A la Segona Guerra Mundial, mentre que el seu bombarder en flames cau al mar, el capità d'esquadró Peter Carter prova de comunicar-se per ràdio. L'última veu que sentirà abans de saltar sense paracaigudes és la de June, una jove americana de guàrdia a la torre de control. En Peter s’enamora a l'instant d’aquesta veu que contesta el seu missatge. Després de saltar, descobreix confós que ha arribat a la costa britànica absolutament il·lès. Un enviat del més enllà li notifica que és viu per error i que, si estima la June i vol continuar vivint, s'haurà de defensar davant d'un tribunal celestial.

The frustrating adventures of a humble employee who all the time has to fullfill the wishes and desires of his bosses.

Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise.

At the end of the 22nd century Alisa Seleznyova, her father Professor Seleznyov and pilot Zelyony go on a space expedition to find rare animals for Moscow Zoo. On the way they seem to encounter a mysterious conspiracy led by Doctor Verhovtsev against legendary Two Captains Kim and Buran. The only clue is a talking bird Сhatterer [Govorun] that our heroes accidentally took possession of.

Good Witch Cassie Nightingale is back to her bewitching ways, but this time she’s also juggling a newborn daughter and her job as town Mayor. With such a busy schedule she and her husband, town sheriff Jake Russell, aren’t getting much sleep. Hoping for a break, Cassie plans a much needed vacation with her new family. But things go awry when a crime wave sweeps through town and an investigative reporter tries to ruin Cassie’s image after a video of her magically disappearing turns up on the internet. To make matters worse, Cassie’s estranged foster mother appears in town and Cassie’s stepdaughter is suddenly accused of the recent robberies. Supported by her loyal family and friends, Cassie must rely on her signature charm to put a stop to the rumors before they completely destroy the town, and a Good Witch’s reputation!

The Los Angeles punk music scene circa 1980 is the focus of this film. With Alice Bag Band, Black Flag, Catholic Discipline, Circle Jerks, Fear, Germs, and X.

DCP DeSilva sees a way to bring to justice the feared head of a criminal empire by recruiting a man named Vijay, who looks exactly like the crime boss. The ruse works too well, and soon Vijay finds his life in danger when DeSilva, the only one who knows his true identity, dies.

En un bosc de Wisconsin es localitza i s'abat un artefacte no identificat. El seu ocupant, Starman, es refugia a casa de Jenny Hayden, una jove viuda. Starman ha pres l'aparença del difunt marit de Jenny, però només pot sobreviure a la Terra tres dies i ha de trobar-se amb una nau espacial que el vindrà a recollir a Arizona, a més de 2.000 km d'on és ara. Jenny l'ajuda i han de fugir junts de la NORAD, una organització estatal que va darrera de Starman. Mark Shermin, responsable de l'operació de recerca, comprèn que Starman no representa cap perill per a la humanitat i està disposat a ajudar-lo.

At the turn of the century, all of the Earth's monsters have been rounded up and kept safely on Monsterland. Chaos erupts when a race of she-aliens known as the Kilaaks unleash the monsters across the world.

Kurumi’s heart was broken by the sudden death of her boyfriend in a tragic airplane accident. By melding futuristic technology with the binary equivalent of human emotion, a brilliant scientist created an ultra-lifelike robotic surrogate to take Hal’s place – and lure Kurumi from her shroud of solitude.

The third film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Cleveland Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! However, they first have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team.

Exploring the further adventures of Carmen and Juni Cortez, who have now joined the family spy business as Level 2 OSS agents. Their new mission is to save the world from a mad scientist living on a volcanic island populated by an imaginative menagerie of creatures. On this bizarre island, none of the Cortez's gadgets work and they must rely on their wits--and each other--to survive and save the day.

Beethoven is back -- and this time, he has a whole brood with him now that he's met his canine match, Missy, and fathered a family. The only problem is that Missy's owner, Regina, wants to sell the puppies and tear the clan apart. It's up to Beethoven and the Newton kids to save the day and keep everyone together.

Al Japó, al segle XVII. Quatre samurais persegueixen el príncep Kenshin que s'ha amotinat contra el seu pare. Detingut i empresonat, Kenshin agafa un ceptre. Dels nostres dies, a Nova York, la periodista April O'Neil, ha vingut a oferir als seus amics Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo i Splinter el mateix ceptre que ha trobat en un antiquari. Mentre que en llegeix la inscripció, desapareix i Kenshin apareix en el seu lloc. Les quatre tortugues Ninja tornen al segle XVII per lliurar April i ajudar la princesa Mitsu a resistir a la invasió de les tropes del rei Norinaga. Seran ajudats per un jove pirata Whit Whitley, l'avantpassat de Casey Jones…

Michael, un jove anglès que estudia en un institut nord-americà, s'enamora de Stephanie, líder del grup d'animadores, però que només surten amb els membres del club de nois local

The family is pleasantly surprised and puzzled when Beethoven suddenly becomes obedient. Turns out it's a prince and the pauper scenario, with the real Beethoven now living with a pompous rich family.

Paolo Cioffa, as Christmas approaches, is ready to leave on a cruise with his mistress Magda Venni, freed by his wife Francesca Zanchi and his son Federico, who is about to go skiing.