C.C. Baxter és un modest però ambiciós empleat d'una companyia d'assegurances de Manhattan. Està solter i viu només en un discret apartament que presta ocasionalment els seus superiors per a les cites amoroses. Té l'esperança que aquests favors us serveixin per millorar la vostra posició a l'empresa. Però la situació canvia quan s'enamora d'una ascensorista que resulta ser l'amant d'un dels caps que utilitzen el seu apartament.

El film està inspirat en la vida real del controvertit entrenador de bàsquet Ken Carter, que en el segon any a l'Institut Richmond de Califòrnia, i amb un equip imbatut amb 13 victòries, va decidir que els seus jugadors no jugarien els propers dos partits i en el seu lloc estudiarien per als exàmens trimestrals pel baix nivell acadèmic que tenien.

A dog that helped soldiers in Afghanistan returns to the U.S. and is adopted by his handler's family after suffering a traumatic experience.

Terry is a small-time car dealer trying to leave his shady past behind and start a family. Martine is a beautiful model from Terry's old neighbourhood who knows that Terry is no angel. When Martine proposes a foolproof plan to rob a bank, Terry recognises the danger but realises this may be the opportunity of a lifetime. As the resourceful band of thieves burrows its way into a safe-deposit vault at a Lloyds Bank, they quickly realise that, besides millions in riches, the boxes also contain secrets that implicate everyone from London's most notorious underworld gangsters to powerful government figures, and even the Royal Family. Although the heist makes headlines throughout Britain for several days, a government gag order eventually brings all reporting of the case to an immediate halt.

Drama telling the story of Blue, a young man of Jamaican descent living in Brixton in 1980, as he hangs out with his friends, fronts a dub sound system, loses his job, struggles with family problems and has his friendships tested by racism.

When rebellious street dancer Andie lands at the elite Maryland School of the Arts, she finds herself fighting to fit in while also trying to hold onto her old life. When she joins forces with the schools hottest dancer, Chase, to form a crew of classmate outcasts to compete in Baltimore s underground dance battle The Streets.

En pujar a un avió amb destí a París, juntament amb els seus companys de classe, l'Alex té una premonició, per la qual cosa desembarca just abans d'enlairar-se amb sis dels seus amics i una professora. Poc després l'aparell explota a l'aire. El grup de supervivents es veurà perseguit per la dama de la dalla, la pròpia mort, que no es donarà per vençuda. Assetjat per l'FBI que considera Alex responsable de l'accident i perseguit per les seves pròpies pors, el jove haurà de descobrir que les coincidències i els accidents no són casuals.

In 2047, a group of astronauts are sent to investigate and salvage the starship Event Horizon which disappeared mysteriously seven years before on its maiden voyage. However, it soon becomes evident that something sinister resides in its corridors.

Lakshmi is a thirteen-year-old girl who lives with her family in a small hut on a mountain in Nepal. When the Himalayan monsoons wash away all that remains of the family's crops, Lakshmi's father says she must leave home and take a job to support her family. He introduces her to a glamorous stranger who tells her she will find her a job as a maid in the city. Glad to be able to help, Lakshmi journeys to India and arrives at "Happiness House" full of hope. But she soon learns the unthinkable truth: she has been sold into prostitution...

A day in the life of a group of troubled 15-year-olds growing up in west London.

A neurotic worker ant in love with a rebellious princess rises to unlikely stardom when he switches places with a soldier. Signing up to march in a parade, he ends up under the command of a bloodthirsty general. But he's actually been enlisted to fight against a termite army.

Bernie and Joan are two fiery flirters who are passionate about everything from hookups to breakups and each other. When he sets up his best friend, Danny, with her roommate, Debbie, the sparks soon fly as they try to navigate the relationship minefields from the bar to the bedroom and are eventually put to the test in the real world.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

First there was Kidulthood then Adulthood now comes Noel Clarkes last installment brotherhood With Sam facing up to the new world he realizes it also comes with new problems and new challenges that he must face that he knows will require old friends to help him survive new dangers.

La Major Susan Turner, líder de l'antiga unitat militar de Reacher, és falsament acusada de traïció. Jack Reacher haurà de treure-la de presó i descobrir la veritat darrere d'una conspiració governamental per netejar els noms i salvar les vides. Durant la fuita, Reacher descobrirà un secret del seu passat que podria canviar la vida per sempre. Seqüela de Jack Reacher (2012).

Amb una sèrie flash-backs, aquest intens thriller explica quatre dies de la vida d'en Vince, un jove electricista de Talbot, Ohio. El seu pare és a l'hospital i la família, que no pot fer front a les despeses mèdiques, es troba en situació desesperada. Mentre treballa a casa d'un client, en Vince sent una conversa on aquest diu que pot guanyar una fortuna en un dia. Quan l'home mor per sobredosi, suplanta la seva identitat i se'n va a Nova York; poc després, un contacte el porta a una casa en un lloc remot. Allà coneix un món clandestí de poder, violència i atzar, amb uns homes que es juguen la vida en un complicat joc de ruleta russa. A en Vince li ha tocat el número 13.

An adolescent lion is accidentally shipped from the New York Zoo to Africa. Now running free, his zoo pals must put aside their differences to help bring him back.

A DEA agent whose family was slain as part of a conspiracy, and an assassin out to avenge her sister's death, join forces to solve a series of murders in New York City.

A desperate father tries to return home to his pregnant wife after a mysterious apocalyptic event turns everything to chaos.

Angela (Heather Graham) és una dona de negocis ambiciosa, conscient del valor de la imatge per a la seva feina, que exerceix a les ordres del seu exigent cap Mary (Lara Flynn Boyle). Però quan Angela es queda accidentalment embarassada, en el moment de la cimera de la seva carrera professional, la seva vida i la del seu marit, l'advocat de Divorcis Curtis (Jerry OConnell), es posarà totalment del revés.