Den mest berømte franske gangster hed Jacques Mesrine. Han blev født i 1936 og døde i en byge af kugler i Paris i 1979. I mellemtiden lykkedes det ham at leve af voldsom kriminalitet i mange hjørner af verden - i den første tid sammen med kæresten Jeanne. Parret blev sammenlignet med den legendariske gangsterduo Bonnie og Clyde. Senere fortsatte Jacques Mesrine alene eller sammen med venner i gangsterfaget som mediernes darling, og hans forbryder-karriere var lige så bloddryppende farverig, som dens afslutning var forudsigelig.

Borgerrettighedsforkæmperen Ivan Cooper har travlt med de sidste forberedelser inden starten på en fredelig protestmarch i den nordirske by Derry - bl.a. med at overtale de forskellige grupper på den irsk-katolske side til ikke at lave ballade. I det militære hovedkvarter er stemningen også anspændt. Den britiske øverstkommanderende er opsat på at statuere et eksempel og har udkommanderet ekstra mandskab i form af hårdkogte 'paras' (faldskærmssoldater). Pga. den overvældende militære tilstedeværelse forsøger Cooper at omdirigere demonstrationen. Men en del af demonstranterne fortsætter ad den planlagte rute og ryger dermed lige direkte ind i briternes afspærringer, hvor soldaterne venter med skarpladte våben...

A French man spies on a lovely younger woman across the way. When he's spotted by the woman shortly after being questioned by the police about a local murder, the man's simple life becomes more complicated.

A documentary on Jacques Vergès, the controversial lawyer and former Free French Forces guerrilla, exploring how Vergès assisted, from the 1960s onwards, anti-imperialist terrorist cells operating in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Participants interviewed include Algerian nationalists Yacef Saadi, Zohra Drif, Djamila Bouhired and Abderrahmane Benhamida, Khmer Rouge members Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan, once far-left activists Hans-Joachim Klein and Magdalena Kopp, terrorist Carlos the Jackal, lawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, neo-Nazi Ahmed Huber, Palestinian politician Bassam Abu Sharif, Lebanese politician Karim Pakradouni, political cartoonist Siné, former spy Claude Moniquet, novelist and ghostwriter Lionel Duroy, and investigative journalist Oliver Schröm.

A middle-aged gangster's lifetime of mistakes catch up with him as his personal and professional life is destroyed.

ŽIŽEK! trails the thinker as he crisscrosses the globe, racing from New York City lecture halls, through the streets of Buenos Aires, and even stopping at home in Ljubljana, Slovenia. All the while Žižek obsessively reveals the invisible workings of ideology through his unique blend of Lacanian psychoanalysis, Marxism, and critique of pop culture.

To journalister og en fotograf får den ide at fange en af Bosniens mest eftersøgte krigsforbrydere. Den i forvejen farlige plan bliver direkte sprængfarlig, da FN i området fejlagtigt antager, at de tre i virkeligheden er en gruppe snigmordere fra CIA.

Summer 1943, Piedmont, Italy. Milton loves Fulvia who plays with his love: she only likes the depth of his thought and the letters he writes to her. One year later, Milton has joined the Resistance and fights beside other partisans. He learns during a conversation that Fulvia was secretly in love with his best friend Giorgio, a partisan like him. Milton decides to go find Giorgio in the Langhe region of Italy with all its misty hills...But Giorgio has just been arrested by the Fascists.

Albert Spaggiari is arrested in Nice and brought to a judge's office for interrogation, but he escapes to South America where he meets a journalist who is investigating the event.

In Paris, Clara, psycho motor therapist, and Ismaël, music teacher, have been lovers for four years. Happy, the couple are expecting their first child and decide to move in together. But the news is not well received by their respective families because Clara is Jewish and Ishmael a Muslim. Although not practicing, this difference will gradually sow trouble in their love life.

FSB's hemmelige agent Gregorij Lioubov er udstationeret i Monaco, hvor han holder øje med den russiske industrimagnat Rostovskij. Også Alice, en knalddygtig fransk-amerikansk børshaj, har Rostovskij i kikkerten. Den allerede spegede situation bliver yderligere kompliceret af, at de to spioner falder for hinanden.

Efter at have tabt i ALCS året før, er Cleveland-indianerne fast besluttet på at komme med i World Series denne gang! De skal dog først kæmpe med Rachel Phelps igen, da hun køber holdet tilbage.

Veronique, living with her divorced mother, is going on holiday to Mauritius with her father. To impress a local boy, Benjamin, she manages to complicate the situation by making up stories about her father. She presents him as her lover, a mercenary and even a secret agent which gets her into trouble and then her father has to start playing along...

A talking chimp, a jolly monk and a boxer on the run make an unlikely team in this French comedy for children. Brother Benoit, a French monk working with underprivileged youth in Mexico, one day finds a sick chimpanzee in need of water and medical attention. He brings the chimp back to his mission and nurses her back to health, naming her Mookie. A year later, Brother Benoit discovers Mookie can not only play basketball, but she can talk, the result of an exposure to radiation from a meteor crash. Primate experts from America are eager to get their hands on the little ape, but the Brother will allow no experiments to be performed on her. The Brother recruits Antoine, a boxer down on his luck, to help Mookie and the Brother flee to Mexico City, but when it turns out Antoine is wanted by the Mexican Mafia for not throwing a fight, all three must make tracks to insure their safety.

Ben Cronin has it all: the admiration of his many friends, a terrific girlfriend, and he's on the fast-track to an athletic scholarship. Ben's rock-solid, promising future and romance are turned upside-down with the arrival of Madison Bell. Madison, the new girl in town, quickly sets her sights on the impressionable Ben. While their first few meetings are innocent enough, the obsessive and seductive Madison wants more ... much more.

A brilliant and neurotic attorney goes to Monaco to defend a famous criminal. But, instead of focusing on the case, he falls for a beautiful she-devil, who turns him into a complete wreck... Hopefully, his zealous bodyguard will step in and put everything back in order... Or will he ?

For teenage twins Robert and Elena, a weekend can seem endless yet still fly by. Time almost stands still while discussing philosophy, lying in a blissful cornfield near a remote gas station. They are in their own little world, a twin world of twin games and twin love. A confined world where emotions rise, where pressure mounts into rage… The turmoil of adolescence.

Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada, to return to Marseilles at the bedside of his rugged father. He left, therefore, with his son under his arm, determined not to linger in that city which he had fled years before, after a tragedy. He does not imagine that the affection of his newfound family, his love affair with a young woman and the joyful and simple solidarity of the Marseillais will reconcile him with this city he would never have wanted to leave...Marseillle.

A shy French anthropologist who happens to be secretly in love with her college superior, chooses "bimbos" as the subject of her thesis. She becomes one of them in order to do that, and the professor she loves falls for her new identity.

Didier Travolta is a 40-year-old disco music fan who has no job, lives with his mother, and has a son he hasn't seen for a while. The mother of his son refuses to send him their son for the holidays unless he can offer him a real vacation, not just going to bars of the French port city of Le Havre. Penniless, the only way he can see his son is by winning a dance contest organized by his friend Jackson, with the prize of a vacation to Australia for two.