Den unge atlet Dan styrer direkte mod De Olympiske Lege, og han har tilsyneladende det hele: trofæer, talent og masser af kvinder, der sværmer om ham. Men så skifter hans liv pludselig retning, og han må søge hjælp hos en mystisk fremmed.

A seemingly bright and mostly innocent 16-year-old named Mo attempts to navigate high school under the guidance of his best friend Zeke, an unmotivated-yet-charismatic college dropout. Although Zeke genuinely cares about Mo, things start to go awry as he teaches Mo nontraditional life lessons in drug dealing, partying, and dating. Meanwhile, Mo’s well-meaning dad tries to step in and take back the reins of his son’s upbringing.

Emad og Rana bor i Teheran, han er lærer, og sammen er de med i en teatertrup. De skal spille hovedrollerne i truppens kommende opsætning, Arthur Millers stykke ”En sælgers død”. De to har det godt sammen og overvejer at få børn. Da det hus de bor i, er ved at kollapse på grund af byggeri på nabogrunden, må de flytte ud af deres lejlighed. En kollega tilbyder dem en lejlighed. Bortset fra at en del af den tidligere lejers ting står der endnu, er lejligheden fin. Emad og Rana flytter ind. I den nye lejlighed sker et overfald, som har med den gamle lejer at gøre. Overfaldet forandrer alt for Emad og Rana, og deres relationer både til omverdenen og de to imellem, bliver udfordret dramatisk.

After ending his long-term relationship, Antonio is sure that he can quickly get over Sofia. But nothing is as simple as it seems. And realizing the impossibility of controlling his own feelings, he begins to boycott them, using all sorts of contemporary palliative measures to free himself from the memories of his ex: cognitive psychoanalysis, prescription drugs, Tinder, among others. Ergo, Antonio will go through several tragicomic situations.

A young man of Chinese-Cambodian descent dies, leaving behind his isolated mother and his lover of four years. Though the two don't share a language, they grow close through their grief.

Christian, a hunky, 20-something, West Hollywood party boy gets more than he bargains for when he tries to seduce Aaron, a sexually confused Mormon missionary who moves into his apartment complex.

The posse meet three cat clerics who worship Lister as their God. Lister vows to help them as they're being hunted by Rodon, the ruthless feral cat leader who has vowed to wipe out all cats who worship anyone but him.

What if life blindsided destiny? What if happiness was found in the unlikeliest of places? When do we allow ourselves to embrace the new without fear of letting go of the past? Gil is a twenty year old young man that questions himself and the world. He is an orphan, raised by his aunt Leila and his uncle César. His lifestyle is fulfilled by his guitar, poetry and alcohol, generating a family war that causes Gil to run away from home causing him to leave behind all his belongings, security and the only love that he had till then, the love of his aunt Leila. With his guitar on his back, without a destiny, money or the support of friends, Gil meets Otávio, a music producer that will change his destiny forever.

In turn-of-the-century New York, the marriage of John and Abby Edwards unfolds over the years.

Leone is a rich and powerful man whose loneliness drives him to hire a cast of actors to play the family he never had. On Christmas Eve, reality and make-believe start to get blurred.

Den unge mormon og jomfru Rachel (Julie Garner) vågner en morgen og er overbevist om, at hun er blevet gravid efter at have lyttet til et bånd med en indspilning af et kendt hit-nummer af popgruppen The Nerves. Af skræk for, hvad omgivelserne kan finde på med hende, ikke mindst i form af et påtvungent ægteskab, flygter Rachel sammen med sin bror Will (Liam Aiken), for at finde den sanger, som må have gjort hende gravid ved hjælp af musik.

Openly gay Ernesto and closeted Gabe grapple with the sad tribulations of being gay in a small, working-class Texas town

A teenager tries to track down a man he met at an anonymous sex party, trawling through hook-up apps to find him.

Successful lawyer Michael Pierson is gay, but he has always hidden this part of his life from his mother, Katherine, father, Nick, and grandmother Beatrice. But when Michael discovers he has AIDS and is dying of complications from the disease, he must open up to his parents and the rest of his family. Though fearful of their reactions, he introduces them to his longtime lover, Peter, and looks to them for support.

A woman is forced to go on the run when her superhuman abilities are discovered. Years after having abandoned her family, the only place she has left to hide is home.

Phil Wang explores race, romance, politics and his mixed British-Malaysian heritage in this special filmed at the London Palladium.

En sygdom har stille og roligt slået det meste af Jordens befolkning ihjel. Del (Peter Dinklage) levede allerede en stille tilværelse før sygdommen, men nu er han helt alene i sin lille by. Han tilbringer sin tid med at begrave de døde og gennemgå tomme huse for batterier og den slags ting. En dag får han pludselig selskab, da den unge pige Grace (Elle Fanning) vælter ind i byen og bringer en god portion kaos med sig.

Denne franske thriller er baseret på en sand historie, der udspillede sig i 2009. François Cluzet, som de fleste nok kender fra De urørlige, eller thrilleren Tell No One, ses i hovedrollen som Toni Musulin, en chauffør på en pengetransport, der har viet sit liv til jobbet. Han har dog et anstrengt forhold til sin chef, hvilket påvirker forholdet til konen, så en dag beslutter han sig for at gøre det umulige: Ene mand stjæler han €11,6 million uden at løsne et eneste skud.

Hugo is a boy who lives anchored in the routine, focused on his tasks and responsibilities. Unable to look forward, he lets opportunities pass, stalling in the past. On the contrary, Cosmo is a free soul that lives without looking back, always going from one place to another no matter where. One summer afternoon their gazes cross by chance. It is only an instant, but it will be the birth of a relationship that will make them stop for the first time to live the present.

Emiliano looks at his life with the eyes of a film director, mixing the objective reality with the processes of the artistic creation. The story he is filming flounders with his daily life, until his world is trapped in the lens of his camera. Confused, always alone and in front of a screen, now become a transfigured reality, but at the same time a measurable, controllable and manipulable one, he listens in loop to a song: one of those songs you sing or repeat as a prayer and forcing you to remember, believe and convince yourself.