A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife.
西暦33年のエルサレム。ローマ帝国の圧政の中、イエス・キリストと同じ日に隣の家で生まれ、東方の三賢者に救世主と間違えられそうになったユダヤ人の青年ブライアン(グレアム・チャップマン)は、口うるさい母親マンディ(テリー・ジョーンズ)と共に生活していた。 ある日、ブライアンは母親から、自分の父がユダヤ人ではなくローマ兵であることを告げられる。怒った彼はローマ人に復讐をするべく、レッジ(ジョン・クリーズ)率いる過激派集団「ユダヤ解放戦線」に加入する。しかし、ローマ帝国の総督ピラト(マイケル・ペイリン)の妻の誘拐計画が失敗、ただ一人ブライアンだけが生き残る。脱走した彼は、危険人物のレッテルを貼られ、逃げ惑うはめになる。 追い詰められたブライアンは、ローマ兵の目をごまかすために、教祖のふりをして説教をする。ローマ兵はごまかせたものの、民衆はブライアンのことを救世主だと勘違い。ブライアンは救世主であることを必死で否定するが、どんどん信者は増える一方で、どこまでもブライアンについてくる。「解放戦線」のメンバー、ジュディス(スー・ジョーンズ=デイビス)と一夜を過ごしたのち、起きてみると外には大群衆が待ち受けていた。追い返そうとして何を言っても、群衆はてこでも動かない。 そうこうしているうちに捕まってしまったブライアンは、磔刑に処せられる。「解放戦線」のメンバーや、ジュディス、ついには母親にまで見捨てられたブライアンは絶望する。そこで、磔にされていた1人(エリック・アイドル)が「元気出せよ」とエンディング曲「Always Look on the Bright Side of Life」を歌いだすと、それに導かれ磔にされている全員が合唱を始める。
A husband is on trial for the attempted murder of his wife, in what is seemingly an open/shut case for the ambitious district attorney trying to put him away. However, there are surprises for both around every corner, and, as a suspenseful game of cat-and-mouse is played out, each must manipulate and outwit the other.
The Olsen Gang has finally made it. They are in Mallorca, having fulfilled their dream. Almost, that is. They don't have any money, so Egon has to open a safe at a restaurant to get some. As usual, however, Egon ends up in prision. When they return to Denmark, he has a new plan.
Egon and his two cronies managed to sneak a fortune with them to Spain. Here they live a life in a whirl of pleasures, but they are not truly happy. While Egon always has the money chained to him, Bøffen still manages to steal them. Egon ends up in jail once again, and when he comes out, he has a brilliant plan.
Some criminal EU ministers plan to turn Denmark into a gigantic fair ground and holiday paradise. Egon gets his hand at some important documents which could both make him rich and take care of Denmark's future.
At their 25th high-school anniversary some bourgeois citizens remember their time in school as a happy one. In reality it was quite the contrary. The school was a madhouse in which the teachers, especially Blomme, tormented the students. As a result one of them became a murderer.
Diederich Heßling is scared of everything and everyone. But as he grows up, he comes to realize that he has to offer his services to the powers-that-be if he wants to wield power himself. His life motto now runs: bow to those at the top and tread on those below. In this way, he always succeeds: as a student in a duel-fighting student fraternity and as a businessman in a paper factory. He cajoles the obese district administrative president Von Wulkow and wins his favor. He slanders his financial rivals and hatches a plot with the social democrats in the town council. On his honeymoon with his rich wife Guste, he finally finds a chance to do his beloved Kaiser a favor. And when a memorial to the Kaiser is unveiled in the town where Diederich lives and works, he delivers the address. He stands behind the lectern in the pouring rain, saluting his Kaiser. The crowd is dispersed. Everything is laid in ruins...
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
A comic movie divided in three episodes.
Egon escapes from the psychiatric ward, where he has been incarcerated since the gang's last coup. Keld and Benny pick him up, and when Egon, as always, is planning the big heist, the Olsen Gang is once again on the move.