Don Vito Corleone, conegut dins els cercles de l'hampa com 'El Padrí', és el patriarca d'una de les cinc famílies que exerceixen el comandament de la Cosa Nostra a Nova York als anys quaranta. Don Corleone té quatre fills: una noia, Connie, i tres homes; Sonny, Michael i Fredo. Quan el Padrí reclina intervenir en el negoci d'estupefaents, comença una lluita cruenta de violents episodis entre les diferents famílies del crim organitzat.

El jove doctor Frederick Frankenstein, un neurocirurgià nord-americà, intenta escapar de l'estigma llegat pel seu avi, que va crear anys enrere una horrible criatura. Però, quan hereta el castell de Frankenstein i descobreix un estrany manual científic en què s'explica pas a pas com retornar la vida a un cadàver, comença a crear el seu propi monstre. Ajudat pel geperut Igor i la curvilínia Inga, el doctor crea un ser amb un únic propòsit: ser estimat.

Billy Hayes (Brad Davis), un jove nord-americà, és detingut a l'aeroport d'Istanbul quan es disposa a pujar a un avió amb diversos paquets d'haixix. Acusat d'un dels delictes més greus a Turquia, Billy és condemnat a quatre anys de presó, on patirà terribles penalitats en un sistema penal brutal i inhumà.

L'epidèmia que fa ressuscitar els morts convertits en éssers àvids de carn humana s'ha estès, arribant al punt en què diverses ciutats han quedat pràcticament desertes. Els supervivents han de refugiar-se en zones militars ja que els zombies no dubten a acabar amb els seus familiars... Continuació del clàssic d'horror de George A. Romero "La nit dels morts vivents" (Night of the Living Dead, 1968).

Basada en fets reals, a partir d'entrevistes amb els protagonistes de la història, "Jo, Tonya" narra l'experiència de Tonya Harding, una prometedora patinadora artística dels Estats Units, que va viure sempre sota la mirada implacable i insensible de la seva mare, però amb un talent innat que li va permetre ser la primera dona a completar un triple àxel en una competició. El 1994, la seva rival principal de cara als Jocs Olímpics de Lillehammer era la seva compatriota Nancy Kerrigan. Poc abans dels Jocs, un desconegut es va acostar a Kerrigan després d'un entrenament i li va etzibar un cop al genoll amb una porra extensible. Les sospites de seguida van recaure sobre l'entorn de Tonya Harding, cosa que va suposar l'inici de la fi de la seva carrera.

Venturing from Venice Beach to Watts, Varda looks at the murals of LA as backdrop to and mirror of the city’s many cultures. She casts a curious eye on graffiti and photorealism, roller disco & gang violence, evangelical Christians, Hare Krishnas, artists, angels and ordinary Angelenos.

In the deep south during the 1930s, three escaped convicts search for hidden treasure while a relentless lawman pursues them. On their journey they come across many comical characters and incredible situations. Based upon Homer's 'Odyssey'.

Christian Wolff és un geni de les matemàtiques, molt meticulós, però amb problemes per relacionar-se amb la gent. Té una petita assessoria fiscal que fa servir de tapadora, ja que fa de comptable per a algunes de les organitzacions criminals més perilloses del món. Quan el departament del Tresor comença a investigar les seves activitats, Wolff decideix treballar per a un client legal i inicia una auditoria en una empresa robòtica on una jove becària ha detectat una possible malversació de fons.

Inspirada a l'autobiografia de Ron Kovic. Segona part de la trilogia sobre el Vietnam: mostra la història d'un jove que s'allista com a voluntari per anar a la guerra, convençut que defensar el seu país és la millor manera de demostrar-li el seu amor. Però les seves conviccions canviaran radicalment quan torni com a veterà de guerra, postrat en una cadira de rodes i atès en un hospital sorprenent.

Heroism and romance combine in an action-packed martial arts story. When the Shaolin are betrayed by White-Browed Hermit, hotheaded warrior-hero Fong Sai Yuk vows revenge.

Ying Ke-Feng, head of Peerless Manor, is an expert swordsman whose escort business transports 200,000 taels of silver to the capital each year. This year, however, he is afflicted with an infirmity that renders him unable to use his sword.

A young martial artist vows to take revenge against the ninja who murdered his martial arts master and brothers. He finds a new teacher and faces, together with his new brothers, the Five Element Ninja challenge.

A group of martial artists seek revenge after being crippled by Tu Tin-To, a martial arts master, and his son.

A group of people are trapped in a West Berlin movie theater infested with ravenous demons who proceed to kill and possess the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers.

During the warlords era in China, a village located in rural area called Pucheng fell into dangerous situation when its government allocated all its military force to the front line, the cruel commandant Cao from the enemy troops arrived the village and killed the innocent, the guardians of Pucheng were desperate to fight against Cao for justice and to protect their homeland.

The origin story of the smash hit “Who Let the Dogs Out” goes back further than anyone could have imagined; steeped in legal battles, female empowerment and artist integrity, which beckons the question: will we ever know who let the dogs out?

Doctors Kazamatsuri and Onizuka are geneticists researching cures on diseases such as AIDS and cancer by performing experiments to strengthen the human body. The test subject is Shin Kazamatsuri, motorcycle racer son of Doctor Kazamatsuri. Unknown to them, their operation is funded by a syndicate group, who plan to use this research to have the bodies of men strengthened for their own gain—they have already been experimenting in the field of cyborg soldiers, to a less-than-successful attempt. However, they did not count on Onizuka's own secret ambitions; the mad Onizuka wanted to create a new species, by fusing a grasshopper's DNA with the test subject's, in order to start a new civilization and be their god. He has tested on himself, but seems to be having greater success with Shin.

A psychotic craftsman pits two rival Kung-Fu masters against each other while designing special lanterns from a disturbing source.

By the year 2050 AD, a mysterious organization called Galactor has occupied half of the Earth and threatens to exterminate the human race. Around the same time, the International Science Organization had uncovered mysterious stones that bear unusual powers. It is said that one person out of approximately eight million is able to harness the power of the stones; they are known as a "Receptor". Dr. Kozaburo Nambu gathers a team of these five lucky Receptors together. Known as the "Gatchaman" team, it is their mission to defeat Galactor.

On the last day of the first manned mission to Mars, a crew member of Tantalus Base believes he has made an astounding discovery – fossilized evidence of bacterial life. Unwilling to let the relief crew claim all the glory, he disobeys orders to pack up and goes out on an unauthorized expedition to collect further samples. But a routine excavation turns to disaster when the porous ground collapses and he falls into a deep crevice. His devastated colleagues attempt to recover his body. However, when another vanishes, they start to suspect that the life-form they have discovered is not without danger.