Quin és l'origen del Detectiu Conan? Com és que va passar de ser un adult a tenir el cos d'un nen petit? Aquests i altres misteris de la sèrie es desvelen en aquesta "TV movie", que ha esdevingut un veritable fenomen al Japó.

"Camí a la glòria" explica la història real de l'equip de bàsquet de la Universitat Texas Western que va comptar amb el primer jugador negre de la història i que va revolucionar el país en conquistar el títol de la NCAA el 1966. Josh Lucas interpreta Don Haskins , un apassionat entrenador de bàsquet universitari que va canviar la història d'aquest esport gràcies al triomf del seu equip en una època en què encara imperava la innocència i la ingenuïtat.

In 1941, the inhabitants of a small Jewish village in Central Europe organize a fake deportation train so that they can escape the Nazis and flee to Palestine.

A young woman fights to keep her rapist from gaining custody of her daughter.

A dark comedy centering on the lives of a Neapolitan based family whose father, a fish merchant, is so infatuated with the reality TV show "Grande Fratello" (the Italian version of "Big Brother") he starts living his life as if he were on it.

A lawyer who is a drug addict fights a medical-supplies corporation in court while battling his personal demons.

Chris is a once promising high school athlete whose life is turned upside down following a tragic accident. As he tries to maintain a normal life, he takes a job as a janitor at a bank, where he ultimately finds himself caught up in a planned heist.

Sarah Jordan, an American living in London in 1984, is married to the son of a wealthy British industrialist. She encounters Nick Callahan, a renegade doctor, whose impassioned plea for help to support his relief efforts in war-torn Africa moves her deeply. As a result, Sarah embarks upon a journey of discovery that leads to danger, heartbreak and romance in the far corners of the world.

Follow a group of international journalists into the heart of the once cosmopolitan city of Sarajevo—now a danger zone of sniper and mortar attacks where residents still live. While reporting on an American aid worker who’s trying to get children out of the country, a British correspondent decides to take an orphaned girl home to London.

After falling off the roof at a New Year's Eve house party, Owen decides that it's time to make some wholesale changes in his life. Over the next year, he quits drinking, re-enters his estranged son's life, reignites old friendships, and falls in love with Vera, a bank teller and fellow divorcee...all in an attempt to replace members of his family who he'd lost prematurely.

Una jove estrella del rock torna a la localitat on va créixer. Allà descobreix l?enveja que senten tots els seus antics companys. Després d'una nit salvatge, la vida de tots els joves habitants del lloc canviarà inexorablement...

En Kirikú és un petit heroi que viu en un poblat de l’Àfrica, rodejat de natura i animals salvatges. És un nen menut però decidit, despert, astut i generós. El seu avi, des del tron de la gruta blava, ens explica amb tots els ets i uts la manera com en Kirikú es converteix en jardiner, detectiu, comerciant, viatger, metge… i com l’heroi més petit i valent de tots haurà de buscar en el seu interior per trobar l’astúcia, la generositat i el valor necessàries que l’ajudaran a triomfar sobre el mal.

Nino and Caterina have been married for 65 years. After Caterina's death, their daughter Elisabetta, trying to help her father to overcome the loss, hires an author to write a book on their love story.

Hoping to raise enough capital to finance a legitimate business and leave behind his life of crime, Liverpool underworld boss Ged Brennan sends his brother Ratter and a crew to pull a daring final heist. But when Ratter kills a drug kingpin during the job, Brennan must turn to rival crook Franner to avert an all-out gangland war.

When a Midwest town learns that a corrupt railroad baron has captured the deeds to their homesteads without their knowledge, a group of young ranchers join forces to take back what is rightfully theirs. They will become the object of the biggest manhunt in the history of the Old West and, as their fame grows, so will the legend of their leader, a young outlaw by the name of Jesse James.

After Ben Garvey foolishly turned back to crime, he thought his life was over when he was sentenced to death by lethal injection. But his death sentence isn't quite what it seems, as Ben regains consciousness near an eerie psychiatric ward, where he's told he's been hired as the groundskeeper. With the state of his soul in question, and the love for his wife and daughter all the more real and powerful, Ben must figure out if he's truly cheated death, or if he's become part of something far more sinister.

For years Yellowbeard had looted the Spanish Main, making men eat their lips and swallow their hearts. Caught and convicted for tax evasion, he's sentenced to 20 years in St. Victim's Prison for the Extremely Naughty. In a scheme to confiscate his fabulous treasure, the Royal Navy allows him to escape and follows him, where saucy tarts, lisping demigods and some awful puns and punishments await.

Jack Mabry (Robert De Niro), un oficial de llibertat condicional, fa amistat amb Gerald Creeson (Edward Norton), un convicte piròman que intenta desesperadament sortir de la presó. La dona d'aquest últim, Lucetta (Milla Jovovich) intentarà manipular l'oficial per aconseguir la llibertat del marit.

L'Steven i la Shannon són un matrimoni jove de Chicago. Arran d'un accident de trànsit que li va provocar un avortament amb complicacions, la Shannon no pot complir el seu somni de tenir fills i la parella decideix anar a adoptar una nena òrfena d'Haití de set anys, la Nina, que està acollida en un centre d'adopció de San Juan, a Puerto Rico. Sembla que tot estigui ben encaminat i la intermediària de l'adopció rep l'Steven i la Shannon i els anuncia que només falta l'últim tràmit, l'expedició del passaport de la nena. La parella s'emporta la Nina a un hotel per esperar-se fins que arribi el document. Mentre s'espera, el matrimoni coneix un trio peculiar, format per en Benjamin, en Salo i la Veronica. De cop i volta, la Nina desapareix i el que semblava una adopció sense entrebancs es converteix en un malson.

Gaetano is a divorced traffic cop in a relationship with a beautiful and exuberant woman, for whom he happily provides standards of living well above his means. He plans to propose to her, but she is thinking to run away with his handsome superior. In the midst of debts, unpaid alimony and other serious financial issues, Gaetano unexpectedly wins the lottery, turning the fortune around.