It's the hot summer of 1972: the Americans launch their last mission to the moon; also a time of dungarees and hallucinogenic wallpaper. On the eighth floor of a new Dutch apartment block, 12-year-old Duch lives with his family. His hobbies are space travel and Mary, the pretty woman next door. Duch’s father prefers to watch the neighbour who recently moved in two doors down. Her arrival makes the residents aware of the free-sex morality. Up until now it had left the eighth floor untouched, but that is clearly not to everyone’s satisfaction.

Joseph er en mand som plages af et voldeligt og selvdestruktivt raseri. Han får en ny chance i form af Hannah, en selvopofrende kvinde der sidder fast i et destruktivt forhold.

A Taiwanese high school baseball team travels to Japan in 1931 to compete in a national tournament.

Vince Rizzo (Andy Garcia) er fængselsbetjent med en sæk fuld af hemmeligheder. Hans datter er blevet smidt ud af skolen, og hans kone gør tilnærmelser til en af de indsatte fra Vince’s fængsel, som er blevet løsladt på prøve. Selv sniger Vince sig bort om aftenen angiveligt for at spille poker, men det viser sig, at han har noget helt helt andet for.

Ben Tyler has been diagnosed with cancer. With a grim chance of survival in the best case scenario even if he immediately begins treatment, he instead decides to take a motorcycle trip from Toronto through the Canadian prairies to British Columbia.

George (Freddie Highmore) har kunstneriske talenter, men han gider ikke rigtig gøre noget ud af sit skolearbejde, for han synes at synes alt er meningsløst. Han får naturligvis en advarsel, så nu skal han tage sig sammen, for ikke at blive sparket ud af skolen. Men så bliver han pludselig gode venner med den populære pige Sally (Emma Roberts), der godt kan lide hans indstilling til livet, og han kommer i kontakt med en ung kunster, der inspirerer ham til at forsøge at få noget ud af sit liv alligevel.

In 1980 young George O'Dowd baffles his parents with his love of frocks and make-up and moves into a squat with kindred spirit Peter, who dresses as Marilyn Monroe and calls himself Marilyn. They make a splash at Steve Strange's trendy Blitz Club where George gets a job in the cloakroom but George is unlucky in his relationships with men until he meets wannabe musician Kirk. Through Kirk George meets the handsome drummer Jon Moss, on whom he develops a crush, but sacked by the Blitz and spurned by Kirk, George turns to Sex Pistols' manager Malcolm McLaren to further his music career. George's spell with McLaren's group Bow Wow Wow is short but fan Mikey North is impressed and asks George to sing in a group he is forming, where George again meets Jon. They will have an affair and the group will become the very successful Culture Club. Four years later, however, hounded by the tabloid press amid stories of his drug addiction, an unhappy George turns to Jon for advice on his future.

From the rains of Japan, through threats of arrest for 'public indecency' in Canada, and a birthday tribute to her father in Detroit, this documentary follows Madonna on her 1990 'Blond Ambition' concert tour. Filmed in black and white, with the concert pieces in glittering MTV color, it is an intimate look at the work of the icon, from a prayer circle before each performance to bed games with the dance troupe afterwards.

Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 days to go until her scheduled treatment, Lena Holoway does the unthinkable, she falls in love.

Den akavede Ed flytter til en ny by med sin mor og opdager hurtigt, at han får brug for hjælp, hvis han skal passe ind i sin nye skole. Da han får til opgave at skrive en stil om en person fra en ældre generation, henvender Ed sig til sin nabo Ashby (Mickey Rourke), der viser sig at være lige den gode indflydelse, han har brug for! Deres venskab bliver dog en anelse kompliceret, da Ed opdager, at Ashby er en falleret CIA lejemorder!

David Portnoy, a 15-year-old birding fanatic, thinks that he's made the discovery of a lifetime. So, on the eve of his father's remarriage, he escapes on an epic road trip with his best friends to solidify their place in birding history.

Judge George brings his young wife, Nathalie, to a remote island for a vacation. But while George accompanies their only neighbor -- Nathalie's childhood friend Lance -- on a fishing trip, Nathalie spends time with her ex, Kent. When Kent ends up dead the next morning, Nathalie tries to hide the evidence before her husband gets home. After the body is found, the events of the previous night unravel, with unexpected revelations.

A teenage boy and girl discover a renewed sense of possibility as they go on a road trip to photograph lighthouses along the California coast.

Hvis en savnet person ikke lokaliseres inden for de første 48 timer, er chancen for at finde ofret i live forsvindende lille. For efterforsker Mike Fletcher og hans makker Kelsey Walker bliver den statistik pludselig personlig, da en sag om en række forsvundne prostituerede viser sig at involvere Fletchers egen datter.

A humble young man with uncommon skills from a small southern town gets caught up in high stakes golf matches between big-time gamblers until the game becomes life and death.

Longtime couple Henry and Dianne are afraid that if they finally tie the knot it would mean the end of their days as free-spirited urbanites. But a whirlwind night apart involving temptations from a duo of strangers will either make them realize why they are together in the first place or finally drive them apart forever.

A mono virus outbreak at Highland Park High takes out the most popular kids for two months, allowing the outcasts to rule the school.

En videnskabsmand opsporer nogle russiske supersoldater, der har været begravet under den arktiske is siden starten af 60'erne. Soldaterne bliver naturligvis genoplivet og fortsætter ufortrødent deres gamle mission. Nu er der kun én mand, der kan stoppe deres altødelæggende fremdrift, før hele Vesten ligger i ruiner. Dominic Purcell (Prison Break) og Adam Beach (Windtalkers) og Michael Ironside (Total Recall) spiller hovedrollerne i denne film, der er fuld af sne-action sekvenser!

A series of erotic vignettes and sexual imagery (mostly of the gay variety) are presented courtesy of The Cockettes (a gay/drag performance art ensemble of late 60s/early 70s San Francisco).