El fet de créixer pot ser un camí difícil, i no és una excepció per a Riley, que es veu desarrelada de la seva vida al mig-oest quan el seu pare comença una nova feina a San Francisco. Les emocions de Riley (alegria, por, ira, fàstic i tristesa) viuen al centre de control dins de la ment de Riley, on l'ajuden a assessorar-la en la vida quotidiana i intenta mantenir les coses positives, però les emocions entren en conflicte sobre la millor manera de portar-ho a terme.
Los Angeles, 1969. L'estrella de televisió Rick Dalton, un actor en hores baixes especialitzat en westerns, i el doble d'acció Cliff Booth, el seu millor amic, intenten sobreviure a una indústria cinematogràfica en canvi constant. Dalton és veí de la jove i prometedora actriu i model Sharon Tate, que acaba de casar-se amb el prestigiós director polonès Roman Polanski…
Dos malalts terminals, de personalitats i mons completament oposats, fan amistat en compartir la mateixa malaltia, el càncer. L'Edward Cole és un milionari arrogant i en Carter Chambers és un mecànic de classe modesta. Malgrat tot, decideixen fer junts l'últim tros del camí.
Armat només amb una paraula, Tenet, el protagonista haurà de lluitar per la supervivència del món sencer i evitar la Tercera Guerra Mundial, en una història d'espionatge internacional. La missió es desplegarà més enllà del temps real. No són viatges en el temps, és inversió.
A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.
Freed after a lengthy term in a juvenile detention center, convicted child killer Jack Burridge finds work as a deliveryman and begins dating co-worker Michelle. While out on the road one day, Jack notices a distressed child, and, after reuniting the girl with her family, becomes a local celebrity. But when a local newspaper unearths his past, Jack must cope with the anger of citizens who fear for the safety of their children.
En pujar a un avió amb destí a París, juntament amb els seus companys de classe, l'Alex té una premonició, per la qual cosa desembarca just abans d'enlairar-se amb sis dels seus amics i una professora. Poc després l'aparell explota a l'aire. El grup de supervivents es veurà perseguit per la dama de la dalla, la pròpia mort, que no es donarà per vençuda. Assetjat per l'FBI que considera Alex responsable de l'accident i perseguit per les seves pròpies pors, el jove haurà de descobrir que les coincidències i els accidents no són casuals.
A man spreads the rumor of his fake homosexuality with the aid of his neighbor, to prevent his imminent firing at his work.
La senyora Crittenden contracta al doctor Harvey perquè alliberi la seva mansió dels quatre fantasmes que l'habiten. Strecht, Stinky i Fatso no toleren als mortals dins de la casa i el seu negre sentit de l'humor espanta als més audaços. El seu nebot Casper, en canvi, és un jove amistós que està fart dels seus oncles. Harvey es presenta a la mansió amb la seva filla Kat, una somiadora adolescent. Ella i Casper simpatitzen immediatament, a pesar que tenen problemes per a relacionar-se. De Casper fuig tothom perquè és un fantasma; de Kat també, quan s'assabenten de la professió del seu pare. El fantasma i la noia són dues ànimes bessones que viuen en continu conflicte amb els seus respectius parents.
Redheaded teen Remy is bullied by his soccer teammates and drawn into fights with his younger sister and mother in their cramped apartment. After a flare-up of domestic violence, he flees home and is tracked down by a bitter guidance counselor, Patrick, also a redhead. Patrick looks upon Remy’s sullen insolence with both sympathy and disdain and decides to toughen him up...
While on a trip to Thailand, a successful American businessman tries to radically change his life. Back in New York, his wife and daughter find their relationship with their live-in Filipino maid changing around them. At the same time, in the Philippines, the maid's family struggles to deal with her absence.
During a bitter 1964 Massachusetts winter, young secretary Eileen becomes enchanted by Rebecca Saint John, the glamorous new counselor at the prison where she works. Their budding friendship takes a twisted turn when Rebecca reveals a dark secret — throwing Eileen onto a sinister path.
Per salvar París d'un bany de sang internacional, una científica en dol es veu obligada a enfrontar-se al seu passat tràgic quan un tauró gegant apareix al Sena.
A group of young people leave a disco and bump into a shepherd who is ready to spend his night worshipping Satan.
80's pop icon Gilles Gabriel is about to make a comeback in the French music scene, until he accidentally hits Ranu, a slightly nutty accountant, when out driving one day. Both are horrified to realise that Gilles died in the crash, and that his spirit now lives in Ranu's head! The kooky accountant's life soon becomes chaos!
Antonio és un adolescent filipí, la sexualitat gai emergent del qual l'allunya dels seus amics i familiars, fins que el seu oncle llibertí, Jonbert, ve a viure amb ell i la seva mare...
Patrick, a travel agent in his early 30s, lives with Arthur, an immigration lawyer; but for a long time, Patrick has been sleeping on an air mattress on the floor of their bedroom. His younger brother, Tony, plans to marry his high school sweetheart but is having an affair that is far more satisfying than his relationship with his fiancee. Their older brother, Ryan, is divorced, living at home and working at his parents’ hopelessly unprofitable men’s clothing store. And McCauley soon makes achingly clear that the parents’ marriage is far from happy.
Interviews with family members, doctors, and victims of 73-year-old Josef Fritzl, who held his daughter captive in a basement for 24 years and fathered seven children with her.
Didier Travolta is a 40-year-old disco music fan who has no job, lives with his mother, and has a son he hasn't seen for a while. The mother of his son refuses to send him their son for the holidays unless he can offer him a real vacation, not just going to bars of the French port city of Le Havre. Penniless, the only way he can see his son is by winning a dance contest organized by his friend Jackson, with the prize of a vacation to Australia for two.
Ernest Krakenkrick and Bachir Bouzouk are about to become pilots in the French army. But after the bad consequences of a test undertaken with the centrifuge, they are forced to give up their dream. They are eventually given the position of baggage handler at Orly-West Airport in Paris. But one night, there is a hostage-taking in the airport and the "Moustachious", a group of terrorists, take hold of the control tower.