Els ballarins Pilatus i Morvan salten a la fama a finals de la dècada de 1980 i es converteixen en estrelles amb èxits número 1 i guanyen premis Grammy. El duo mai va cantar una paraula en les seves cançons i la veritat va ser revelada, van protagonitzar un dels majors escàndols en la història de la música.

La reconeguda psicòloga Susanne (Signe Egholm Olsen) es veu atrapada en un malson vivent quan el seu nou client (Anton Hjejle) resulta ser un assassí en sèrie buscat.

A young alcoholic ambient musician locks himself in his apartment on a dangerous seven day bender as he attempts to finish his upcoming album.

A by-the-book female detective teams up with four down-on-their-luck assassins to investigate her father's murder.

1947. On a beach, Madeleine, a waitress in a hotel restaurant, mother of a little boy, meets François, a rich and cultivated student. The force of attraction that pushes them towards each other is commensurate with the secrecy that each carries. If we know what Madeleine wants to leave behind by following this young man, we discover over time, what François is desperately trying to flee by mixing Madeleine's fate with his.

Live stage recording of the stand-up comedy show, with sketches and videos of old skits from 'Mai dire Gol'.

Roughly chronological, from 3/96 to 11/96, with a coda in spring of 1997: inside compounds of Aum Shinrikyo, a Buddhist sect led by Shoko Asahara. (Members confessed to a murderous sarin attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995.) We see what they eat, where they sleep, and how they respond to media scrutiny, on-going trials, the shrinking of their fortunes, and the criticism of society. Central focus is placed on Hiroshi Araki, a young man who finds himself elevated to chief spokesman for Aum after its leaders are arrested. Araki faces extreme hostility from the Japanese public, who find it hard to believe that most followers of the cult had no idea of the attacks and even harder to understand why these followers remain devoted to the religion, if not the violence.

At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...

Sayen follows a lead to the picturesque desolation of the Atacama Desert. There, she reluctantly teams up with a young Atacameño girl, Quimal, looking to clear her father’s name and save her town from becoming an arid wasteland due to Acteon’s exploitative water usage.

As a result of a successful conspiracy against Menshikov, Peter II is prematurely recognized as an adult and is in a hurry to be crowned in Moscow. The Dolgoruky brothers gather for this celebration. There were eight of them - all-powerful and influential representatives of the ancient Rurikovich family - and among them the beautiful Ekaterina, the daughter of the huntsman Alexei.

A modern-day lawyer is sucked into an international conspiracy after being accused of a murder she didn't commit. Her only chance of freedom lies in uncovering the secret of an old German WWII aeroplane, long buried deep beneath the ice, before the CIA.

Segueix Diabolik i el seu còmplice Eva Kant en una nova aventura contra un Inspector Ginko més combatiu que mai.

La Cort Imperial de la Xina del segle XII, durant la dinastia Song, es va enfrontar a una rebel·lió del poble Jin. Dues hores abans d'una reunió crucial entre el primer ministre Song, Qin Hui, i una delegació d'alt nivell dels Jin, l'ambaixador dels Jin és assassinat. Se li roba una important carta destinada a l'emperador. Durant la recerca de la carta, es formen aliances, es revelen secrets i ningú no pot aturar una veritat destinada a deixar empremta a la història.

The fisherman Fuksa fishes in the creek an old bottle and he sells it to innkeeper Merta. When Merta opens it, a genie appears, who can fulfill all his wishes.

Margaret and Ben take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie and Thomas and their two young children. Eventually, Ben begins to suspect something supernatural is occurring when the kids behave strangely after disappearing into the woods overnight.

In 1914, sixteen year old Roger returnd home from boarding school during vacation to find his puberty hit hard in a house filled with beautiful women. These women have previous engagements with other men who are away, and during this time, Roger impregnates them all, including his aunt and sister, then devises plans to cuckold those men.

With school out for the summer, The Littles are vacationing in a cabin by the lake, and Stuart is so excited he could burst! But when Snowbell the cat is captured by a mean-spirited creature known simply as the Beast, it's up to Stuart and a skunk named Reeko to rescue him and a few other friends.

El comandant Lassard i el seu divers equip de policies són assignats a la difícil missió d'aturar una banda de lladres de bancs i joieries que té terroritzada a la ciutat. La banda, formada per tres delinqüents, l'èxit criminal dels quals és inversament proporcional a la seva intel·ligència, són també el malson del capità Harris que, juntament amb el comandant, no pararà fins a aturar el responsable últim dels robatoris, el malvat Mr. Big.