Andrei Tarkovskys mesterværk Vandringsmanden fra 1979 er en af Ruslands allerstørste science fiction-film. Den er blevet kaldt Tarkovskijs mest pessimistiske vision af verden, men det er også hans måske mest tilgængelige film, åben for allehånde fortolkninger. Løst baseret på en roman af forfatterne Arkady og Boris Strugatsky er det en filosofisk fabel om en videnskabsmand og forfatter, der følger en såkaldt stalker ind i det forbudte territorium kaldet Zonen, som staten har afspærret, og hvor rygtet vil vide, at mennesker kan få deres inderste ønsker opfyldt. Turen gennem militære kontrolposter og obskure farer bliver en rejse ind i en anden verden, hvor Tarkovsky lader virkeligheden vige for abstrakte billeder og livsanskuelser med en overrumplende originalitet.

Det episke og ærefrygtindgydende storværk Andrei Rublev med den danske titel Den yderste dom er Andrei Tarkovskijs anden spillefilm. Den tre timer lange film var klar til premiere i 1966, men grundet problemer med den russiske censur fik den først officiel premiere i 1969 i begrænset distribution. Værkets samlende karakter er den russiske ikonmaler Andrei Rublev. Filmen kredser om Rublevs såvel fysiske som mentale rejse gennem middelalderens Rusland. Den gennemgribende tematik i filmen er mennesket i relation til og som konsekvens af dets omverden - en tematik, der genfindes i flere af Tarkovskijs senere film.

In WW2, twelve year old Soviet orphan Ivan Bondarev works for the Soviet army as a scout behind the German lines and strikes a friendship with three sympathetic Soviet officers.

A Russian poet and his interpreter travel to Italy to research the life of an 18th-century composer.

Solaris er et filosofisk foruroligende portræt af menneskets destruktive interaktion med omverdenen. Filmen er en visuel tour de force, der tematisk kredser om kærlighed, bevidsthed, personlig identitet, erindring og ikke mindst forsoning og nostalgi. En fremmed entitet, selvmordstraumer og store filosofiske spørgsmål skaber en foruroligende ubalance, der i samspil med tempoet og filmens lange spilletid tvinger seeren næsten fysisk ind i karakterernes ulidelige mentale trængsler.

A compilation of over 30 years of private home movie footage shot by Lithuanian-American avant-garde director Jonas Mekas, assembled by Mekas "purely by chance", without concern for chronological order.

Alexander, a journalist, philosopher and retired actor, celebrates a birthday with friends and family when it is announced that nuclear war has begun.

The story of a donkey Balthazar as he is passed from owner to owner, some kind and some cruel but all with motivations beyond his understanding. Balthazar, whose life parallels that of his first keeper, Marie, is truly a beast of burden, suffering the sins of humankind. But despite his powerlessness, he accepts his fate nobly.

On the night of Oct. 2, 2005, Hart and Dana Perry's 15-year-old son Evan jumped to his death from his New York City bedroom window. This moving film is the story, told by his filmmaker parents and others who knew him, of Evan’s life and death, and his life-long struggle with bipolar disorder. It delves into the complexity of Evan's disease, sharing his family's journey through the maze of mental illness. In showing how one family deals with generations of loss and grief, the film defies the stigma related to mental illness and suicide and tells a human story that touches everyone.

Mladen and Marija are an ordinary and happy married couple of the "middle class" of the society in which they live as tenants. Mladen works as a civil engineer in a state company, and Marija is an English teacher in primary school. The couple finds joy in their only son, Nemanja. They discover that Nemanja has a rare heart disease and healing is possible with an operation in a foreign medical center, which costs €26,000.

Mr. Jonny First arrives to the Wild West to present the art of the Cinematograph.

Set halfway through the 17th century, a church play is performed for the benefit of the young aristocrat Cosimo. In the play, a grotesque old woman gives birth to a beautiful baby boy. The child's older sister is quick to exploit the situation, selling blessings from the baby, and even claiming she's the true mother by virgin birth. However, when she attempts to seduce the bishop's son, the Church exacts a terrible revenge.

January 2016. The love story that brought me to this village in Alsace where I live ended six months ago. At 45, I am now alone, without a car, a job or any real prospects, surrounded by luxuriant nature, the proximity of which is not enough to calm the deep distress into which I am plunged. I am lost and I watch four to five films a day. I decide to record this stagnation, not by picking up a camera but by editing shots from the stream of films I watch.

Twenty-something Freddy is becalmed in a podunk French village where the only sign of life is the local amateur brass band and youth aimlessly roaming around the countryside on scooters. He has an intense sexual connection with his girlfriend but has no joy or passion to give her. When she falls for a handsome Arab youth a tragedy unfolds.

Tensions between members of a film crew build while they wait for the arrival of the director and star to arrive on location.

Russian Federation, December 31, 1999. After President Boris Yeltsin's unexpected resignation, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin becomes acting president of the country. From that day and for a year, Vitaly Mansky's camera documented Putin's rise to power. The story of a privileged witness. The harsh explanation of the reason why politics is the art of possibility of achieving the best with the support of many, but also of giving the worst in return.

Before leaving Russia and moving to Western Europe, famous opera singer Lyuba travels to her hometown to say goodbye and show her teenage son around. But Andrey, Lyuba’s son, disappears and she must stay in the place she hates the most to search for him. A piercing exploration of identity and transformation, against the backdrop of a Russian hinterland, surrounded by Orthodox churches and snow.

An alien narrates the story of his dying planet, his and his people's visitations to Earth and Earth's self-made demise, while human astronauts in space are attempting to find an alternate planet for surviving humans to live on.

Electrician Gus gets the chance to fulfil a childhood dream by buying an old bowling-alley with some of his friends, but first he must find his ex-wife a new husband so he can stop paying alimony.