Some puppets come to life in a theater with no windows. This time the puppets interpret William Shakespeare's Othello.

A newbie private eye must overcome her newfound dark side and secrets before it's too late.


物語は三島由紀夫最後の一日となる朝から始まり、『金閣寺』『鏡子の家』『奔馬』を劇中劇として見せながら三島の生涯を描いていく。 どもりを持つ学生・溝口は金閣寺はその美しさに見苦しい自分の姿を責め悩み、放火をしてしまう『金閣寺』。容姿端麗で華奢な美青年・治が、最後はマゾヒスティックな狂愛に溺れていく『鏡子の家』。剣道に励む青年が同じ学生仲間とクーデターを決起する『奔馬』。そして、三島由紀夫の最期の瞬間に至る…。

カンヌ映画祭グランプリに輝いたコッポラの意欲作。プロの盗聴屋が次々と他人のプライバシーを侵し、盗聴を繰り返す作業を克明に描いていく。しかし、やがて“自分も盗聴されている”という脅迫観念に陥った主人公は、孤独と狂気の日々に没入していく・・・。大都会に住む現代人の不安感を象徴的に描いた作品。 サンフランシスコで盗聴を職業としているハリーは、依頼を受け、公園を歩くカップルの会話を盗聴する。ハリーは盗聴した会話に「殺される」ということばを聞き取り、やがて事件に巻き込まれていく…。

Duped and sold to a brothel, a young woman fearlessly reclaims her power, using underworld connections to preside over the world she was once a pawn in.

Richard Hanney has a rude awakening when a glamorous female spy falls into his bed - with a knife in her back. Having a bit of trouble explaining it all to Scotland Yard, he heads for the hills of Scotland to try to clear his name by locating the spy ring known as The 39 Steps.



A young tomboy, Watts, finds her feelings for her best friend, Keith, run deeper than just friendship when he gets a date with the most popular girl in school.

ブルース・リーの生涯をリンダ夫人の著書「ブルース・リー・ストーリー」と『燃えよドラゴン』の監督ロバート・クローズの著書“Bruce Lee: The Beginning”を原作に映画化。 ブルース・リーが自分や息子ブランドンを狙う悪魔の幻影を見るという場面を折り込む事によって、彼の悲劇的運命を強調する効果を上げている(ブランドン・リーもこの映画の公開前に事故死した)。 ブルース・リーを演じたジェイソン・スコット・リーはこれ以来、ブルース・リー本人も行っていた截拳道のトレーニングを行なっている。


In this true-crime documentary, a charismatic rebel in 1990s Seattle pulls off an unprecedented string of bank robberies straight out of the movies.


Monologuist Spalding Gray talks about the great difficulties he experienced while attempting to write his first novel, a nearly 2,000-page autobiographical tome concerning the death of his mother. Among his many asides, Gray discusses his problems in dealing with the Hollywood film industry, recounts the trips he took around the world in order to avoid dealing with his writer's block and describes his ambivalence about acting as stage manager for a Broadway production of "Our Town."


サラは手芸用品店で働いており、休日は趣味の乗馬を楽しむ生活を送っていた。しかし、そんなサラの幸福な日常はある日を境にして崩れ始めた。その日以来、サラは悪夢に苛まれるようになり、ほどなくして夢遊病の症状が出るに至ったのである。サラの精神状態は悪化の一途を辿り、ついには「自分は祖母のクローンであり、エイリアンに誘拐されたことがある」と主張するようになった。 本作は現実と妄想の区別が徐々につかなくなっていくサラの姿を描き出す作品である。

Julien Temple's 2006 documentary film about the famous music festival from 1970 to 2005, featuring performances from artists such as David Bowie, Bjork, Blur, Oasis and Coldplay. The film is made up of footage shot by Temple at the festival in 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005, as well as footage sent in by festival goers after a request on websites and newspapers for footage. Temple had initially only agreed to make a film of the 2002 festival after organiser Michael Eavis expressed concern that that would be the last year of the festival. Temple then realised that he wanted to make a film detailing the full history of the festival. The film also includes footage shot by Channel 4 and the BBC during their coverage of the festival since 1994. Text from Wikipedia.

The first major uprising against police brutality, harassment, and societal oppression was not at Stonewall in 1969, but at Compton's Cafeteria in San Francisco three years earlier. Those who stood up were trans women and gay men. Now, nearly 40 years on, Susan Stryker and Victor Silverman tell the story of this oft-overlooked event in the history of American civil rights.

A man living between dream and reality, making the woman he fell in love with as a statue and falling in love with her and then killing her in his dreams.