While living as an ordinary deliveryman and motor racing fan, Nezha encounters old nemeses and must rediscover his powers to protect his loved ones.

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

Lincoln Glasnić u ovom globalnom glazbenom putovanju krene na put u Škotsku sa svojim roditeljima i svih deset sestara, te sazna da u obitelji ima kraljevske krvi!

A compilation of interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for his series of sold-out shows in London.

Gomez (Raul Julia) i Morticija (Anjelica Huston) zaljubljuju se na prvi pogled kada u dom Adamsovih stigne pridošlica - Pubert (Kaitlyn Hooper), njihov nježni, mazni, brkati dječačić. Fester (Christopher Lloyd) izgubi glavu za putenom dadiljom Debbie (Joan Cusack) Jilinsky, a Wednesday (Christina Ricci) i Pugsley (Jimmy Workman) otkriju da je ona crna udovica, ubojica koja planira uvrstiti Festera u svoju zbirku mrtvih muževa. Budućnost obitelji još je crnja kad se zla dadilja uda za Festera i pošalje djecu u ljetni kamp. Ali Wednesday će uz pomoć Stvari dovesti stvari u red.

Wenches Scarlett and Giselle fix each other up for their wedding, in which they would each marry their groom. Upon realizing that both their grooms were the same man, Jack Sparrow, the two wenches found themselves in an auction led by the Auctioneer. This short film serves as a prequel to The Curse of the Black Pearl, and explains just why Jack Sparrow's boat the Jolly Mon was seen sinking at the beginning of the whole story; why the wenches were so upset with him; and how Cotton lost his tongue.

Following the events of Volume 1, the mutated glee club continue their violent rampage in Tromaville. Chrissy and Lauren, two innocent lesbian lovers, must fight not only the Cretins, mutants, and monsters but also the evil Tromorganic Foodstuffs Conglomerate. Can they, and Kevin the Wonder Duck, save Tromaville High School and the world?

Freddy, a Viennese Jew who emigrated to New York after Hitler's invasion, and Adler, a left-wing intellectual originally from Berlin, return to Austria in 1944 as soldiers in the U.S. Army. Freddy falls in love with the daughter of a Nazi, and Adler attempts to go over to the Communist Zone. But with the advent of the Cold War and continuing anti-semitism, the idealism of both characters is shattered as they find themselves surrounded by cynicism, opportunism, and universal self-deception.

It's summertime, and Greg Heffley is looking forward to playing video games and spending time with his friends. However, Greg's dad has other plans: He's decided that some father-son bonding time is in order. Desperate to prevent his dad from ruining summer vacation, Greg pretends he has a job at a ritzy country club. But Greg's plan backfires, leaving him in the middle of embarrassing mishaps and a camping trip gone wrong.

Black Ops specialist Connor Gibson infiltrates a maximum security prison to take down legendary driver Frankenstein in a violent and brutal car race.

Godina je 1961. Arka, svemirski brod s planeta Cybertron, koji krije tajnu koja bi mogla okončati rat između Autobota i Decepticona, sruši se na tamnu stranu Mjeseca. NASA uoči nesreću nakon čega John F. Kennedy odobri misiju na Mjesec s tajnim zadatkom da se istraži svemirski brod. Godine 1969. posada Apolla 11 slijeće na Mjesec. Danas Autoboti - Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, Mirage, Wheeljack i Sideswipe, na čelu s Optimusom Primeom, bore se protiv zlih Decepticona, koji traže osvetu za nedavni poraz. I jedna i druga strana uskoro postanu upetljane u utrku Rusa i Amerikanaca, koji se žele domoći skrivenog svemirskog broda s planeta Cybertron.

Nakon što Larry napusti slabo plaćeni posao muzejskog čuvara, kako bi postao traženi izumitelj Daley Devices reklamnih informacijskih proizvoda. Čini se da mu je konačno krenulo u životu - ali ipak mu nešto nedostaje, nešto što ga vuče da ponovno posjeti svoju staru ljubav, njujorški muzej gdje je svojedobno proživio čarobnu noć svojeg života. No, tamo ga čeka neugodno iznenađenje. Njegovi omiljeni izlošci, odnosno njegovi najbolji prijatelji, uklonjeni su iz muzeja kao zastarjeli. Zapakirani u kutije, čekaju premještaj u ogromne arhive Smithsonian muzeja. Njihova je sudbina sasvim neizvjesna - sve dok Larry ne primi poziv upomoć od minijaturnog kauboja Jedediahe (Owen Wilson), koji ga obavještava o neminovnoj katastrofi. Čini se da su ovi svježe pristigli izlošci iz New Yorka probudili stare iskopine, uključujući egipatskog vladara Kahmunrah (Hank Azaria), koji je nakon 3000 godina mirnog sna posebno zle volje.

In a world ravaged by a virus infection, turning its victims into the Undead, Alice continues on her journey to find survivors and lead them to safety. Her deadly battle with the Umbrella Corporation reaches new heights, but Alice gets some unexpected help from an old friend. A new lead that promises a safe haven from the Undead takes them to Los Angeles, but when they arrive the city is overrun by thousands of Undead - and Alice and her comrades are about to step into a deadly trap.

Relive the magic of Thongchai "Bird" McIntyre's captivating performance at Bangkok Youth Center in 1988

John Connor šalje Kylea Reesea natrag kroz vrijeme kako bi zaštitio svoju majku Saru Connor, no kada se vratio u 1984. godinu, ništa nije bilo onako kako je očekivao.

Pet godina nakon uništenja Chicaga ljudi napadaju sve robote. No samohrani otac i izumitelj uskrsnut će osobu koja bi mogla spasiti svijet.

Jack Regan, a hardened cop who doesn’t play by the rules, is confronted with a criminal from his past. With sidekick George Carter they are put on the case of a jewellery store heist that ends in a killing. But is that killing really an execution in disguise? With pressure from his boss and the fact that Regan is having an affair with that boss’s wife, it’s not going to be easy for him to stay out of trouble.

When DEA agents are taken captive by a ruthless South American kingpin, the Delta Force is reunited to rescue them in this sequel to the 1986 film.

Taking inspiration from The Human Centipede films, the warden of a notorious and troubled prison looks to create a 500-person human centipede as a solution to his problems.