An anime-obsessed young man fantasizes about his favorite voluptuous heroines, but his sex-addled dream quickly transforms into a nightmare which threatens to consume him.

Na osnovi prvog u nizu popularnih dječjih romana o Harryju Potteru, J. K. Rowling, akcijski obiteljski avanturistički film "Harry Potter i kamen mudraca" donosi priču o dječaku koji na svoj jedanaesti rođendan doznaje da je siroče dvoje moćnih čarobnjaka i da posjeduje vlastite jedinstvene magične moći. Pozvan da pohađa Školu čarobnjaštva i vještičarenja "Hogwarts", Harry se upušta u avanturu svog života. U "Hogwartsu" pronalazi dom i obitelj koje nikada nije imao.

In 200,000 years of existence, man has upset the balance on which the Earth had lived for 4 billion years. Global warming, resource depletion, species extinction: man has endangered his own home. But it is too late to be pessimistic: humanity has barely ten years left to reverse the trend, become aware of its excessive exploitation of the Earth's riches, and change its consumption pattern.

Harry se vraća na svoju drugu godinu u Hogwartsu, ali otkriva da se loše događaju jer je Slytherin nasljednik otvorio mjesto pod nazivom Komora tajni i učinit će da se Mugglesova djeca, nečista, očigledno očiste monstruozne životinje.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

A side story of the original Kara no Kyōkai - the Garden of sinners movie series divided into 2 parts. In the first part, Shizune Seo, who finds her life too predictable due to her precognition, and Mitsuru‎ Kamekura, who uses his precognition to be a professional bomber, meet Mikiya and Shiki, respectively, and their futures begin to change. In the second part, 10 years after the original series, Shiki and Mikiya's daughter, Mana Ryōgi, spends a day with Mitsuru.

When Nami falls ill, the Straw Hats seek medical care for her on Drum Island. There they meet reindeer doctor Tony Tony Chopper and the Wapol Pirates.

Nakon godina ratovanja, Federacija i Klingonsko carstvo pripremaju se za mirovnu konferenciju, kada navodni napad Enterprise-a gotovo uništi jedan klingonski brod. Oba svijeta pripremaju se za mogući posljednji, pogubni susret.

His name is Baki Hanma. No one knows where he came from or where he learned his unique fighting style. When it comes to Karate, Baki Hanma is just plain GOOD. He can defeat an opponent with a single blow and he's taking the Karate Championship by storm. In a prestigious match, he defeats competitor after competitor even though he's totally unknown and barely even ranked. But now he's in for the fight of his life and he may have just met his match. Anything goes and his opponent can rip his nerves out -- literally. If he wins, he's the BEST. If he loses... he's DEAD.

Samantha Caine (G. Davis) živi u malom idiličnom gradu gdje radi kao učiteljica. Druži se s jednim mladićem i obožava svoju osmogodišnju kćer Caitlin (Y. Zima). Ali, tko je uistinu Samantha Caine? To pitanje i nju muči. Prije osam godina nađena je bez svijesti. Ničeg se od onog što se dogodilo prije tog trenutka ne sjeća. Ne zna tko je otac njezine kćeri. Predbožićno je vrijeme i Samantha se automobilom zaleti u jelena. Od udarca u glavu počnu joj se vraćati, u bljeskovima, slike iz prošlosti. Jelenu, koji je teško povrijeđen i neće preživjeti, stručno prebije vrat. Kasnije kod kuće vrlo vješto počinje baratati nožem. Netko joj provali u kuću i pokuša je ubiti no ona ga munjevito likvidira. Kako bi istražila svoju prošlost, Samantha unajmi privatnog detektiva Mitcha Henessyja (S. L. Jackson) čovjeka dobra srca, ali problematične biografije. Pronađu ime jednog čovjeka koji je Samanthi jednom poklonio knjigu s posvetom. Kad se s njim pokušaju sastati, napadnu ih ubojice...

As the home planet of the Green Lantern Corps faces a battle with an ancient enemy, Hal Jordan prepares new recruit Arisia for the coming conflict by relating stories of the first Green Lantern and several of Hal's comrades.

U pet godina od tajanstvena Supermanova nestanka kriza u svijetu je dosegla vrhunac. Bez njega porastao je kriminal u gradu Metropolisu, a tomu treba dodati i destruktivne planove zloglasna Lexa Luthora, koji je zbrisao iz zatvora koristeći se Supermanovim tajnama. Lois Lane, novinarska zvijezda Daily Planeta i ljubav Supermanova života, nije se predala kad je Superman otišao bez riječi. Čak je osvojila Pulitzerovu nagradu za tekst "Zašto svijet ne treba Supermana". Superman shvaća da Zemlja jedini pravi dom koji je imao i ponovo preuzima ulogu zaštitnika slobode i pravde.

A story of three couples and their intertwining love stories set in 1940s Taiwan and Shanghai, centered around the 1949 sinking of Taiping.

A college teacher brings the little creatures back to his campus, where they proceed to terrorize the faculty and students.

Women are practically throwing themselves at Rich and he can’t seem to control himself. But he continually blames his penis, which seems to have a mind of its own. After ruining yet another promising relationship with Jamie, Rich has finally had enough and wishes his penis would just leave him alone. The next morning, Rich wakes up to find his wish has come true and his johnson is no longer on his body. Even worse, Rich is shocked to discover that his penis has taken human form...

An elder brother who lived a life of crime but left to show his younger brother the lifestyle is not fit for anything. Years later his younger brother takes his footsteps in the life of drugs/crime, to a deal gone wrong his younger brother is murdered, his elder brother steps back into his crime ways and to find and avenge his younger brother's death.

On a planet in a distant galaxy, a power hungry Leprechaun, holds a beautiful alien princess hostage in order to marry her for her royal title. With her title and his beloved gold, he'll be able to rule the universe. While making his maniacal plans, what he doesn't count on is an invading platoon of marines from Earth, to save the princess and foil his plans. An accomplished trickster, the Leprechaun stows himself away on the orbiting spaceship and wreaks havoc on the crew in an attempt to recapture his bride.

A rookie cop is tasked with shadowing Officer Downe, a no-nonsense LAPD cop with regenerative powers, as he wages an ultra-violent war against the nefarious villains of Los Angeles.

Sedam vojnika pokreću preventivni udar na novootkrivenu vanzemaljsku civilizaciju u nadi da će završiti međuzvjezdani rat prije nego što započne.