Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (涼宮ハルヒの激奏, The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya) was a live concert event held at Omiya Sonic City on March 18, 2007 that featured songs from the anime as well as interviews and skits performed by the voice actors.The MCs for the event were Minoru Shiraishi and Megumi Matsumoto.

A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Koyomi Araragi was turned into a vampire by the legendary vampire, Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade, and he needs to revive the weakened vampire back to her complete form to return to being human again. The only way for Koyomi to achieve his goal is to fight the three vampire hunters – Dramaturgy, Episode and Guillotinecutter.

A mitjans dels anys 70, en un temps en què els efectes especials eren més rudimentaris, l'escriptor, director de cinema, guionista de còmics, tarotista i psicomag xilè Alejandro Jodorowsky va emprendre una llarga odissea per dur a la pantalla gran una de les novel·les més representatives de la ciència-ficció: Dune. Encara que el projecte no arribés a bon port, li va servir per conèixer alguna de les personalitats del món cultural més rellevants de l'època i descobrir alguns dels talents que més influència desplegarien al cinema de dècades posteriors.

After losing a finger in a work accident, an Italian worker becomes increasingly involved in political and revolutionary groups.

The Alchemist assembles together a group of people from all walks of life to represent the planets in the solar system. The occult adept's intention is to put his recruits through strange mystical rites and divest them of their worldly baggage before embarking on a trip to Lotus Island. There they ascend the Holy Mountain to displace the immortal gods who secretly rule the universe.

A París, un brillant i trasbalsat cirurgià rapta noies per tal d'utilitzar la seva pell per reconstruir la bellesa del rostre de la seva filla, destrossat per un tràgic accident del qual ell se sent culpable.

Re-re-repeat A rhythmic dialogue between sound and image: exploring space, corporeal phenomenology and chance outcomes, which alter perceptions of time and memory.

As a young couple stops and rests in a small village inn, the man is abducted by Death and is sequestered behind a huge doorless, windowless wall. The woman finds a mystic entrance and is met by Death, who tells her three separate stories set in exotic locales, all involving circumstances similar to hers.

A father experiences strange apparitions after his daughter is killed in a car accident.

On their way to an afternoon on the lake, husband and wife Andrzej and Krystyna nearly run over a young hitchhiker. Inviting the young man onto the boat with them, Andrzej begins to subtly torment him; the hitchhiker responds by making overtures toward Krystyna. When the hitchhiker is accidentally knocked overboard, the husband's panic results in unexpected consequences.

The story of two men, both named Antonio Pisapia, who are on the decline and lead strangely parallel lives. One is a pop singer whose success ends after a sex scandal; the other is a football player whose career is cut short by an injury.

El Topo decides to confront warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey he begins with his 6 year old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man.

L'Arthur i l'Eve fa molts anys que estan casats i han tingut tres filles, la Flyn, la Joey i la Renata. La mare és una decoradora d'interiors obsessiva i mentalment inestable que pateix una greu depressió. Un matí, inesperadament, l'Arthur anuncia a la família que vol separar-se temporalment i viure un temps sol. En el transcurs d'un viatge a Grècia, s’enamora d'una altra dona i desitja casar-s’hi. Quan el pare presenta la seva nova companya a les seves tres filles, provoca un drama familiar de conseqüències tràgiques.

World War I, Italian north-eastern front after the 1917 bloody battles on the Altipiano. A group of soldiers face the difficulty of war in a story that unfolds in the space of one night. Events follow one after the other without any kind of pattern: the peaceful mountains suddenly become a place where men die. But every story told in this film is a true story.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

A l'alba, Clarisse fa una darrera ullada al seu marit i als seus dos fills adormits, dubta a deixar una nota i es posa en camí. Una fuita desesperada que revela gradualment les seves capes a mesura que Clarisse, que sembla tenir una connexió extrasensorial amb la família que ha deixat enrere, es perd al món.

El doctor Zarkov, un científic expulsat de la NASA, viatja en un coet espacial, al costat del jove jugador de futbol americà Flash Gordon i la seva amiga Dale Arden. Els tres intentaran salvar al planeta de l'amenaça de Ming, l'emperador del llunyà regne Mongo, que ha llançat una de les seves llunes perquè xoqui contra la Terra.

A woman is taken to a mysterious clinic whose patients have a mental disorder in which their memories and identities are disintegrating as a result of a strange environmental accident.