Video release consisted of 20 season's episode 13, 14, 16, 17. Power Rangers battle mutants to stop a super-monster that was created from an Aurora box.
Aspiring filmmaker Gaby falls desperately in love with supermodel Amanda. But he is too shy and innocent for his sassy, superficial crush — and she is also completely unaware of his feelings. Gaby and his friends decide to hit his uncle's summer house for the season, and everyone in Gaby's crew gives him the absolute worst romantic advice — but he asks for their help anyway. What could possibly go wrong?
Conta la història vibrant de Buck, un gos gran i de bon cor, un encreuament entre un Sant Bernat i un Scotch Collie, la despreocupada vida d'oci del qual es va alterar sobtadament quan va ser robat de casa seva al comtat de Santa Clara, Califòrnia i portat a Dawson City, Yukon, a finals de la dècada de 1890 durant la febre de l'or, quan els forts gossos de trineu tenien una gran demanda. Com un nouvingut al servei de lliurament de l'equip de gossos, en Buck està tenint el moment de la seva vida. Obligat a lluitar per sobreviure, finalment és portat pel seu últim propietari, John Thornton, a la proximitat del Cercle Polar Àrtic, en algun lloc entre Yukon i Alaska, on depèn progressivament dels seus instints primaris, es desfà de les comoditats de la civilització i respon "a l'anomenat salvatge", convertint-se en el seu propi mestre.
Godzilla i Kong, dues de les forces més poderoses d'un planeta habitat per tota mena d'esfereïdores criatures, s'enfronten en un espectacular combat que sacseja els fonaments de la humanitat. Monarch (Kyle Chandler) s'embarca en una missió d'alt risc i posa rumb cap a territoris inexplorats per descobrir els orígens d'aquests dos titans, en un últim esforç per intentar salvar dues bèsties que semblen tenir les hores comptades sobre la faç de la Terra.
La petita Lucky Prescott ha de marxar de la ciutat per anar a viure a un petit poble a prop de la frontera mexicana. De mica en mica, va fent nous amics, fins que la seva vida fa un tomb en conèixer un cavall salvatge a qui vol domar. Malgrat el temor del pare perquè no prengui mal, la Lucky es fa forta amb el record de la seva difunta mare que havia estat una llegendària geneta. La captura de l’Spirit per part d’uns lladres de bestiar fa que la Lucky i la seva colla emprenguin una èpica persecució per alliberar-lo dels malfactors.
Los Angeles teenager Ritchie Valens becomes an overnight rock 'n' roll success in 1958, thanks to a love ballad called "Donna" that he wrote for his girlfriend. But as his star rises, Valens has conflicts with his jealous brother, Bob, and becomes haunted by a recurring nightmare of a plane crash just as he begins his first national tour alongside Buddy Holly.
Direct-to-DVD movie. The pace quickens when the academy receives a message from the future warning of impending doom. It seems that Devastation (the most wanted criminal in the galaxy) along with brother, Shorty, and sinister sidekick Morgana have returned to conquer Earth for imminent destruction. It's an SPD Emergency as the team of elite warriors morph into their superhuman multi-hued spandex to take on intergalactic minions. Just when the fury circle is tightening, a mysterious Force from the Future materializes, riding a giant Omegamax Cycle.
Everybody needs some alone time to relax and wash up, but things go quite differently when you’re a Flora Colossi toddler.
Drama-documentary about Winston Churchill's extraordinary experiences during the Great War, with intimate letters to his wife Clementine allowing the story to be told largely in his own words. Just 39 and at the peak of his powers running the Royal Navy, Churchill in 1914 dreamt of Napoleonic glory, but suffered a catastrophic fall into disgrace and humiliation over the Dardanelles disaster. The film follows his road to redemption, beginning in the trenches of Flanders in 1916, revealing how he became the 'godfather' of the tank and his forgotten contribution to final victory in 1918 as Minister of Munitions. Dark political intrigue, a passionate love story and remarkable military adventures on land, sea and air combine to show how the Churchill of 1940 was shaped and forged by his experience of the First World War.
