In 1965, a Jewish doctor, Gertrude Rosen, is called to a remote care home in England to help identify and treat a dying patient. As Gertrude slowly wins the patient's trust, she discovers the horrible truth of who he is, and faces an awful dilemma. To help end his life peacefully, or let the monster suffer in pain like the millions of her people who died at his hands.

Manhattan drag queens Vida Boheme and Noxeema Jackson impress regional judges in competition, securing berths in the Nationals in Los Angeles. When the two meet pathetic drag novice Chi-Chi Rodriguez — one of the losers that evening — the charmed Vida and Noxeema agree to take the hopeless youngster under their joined wing. Soon the three set off on a madcap road trip across America and struggle to make it to Los Angeles in time.


A World War II submarine commander finds himself stuck with a damaged sub, a con-man executive officer, and a group of army nurses.

A childless couple bury a box in their backyard, containing all of their wishes for an infant. Soon, a child is born, though Timothy Green is not all that he appears.

A recently-widowed science fiction writer considers whether to adopt a hyper-imaginative 6-year-old abandoned and socially-rejected boy who says he's really from Mars.

Verona and Burt have moved to Colorado to be close to Burt's parents but, with Veronica expecting their first child, Burt's parents decide to move to Belgium, now leaving them in a place they hate and without a support structure in place. They set off on a whirlwind tour of of disparate locations where they have friends or relatives, sampling not only different cities and climates but also different families. Along the way they realize that the journey is less about discovering where they want to live and more about figuring out what type of parents they want to be.


Frank Allen, a professional speaker who lectures on time management has a perfectly ordered and scheduled life, down to the minute. When his wife sets his clock forward 10 minutes as a joke, his day is thrown off. Deciding that his strictly ordered life has done him little good, he begins to make multiple choice index cards, choosing one at random and doing what is written on the card.

Nathalie, Christophe and Joëlle are in the midst of an existential crisis. Brought together by Selma, 95 and seriously ill, they will spend a memorable summer on the banks of the Moselle. How ironic that the one whom they had intended to help to die should help them to live...

Six high school friends in their 40s who haven't seen each other in nearly 20 years rekindle their younger selves after a court cancels their diploma, forcing them to repeat the final high school exam.

Sacha is a real seducer, a man with no ties or emotional or professional. Charlotte is a modern and independent woman, but barely has time to care for their three children. While Sacha and Charlotte are, at first glance, two incompatible beings, when they meet soon discover that they are quite complementary and need each other.


Newly engaged, Thomas meets his future father-in-law Gilbert, who has been married for 30 years to Suzanne. Disillusioned Gilbert is convinced that his marriage has meant he's missed out on life. He persuades Thomas not to marry his daughter Lola and encourages him to drop everything else in his life as well. The two men then throw themselves into a new brats' life full of adventure, convinced that freedom is elsewhere. But at what cost do we rediscover our adolescent dreams?

ボンドは北朝鮮側の非武装地帯にある基地で、アフリカから不正輸出されたダイヤモンドと引き換えに武器の密輸を行なっていたムーン大佐抹殺の任務を遂行した直後、彼の父であるムーン将軍に捕らわれ、長きに渡る監禁・拷問を受ける。 14ヶ月後、中華人民共和国の諜報員3名を殺害したのち、逮捕されたムーン大佐の側近のザオとの捕虜交換が行われ、ようやくMのもとに戻れたボンドは思いがけない言葉を耳にする。それは00(ダブルオー)ナンバーの剥奪だった。1週間前に北朝鮮内部に潜り込んでいたアメリカの工作員が処刑され、ボンドが居た収容所から情報が発信された事から、北朝鮮での拷問でボンドが機密事項を洩らしたのが原因だと疑うアメリカはこれ以上の情報漏れを恐れザオとの交換でボンドを連れ戻したのだという。ボンドを疑うMは、ボンドの00ナンバー剥奪という決断に至ったのだ。 この結果に納得のいかないボンドは、自らのプライドと00ナンバーを取り戻すべく単身でMたちのもとから脱出。香港を拠点に活動する中国の諜報員ミスター・チャンの協力のもと、ザオがキューバに潜伏中との情報をつかみ、キューバに飛ぶ。そこでアメリカ国家安全保障局(NSA)の諜報員ジンクスと遭遇する。

Four tales unfold in the Eternal City: While vacationing in Rome, architect John encounters a young man whose romantic woes remind him of a painful incident from his own youth; retired opera director Jerry discovers a mortician with an amazing voice, and he seizes the opportunity to rejuvenate his own flagging career; a young couple have separate romantic interludes; a spotlight shines on an ordinary man.

Gabriell is a single mother, her 17-year-old daughter Claire is pregnant, however the child's father Simon has no desire to be involved with his future baby. When Gabrielle takes matters into her own hands and asks Simon's father Ange for help, an unexpected relationship begins.

In a misguided attempt to protect his family and pay back gambling debts to the local Mobster, Jimbo robs a fish market, which is coincidentally owned by the same Mobster. On the run, Jimbo is cornered in a local curio shop, where he takes hostage an assortment of colourful characters, including a man who may be his illegitimate father. Surrounded by the Police, the SAS and the Mobster's crew, the young man must find a way out of his precarious predicament with the help of his oddball captives.

「バイオハザード」シリーズのアリ・ラーターが、時空を超えて襲い来る怪現象から家族を守ろうと奔走する母親役を演じたSFスリラー。ミュージックビデオ出身の新鋭アリステア・ルグランが監督・脚本を手がけた。 幼い息子や娘と暮らすシングルマザーのマディソンは、家の中で毎晩のように発生する怪奇現象に悩まされていた。それは発光や震動と共に顔面が溶けた血まみれの怪人が現われるという恐ろしいもので、超常現象の専門家さえも脅えて逃げ出してしまう。やがて怪人は家のあらゆる場所に出没するようになり、子どもたちも襲いはじめる。そんな中、インターネットである研究所の存在を知ったマディソンは、科学教師の恋人ニックの協力を得て調査を開始する。

At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.