaning over high rocky mountains, the villagers are simple and diligent people who struggle to cope with a harsh nature. They earn their living off the earth and a few animals they feed. Fathers always prefer one of their sons. Mothers command their daughters ruthlessly. Ömer, the son of the imam, wishes hopelessly for the death of his father. When he understands that wishful thinking does not have any concrete results, he begins to search for childish ways to kill his father. Yakup is in love with his teacher, and one day after seeing his father spying on the teacher he dreams too, like Ömer, of killing his father. Yıldız studies and tries to manage the household chores imposed by her mother. She learns with irritation about the secrets of the relationship between men and women.
Jeanne looks back on her love for Jean. The melancholic young man wouldn't accept the world as it was, always wishing to depart. She doesn't know that he's dead.
L'atzar obliga un pobre camperol a substituir el xèrif per escortar Ben (Glenn Ford), un perillós delinqüent, que és, a més, el cap d'una banda de temibles bandolers. Després de cometre un assassinat, Ben és capturat i escortat fins a un poble, per on passa el tren que l'ha de portar a Yuma (Arizona) per ser jutjat. Mentrestant, la seva banda prepara el rescat.
In 1967, an old prisoner in southern Iran is being evacuated because of the proximity to the city's new airport. The head of the prison, Major Nemat Jahed, and his agents are busy transferring prisoners to the new prison, until ...
Paris, 1930. Luis Buñuel is penniless after the scandal surrounding the release of his last movie. Sculptor Ramón Acín, a good friend, buys a lottery ticket and promises Buñuel that he will pay for his next movie if he wins the prize.
A mysterious teenager named Ángelo cares for Klaus, a German doctor with a dark past who lives trapped in an iron lung.
Jenny is young. Her life is over. She killed someone. And she would do it again. When an 80-year-old piano teacher discovers the girl’s secret, her brutality and her dreams, she decides to transform her pupil into the musical wunderkind she once was.
A 1946 war movie which tells the courageous efforts by French railway workers to sabotage Nazi reinforcement-troop trains.
Biografia de James Wilson, entre 1930 i 1960. Graduat a la Universitat de Yale, va acabar sent un dels fundadors de la CIA. Se suposa que el personatge es basa en el llegendari i astut en cap d'intel·ligència James Jesús Angleton.
Having recently lost her sight, Ingrid retreats to the safety of her home—a place where she can feel in control, alone with her husband and her thoughts. After a while, Ingrid starts to feel the presence of her husband in the flat when he is supposed to be at work. At the same time, her lonely neighbor who has grown tired of even the most extreme pornography shifts his attention to a woman across the street. Ingrid knows about this but her real problems lie within, not beyond the walls of her apartment, and her deepest fears and repressed fantasies soon take over.
A nurse, a paramedic, a gymnast and her coach offer a service for hire wherein they stand in for dead people by appointment, hired by relatives, friends or colleagues of the deceased, to assist with the grieving process.
Cinc homes es desperten tancats en un magatzem, sense saber com hi van arribar ni qui són. Aviat descobreixen que la situació està relacionada amb un segrest, però ignoren si han estat segrestats o són els segrestadors. En qualsevol cas, la seva situació és deplorable: un està lligat a un pal, un altre té la cara masegada, un altre està emmanillat a una canonada, i els altres dos tenen signes d'haver rebut una pallissa. Tots cinc intenten reconstruir a poc a poc què han fet durant les últimes hores, però llavors sorgeix el conflicte: com saber en qui confiar, si ni tan sols sap un qui és?
Lelo (Jerry Lewis) és un jove honest i treballador maltractat per la seva malvada madrastra (Judith Anderson) i els seus dos grollers germanastres (Henry Silva i Robert Hutton). Però un dia, un encanteri màgic canviarà tot...
Roar follows a family who are attacked by various African animals at the secluded home of their keeper.
Philippe, a French-American writer living in Manhattan, decides to take on ten relationship-challenged men to help them learn the art of seduction.
After strange creatures arrive, a husband waiting for the return of his wife must take on the role of a father figure to his young daughter.