Chicago, any 2035. Els humans viuen en completa harmonia amb els robots, que fan les tasques de la llar, es cuiden dels nens i faciliten la vida de les persones. Els robots no suposen cap perill perquè estan programats per les Tres Lleis de la Robòtica, que els impedeixen fer mal als humans. Però inesperadament un robot resulta implicat en l'assassinat d'un científic. L'inspector de policia Del Spooner investiga el cas amb l'ajuda de la doctora Susan Calvin, especialitzada en la psicologia dels robots. El seu objectiu final serà evitar un complot a través del qual els robots dominarien la raça humana.
A young woman who has faded to the point of becoming invisible must find her way back with the help of the one man who can see her.
The Kingdom of the People of the Earth once ruled over the land, but now all that remains is the Sword of the Earth. in the city of Eindoak. Satoshi, Iris, and Dent arrive in Eindoak during a harvest festival's Pokémon Tournament and meet the legendary Pokémon Victini who wishes to share its powers of victory to someone. Elsewhere in the city, a descendant of the People of the Earth named Dred Grangil has arrived who seeks to revive the kingdom's power with the Sword of the Earth, bringing them back into power over the land, and Satoshi and his friends must stop him before he destroys the land along with Victini.
El 1925 l'explorador britànic Percy Fawcett es va aventurar a l'Amazones a la recerca d'una antiga civilització, l'existència dels quals europeus feia segles que intentaven demostrar. La ciutat perduda es coneixia com a ciutat 'Z', i en la seva recerca havien mort centenars de persones. No obstant això, l'expedició va desaparèixer a la selva, i mai més se'n va tornar a saber res. Cap de les expedicions que han seguit els passos de Fawcett ha aconseguit trobar la ciutat 'Z'.
Un adolescent es trasllada d'una gran ciutat a un petit poble, on descobreix els seus nous i estranys veïns, amb els que viurà aventures absurdes i inquietants.
La pel·lícula segueix cinc joves predestinats a convertir-se en una cosa extraordinària quan descobreixen que tant el seu modest poblat, Angel Grove, com la resta del món, estan al caire de l'aniquilació per una amenaça alienígena. Els nostres herois descobreixen ràpidament que són els únics que poden salvar el planeta, però per aconseguir-ho hauran de superar problemes de la vida real i unir-se sota el nom de Power Rangers abans que sigui massa tard.
Per posar fi a una guerra apocalíptica i salvar la seva filla, una soldat emprèn una missió desesperada: transportar un carregament ultrasecret per un mar gelat.
Standing on the precipice of adulthood, a group of friends navigate new relationships, while reexamining others, during their final summer before college.
A man goes undercover in a hi-tech prison to find out information to help prosecute those who killed his wife. While there, he stumbles onto a plot involving a death-row inmate and his $200 million stash of gold.
Four friends break into an abandoned insane asylum in search of a death certificate which will grant one of them a large inheritance. However, finding it soon becomes the least of their worries in a place haunted by dark memories.
For all that is good, there exists a dark opposite, an enemy with the will to destroy with awesome fury. Despite these adversaries, peace and harmony prevail... all because of six exceptional teenagers who have been uniquely empowered to defend against evil. This is the story of THE POWER RANGERS... in their greatest challenge yet! The evil LORD ZEDD and his wife, RITA REPULSA, in the ultimate attempt to render our heroes powerless, have turned The Power Rangers into children. Now their leader, ZORDON, has no choice but to send them to undercover the power of the ZEO Crystal. It is a mission known as "The ZEO Quest." With great courage, the young voyagers embark on a remarkable journey to their ancestry. Only through the revitalizing powers of the ZEO Crystal can our heroes save themselves and in turn... all of mankind.